How to list all the leap year from 1800 in LISP? - lisp

I have this code below which takes one parameter and prints all the list of leap year in reverse order. how can I make it take 1800 as default input and just run command (leap) to list all the leap years from 1800-2018?
(defun leap (q)
(if (< q 1800)
(RETURN-FROM leap nil)
(leap (- q 1))
(if (leapyear q)
(push q mylist)
(reverse(leap 2018))

I can't completely understand what you are trying to do, but:
(defun leapyearp (y)
;; is Y a leap year, as best we can tell?
(= (nth-value 3 (decode-universal-time
(+ (encode-universal-time 0 0 0 28 2 y)
(* 60 60 24))))
(defun leapyears (&key (start 1800) (end (nth-value 5 (get-decoded-time))))
;; all the leap years in a range
(loop for y from start to end
if (leapyearp y) collect y))


Application not a procedure error in Racket

I'm trying to write a function called dates_in_month that takes a list of dates and a month and returns a list holding the dates from the argument list of dates that are in the month. The returned list should contain dates in the order they were originally given. However I'm new to Racket and I'm getting the error "application: not a procedure;
expected a procedure that can be applied to arguments
given: 5"
Does anyone know what this means or how to fix it? If anyone can point out my error that'd be much appreciated.
This is the code i am working on with my test case at the bottom.
#lang racket
(define (append lst1 lst2)
(if (null? lst1)
(cons (car lst1) (append (cdr lst1) lst2))))
(define (dates_in_month dates month)
(if (null? dates)
(let ((date (car dates)))
(if (= (month date) month)
(cons date (dates_in_month (cdr dates) month))
(dates_in_month (cdr dates) month)))))
(define test-dates '(#(1 1 2000) #(2 2 2000) #(3 3 2000) #(4 4
2000) #(5 5 2000) #(6 6 2000)))
(dates_in_month test-dates 5)
Your error is caused by calling (month date)- month should be some procedure, which you want to call with the argument date (date will be some vector), but month has value 5, that isn't a procedure.
That is the meaning of the error message:
"application: not a procedure; expected a procedure that can be applied to arguments given: 5"
I guess you need to get somehow the second element of the vector date and then compare it with the value of month. You should use the function vector-ref- example:
> (vector-ref #(5 5 2000) 1)
See also DrRacket docs for Vectors for other functions for working with vectors.
And if you can, you could also use filter instead of recursion. Here are both variants:
(define (dates-in-month dates month)
(if (null? dates)
(let ((date (car dates)))
(if (= (vector-ref date 1) month)
(cons date (dates-in-month (cdr dates) month))
(dates-in-month (cdr dates) month)))))
(define (dates-in-month2 dates month)
(filter (lambda (date) (= (vector-ref date 1) month))
(define test-dates '(#(1 1 2000) #(2 2 2000) #(3 3 2000) #(4 4 2000) #(5 5 2000) #(6 6 2000)))
(dates-in-month test-dates 5)
(dates-in-month2 test-dates 5)
And append is already part of the DrRacket language, so you don't have to reimplement it.

How to compute number of days between the entered years

How can I get the number of days between the given years, should I use loops?
Here's what I have now
(princ "Enter starting year: ")
(defparameter w (read))
(princ "Enter ending year: ")
(defparameter x (read))
(defun print-list (w x)
(format t "Starting year: ~a ~%" (list w))
(format t "Ending year: ~a ~%" (list x)))
(if(> x w)
(format t "Number of year/s: ~a ~%"(- x w))
(format t "Number of year/s: ~a ~%"(- w x)))
I'm trying to compute the days between years but the output was always failed.
A simple set of functions to perform the calculation is the following:
(defun leap-year-p (year)
"return t if year is a leap-year, nil otherwise"
(or (and (zerop (mod year 4))
(not (zerop (mod year 100))))
(zerop (mod year 400))))
(defun days-of (year)
"return the number of days of a certain year"
(if (leap-year-p year) 365 366))
(defun days-between (start-year end-year)
"return the number of days between start-year (included)
and end-year (excluded)"
(when (<= start-year end-year)
(loop for year from start-year below end-year sum (days-of year)))
A few examples of call:
CL-USER> (days-between 2020 2022)
CL-USER> (days-between 1820 1999)
CL-USER> (days-between 2020 2020)
CL-USER> (days-between 1980 1890)
You can use these function to solve your problem.

Learning LISP - Defining a stdev function

I am very new to LISP (so forgive me for any dumb mistakes) and the first lab of the year states:
Define a function, STDEV that will compute the standard deviation of a list of numbers (look up formula)
I wrote this code but I don't know why it refuses to work:
(defun stdev (x)
(sqrt (/ (apply '+ (expt (- x (/ (apply '+ x)
(length x)))
(length x))))
(setq a '(1 2 3 4 5))
But on runtime it produces the error:
(1 2 3 4 5) is not a number
I believe that I have correctly emulated the standard deviation formula (though I wouldn't put it past myself to make a dumb mistake), but why does my program not like the list of numbers that I give it to evaluate? It is most likely a simple mistake with inputs from this new style of coding but any and all help is greatly appreciated!
Use indentation. I've edited your question:
(defun stdev (x)
(sqrt (/ (apply '+ (expt (- x (/ (apply '+ x)
(length x)))
(length x))))
expt returns a number. You call (apply '+ some-number)?
Also you subtract a number from a list.
Generally I would recommend to use a Lisp listener (aka REPL) to get to working code:
Compute the mean value:
CL-USER 21 > (let ((l (list 1 2 3 4 5)))
(/ (reduce #'+ l)
(length l)))
Subtract the mean value and square using mapcar:
CL-USER 22 > (mapcar (lambda (item)
(expt (- item 3) 2))
(list 1 2 3 4 5))
(4 1 0 1 4)
Compute the variance as the mean value of above:
CL-USER 23 > (let ((l (list 4 1 0 1 4)))
(/ (reduce #'+ l)
(length l)))
Take the square root to get the standard deviation:
CL-USER 24 > (sqrt 2)
Then you only need to assemble it into a few functions: average, variance and standard-deviation.
You’re taking - a ..., when a is your list.
Not a complete answer, because this is homework, but: you want to calculate the mean first, you can implement a sum function, which you will need twice, with a fold, and you can apply a helper function or lambda expression to every element of a list using a map.

How to count days excluding weekends and holidays in Emacs calendar

In Emacs calendar, one can count days between two dates (including both the start and the end date) using the M-= which runs the command calendar-count-days-region. How can I count days excluding the weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and if defined holidays coming from the variables: holiday-general-holidays and holiday-local-holidays?
I think this essentially breaks down into three parts:
Count the days in a region
subtract the weekend days
subtract the holidays
Emacs already has the first part covered with M-= (calendar-count-days-region), so let's take a look at that function.
Helpful, but unfortunately it reads the buffer and sends the output directly. Let's make a generalized version which takes start and end date parameters and returns the number of days instead of printing them:
(defun my-calendar-count-days(d1 d2)
(let* ((days (- (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian d1)
(calendar-absolute-from-gregorian d2)))
(days (1+ (if (> days 0) days (- days)))))
This is pretty much just a copy of the calendar-count-days-region function, but without the buffer reading & writing stuff. Some tests:
(ert-deftest test-count-days ()
"Test my-calendar-count-days function"
(should (equal (my-calendar-count-days '(5 1 2014) '(5 31 2014)) 31))
(should (equal (my-calendar-count-days '(12 29 2013) '(1 4 2014)) 7))
(should (equal (my-calendar-count-days '(2 28 2012) '(3 1 2012)) 3))
(should (equal (my-calendar-count-days '(2 28 2014) '(3 1 2014)) 2)))
Now, for step 2, I can't find any built-in function to calculate weekend days for a date range (surprisingly!). Luckily, this /might/ be pretty simple when working with absolute dates. Here's a very naive attempt which simply loops through all absolute dates in the range and looks for Saturdays & Sundays:
(defun my-calendar-count-weekend-days(date1 date2)
(let* ((tmp-date (if (< date1 date2) date1 date2))
(end-date (if (> date1 date2) date1 date2))
(weekend-days 0))
(while (<= tmp-date end-date)
(let ((day-of-week (calendar-day-of-week
(calendar-gregorian-from-absolute tmp-date))))
(if (or (= day-of-week 0)
(= day-of-week 6))
(incf weekend-days ))
(incf tmp-date)))
That function should be optimized since it does a bunch of unnecessary looping (e.g. we know that the 5 days after Sunday won't be weekend days, so there is no need to convert & test them), but for the purpose of this example I think it's pretty clear and simple. Good Enough for now, indeed. Some tests:
(ert-deftest test-count-weekend-days ()
"Test my-calendar-count-weekend-days function"
(should (equal (my-calendar-count-weekend-days
(calendar-absolute-from-gregorian '(5 1 2014))
(calendar-absolute-from-gregorian '(5 31 2014))) 9))
(should (equal (my-calendar-count-weekend-days
(calendar-absolute-from-gregorian '(4 28 2014))
(calendar-absolute-from-gregorian '(5 2 2014))) 0))
(should (equal (my-calendar-count-weekend-days
(calendar-absolute-from-gregorian '(2 27 2004))
(calendar-absolute-from-gregorian '(2 29 2004))) 2)))
Lastly, we need to know the holidays in the range, and emacs provides this in the holiday-in-range function! Note that this function calls calendar-holiday-list to determine which holidays to include, so if you really want to search only holiday-general-holidays and holiday-local-holidays you would need to set your calendar-holidays variable appropriately. See C-h v calendar-holidays for the details.
Now we can wrap all this up in a new interactive function which does the three steps above. This is essentially another modified version of calendar-count-days-region that subtracts weekends and holidays before printing the results (see edit below before running):
(defun calendar-count-days-region2 ()
"Count the number of days (inclusive) between point and the mark
excluding weekends and holidays."
(let* ((d1 (calendar-cursor-to-date t))
(d2 (car calendar-mark-ring))
(date1 (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian d1))
(date2 (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian d2))
(start-date (if (< date1 date2) date1 date2))
(end-date (if (> date1 date2) date1 date2))
(days (- (my-calendar-count-days d1 d2)
(+ (my-calendar-count-weekend-days start-date end-date)
start-date end-date)))))
(message "Region has %d workday%s (inclusive)"
days (if (> days 1) "s" ""))))
I'm sure someone more knowledgeable about lisp/elisp could simplify/improve these examples considerably, but I hope it at least serves as a starting point.
Actually, now that I've gone through it, I expect somebody to come along any minute and point out that there is an emacs package that already does this...
Edit: DOH!, Bug #001: If a holiday falls on a weekend, that day is removed twice...
Once solution would be to simply wrap holiday-in-range so we can eliminate holidays which were already removed for being on a weekend:
(defun my-calendar-count-holidays-on-weekdays-in-range (start end)
(let ((holidays (holiday-in-range start end))
(counter 0))
(dolist (element holidays)
(let ((day (calendar-day-of-week (car element))))
(if (and (> day 0)
(< day 6))
(incf counter))))
I've updated the calendar-count-days-region2 above to use this new function.

Common Lisp: "no non-white-space characters in string"

For Project Euler Problem 8, I am told to parse through a 1000 digit number.
This is a brute-force Lisp solution, which basically goes through every 5 consecutive digits and multiplies them from start to finish, and returns the largest one at the end of the loop.
The code:
(defun pep8 ()
(labels ((product-of-5n (n)
(eval (append '(*)
(loop for x from n to (+ n 5)
collect (parse-integer
1000digits-str :start x :end (+ x 1)))))))
(let ((largestproduct 0))
(do ((currentdigit 0 (1+ currentdigit)))
((> currentdigit (- (length 1000digits-str) 6)) (return largestproduct))
(when (> (product-of-5n currentdigit) largestproduct)
(setf largestproduct (product-of-5n currentdigit)))))))
It compiles without any warnings, but upon running it I get:
no non-whitespace characters in string "73167176531330624919225119674426574742355349194934...".
[Condition of type SB-INT:SIMPLE-PARSE-ERROR]
I checked to see if the local function product-of-5n was working by writing it again as a global function:
(defun product-of-5n (n)
(eval (append '(*)
(loop for x from n to (+ n 5)
collect (parse-integer
1000digits-str :start x :end (+ x 1))))))
This compiled without warnings and upon running it, appears to operate perfectly. For example,
CL_USER> (product-of-5n 1) => 882
Which appears to be correct since the first five digits are 7, 3, 1, 6 and 7.
As for 1000digits-str, it was simply compiled with defvar, and with Emacs' longlines-show-hard-newlines, I don't think there are any white-space characters in the string, because that's what SBCL is complaining about, right?
I don't think there are any white-space characters in the string, because that's what SBCL is complaining about, right?
The error-message isn't complaining about the presence of white-space, but about the absence of non-white-space. But it's actually a bit misleading: what the message should say is that there's no non-white-space in the specific substring to be parsed. This is because you ran off the end of the string, so were parsing a zero-length substring.
Also, product-of-5n is not defined quite right. It's just happenstance that (product-of-5n 1) returns the product of the first five digits. Strings are indexed from 0, so (product-of-5n 1) starts with the second character; and the function iterates from n + 0 to n + 5, which is a total of six characters; so (product-of-5n 1) returns 3 × 1 × 6 × 7 × 1 × 7, which happens to be the same as 7 × 3 × 1 × 6 × 7 × 1.
EVAL is not a good idea.
Your loop upper bound is wrong.
Otherwise I tried it with the number string and it works.
It's also Euler 8, not 9.
This is my version:
(defun euler8 (string)
(loop for (a b c d e) on (map 'list #'digit-char-p string)
while e maximize (* a b c d e)))
since I don't know common lisp, I slightly modified your code to fit with elisp. As far as finding bugs go and besides what have been said ((product-of-5n 1) should return 126), the only comment I have is that in (pep8), do length-4 instead of -6 (otherwise you loose last 2 characters). Sorry that I don't know how to fix your parse-error (I used string-to-number instead), but here is the code in case you find it useful:
(defun product-of-5n (n) ;take 5 characters from a string "1000digits-str" starting with nth one and output their product
(let (ox) ;define ox as a local variable
(eval ;evaluate
(append '(*) ;concatenate the multiplication sign to the list of 5 numbers (that are added next)
(dotimes (x 5 ox) ;x goes from 0 to 4 (n is added later to make it go n to n+4), the output is stored in ox
(setq ox (cons ;create a list of 5 numbers and store it in ox
(substring 1000digits-str (+ x n) (+ (+ x n) 1) ) ;get the (n+x)th character
) ;end convert char to number
ox ) ;end cons
) ;end setq
) ;end dotimes, returns ox outside of do, ox has the list of 5 numbers in it
) ;end append
) ;end eval
) ;end let
(defun pep8 () ;print the highest
(let ((currentdigit 0) (largestproduct 0)) ;initialize local variables
(while (< currentdigit (- (length 1000digits-str) 4) ) ;while currentdigit (cd from now on) is less than l(str)-4
;(print (cons "current digit" currentdigit)) ;uncomment to print cd
(when (> (product-of-5n currentdigit) largestproduct) ;when current product is greater than previous largestproduct (lp)
(setq largestproduct (product-of-5n currentdigit)) ;save lp
(print (cons "next good cd" currentdigit)) ;print cd
(print (cons "with corresponding lp" largestproduct)) ;print lp
) ;end when
(setq currentdigit (1+ currentdigit)) ;increment cd
) ;end while
(print (cons "best ever lp" largestproduct) ) ;print best ever lp
) ;end let
(setq 1000digits-str "73167176531330624919")
(product-of-5n 1)
which returns (when ran on the first 20 characters)
("next good cd" . 0)
("with corresponding lp" . 882)
("next good cd" . 3)
("with corresponding lp" . 1764)
("best ever lp" . 1764)
I've done this problem some time ago, and there's one thing you are missing in the description of the problem. You need to read consequent as starting at any offset into a sting, not only the offsets divisible by 5. Therefore the solution to the problem will be more like the following:
(defun pe-8 ()
(do ((input (remove #\Newline
(tries 0 (1+ tries))
(result 0))
((= tries 5) result)
(setq result
(max result
(do ((max 0)
(i 0 (+ 5 i)))
((= i (length input)) max)
(setq max
(do ((j i (1+ j))
(current 1)
((= j (+ 5 i)) (max current max))
(setq int-char (- (char-code (aref input j)) 48))
(case int-char
(0 (return max))
(t (setq current (* current int-char))))))))
input (concatenate 'string (subseq input 1) (subseq input 0 1)))))
It's a tad ugly, but it illustrates the idea.
EDIT sorry, I've confused two of your functions. So that like was incorrect.