Day counter program (racket) - racket

I need to do a program which can count all days that have been passed since 2000's until the date that the user enter in the input.
Current code.
#lang racket
(define (bisiesto year)
(cond (= (remainder year 4) 0) (void))
(define day 0)
(define month 0)
(define cyear 0)
(define (count)
(display "Enter day: ")
(set! day(read))
(display "Enter month: ")
(set! month(read))
(display "Enter year: ")
(set! cyear(read))
((and(> day 0)(>= 31))
I have no idea how to continue this program, I don't know very well racket language.
PD: Sorry if my English it's not good enough, thanks for your help.

You will need function find-seconds from racket/date library:
#lang racket
(require racket/date)
(define (day-count day month year)
(let ((diff (- (find-seconds 0 0 0 day month year)
(find-seconds 0 0 0 1 1 2000))))
(if (> 0 diff)
"Inserted date is before 1. 1. 2000."
(/ diff (* 60 60 24)))))
(define (read-with-prompt text)
(display text)
(define (run-program)
(read-with-prompt "Enter day (1-31): ")
(read-with-prompt "Enter month (1-12): ")
(read-with-prompt "Enter year: ")))
Start with (run-program) and enter some numbers.


How to compute number of days between the entered years

How can I get the number of days between the given years, should I use loops?
Here's what I have now
(princ "Enter starting year: ")
(defparameter w (read))
(princ "Enter ending year: ")
(defparameter x (read))
(defun print-list (w x)
(format t "Starting year: ~a ~%" (list w))
(format t "Ending year: ~a ~%" (list x)))
(if(> x w)
(format t "Number of year/s: ~a ~%"(- x w))
(format t "Number of year/s: ~a ~%"(- w x)))
I'm trying to compute the days between years but the output was always failed.
A simple set of functions to perform the calculation is the following:
(defun leap-year-p (year)
"return t if year is a leap-year, nil otherwise"
(or (and (zerop (mod year 4))
(not (zerop (mod year 100))))
(zerop (mod year 400))))
(defun days-of (year)
"return the number of days of a certain year"
(if (leap-year-p year) 365 366))
(defun days-between (start-year end-year)
"return the number of days between start-year (included)
and end-year (excluded)"
(when (<= start-year end-year)
(loop for year from start-year below end-year sum (days-of year)))
A few examples of call:
CL-USER> (days-between 2020 2022)
CL-USER> (days-between 1820 1999)
CL-USER> (days-between 2020 2020)
CL-USER> (days-between 1980 1890)
You can use these function to solve your problem.

How to list all the leap year from 1800 in LISP?

I have this code below which takes one parameter and prints all the list of leap year in reverse order. how can I make it take 1800 as default input and just run command (leap) to list all the leap years from 1800-2018?
(defun leap (q)
(if (< q 1800)
(RETURN-FROM leap nil)
(leap (- q 1))
(if (leapyear q)
(push q mylist)
(reverse(leap 2018))
I can't completely understand what you are trying to do, but:
(defun leapyearp (y)
;; is Y a leap year, as best we can tell?
(= (nth-value 3 (decode-universal-time
(+ (encode-universal-time 0 0 0 28 2 y)
(* 60 60 24))))
(defun leapyears (&key (start 1800) (end (nth-value 5 (get-decoded-time))))
;; all the leap years in a range
(loop for y from start to end
if (leapyearp y) collect y))

Function to determine holiday in elisp

It's there any function to determine current system date is holiday or not in elisp.
function like this.
(is-holiday (current-time))
The answer requires that the user set up a calendar of predefined holidays, like this example. I have included a test holiday for May 9 -- if the user wishes to test out this function on any day other than May 9, the user may wish to change the Arbitrary Test Holiday to whatever day the test is being performed -- after the function has been tested, the test entry can be removed.
For examples of how to format the holidays, please refer to the doc-string for the variable calendar-holidays within the library holidays.el -- e.g., holiday-fixed; holiday-float; holiday-sexp; (lunar-phases); (solar-equinoxes-solstices); holiday-hebrew; holiday-islamic; holiday-bahai; holiday-julian; holiday-chinese; etc.
How can you try out this example?: Block/copy/paste the code into your *scratch* buffer; and type M-x eval-buffer RET; and then type M-x is-holiday RET. It is a fully functional working draft. If you decide that you don't like it after you try it, just restart Emacs and you'll be back to where you were before you tried it.
The testing that was performed was done with the most recent public release of Emacs: GNU Emacs 24.4.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin10.8.0, NS apple-appkit-1038.36) of 2014-10-20 on
(require 'holidays)
(defcustom my-custom-holiday-list (mapcar 'purecopy '(
(holiday-fixed 1 1 "New Year's Day")
(holiday-float 1 1 3 "Martin Luther King Day")
(holiday-float 2 1 3 "President's Day")
(holiday-float 5 1 -1 "Memorial Day")
(holiday-fixed 5 9 "Arbitrary Test Holiday -- May 9")
(holiday-fixed 7 4 "Independence Day")
(holiday-float 9 1 1 "Labor Day")
(holiday-float 10 1 2 "Columbus Day")
(holiday-fixed 11 11 "Veteran's Day")
(holiday-float 11 4 4 "Thanksgiving")
(holiday-fixed 12 25 "Christmas")
(holiday-sexp calendar-daylight-savings-starts
(format "Daylight Saving Time Begins %s"
(/ calendar-daylight-savings-starts-time (float 60))
(holiday-sexp calendar-daylight-savings-ends
(format "Daylight Saving Time Ends %s"
(/ calendar-daylight-savings-ends-time (float 60))
calendar-daylight-time-zone-name))) ))
"Custom holidays defined by the user."
:type 'sexp
:group 'holidays)
(defun is-holiday ()
"Is today a holiday?"
(let* (
(d1 (time-to-days (current-time)))
(date (calendar-gregorian-from-absolute d1))
(displayed-month (nth 0 date))
(displayed-year (nth 2 date))
(dolist (p my-custom-holiday-list res-holidays)
(let* (h)
(when (setq h (eval p))
(setq res-holidays (append h res-holidays)))))) )
(lambda (x)
(let ((txt (format "%s -- %s" (car x) (car (cdr x)))))
(when (eq d1 (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian (car x)))
(push txt ee))))
(if ee
(message "The following holiday(s) is/are today: %s" (nreverse ee))
(message "Today is not a holiday."))))

Programming a lotto in Lisp

How would I go about coding a lotto in Lisp where the user randomly generates 6 numbers (non repetitive) between 1- 45, then input their own selection of lotto numbers to see if they match, and then tell them if they've won or not ?
(defun shuffle (list)
(let ((len (length list)))
(loop repeat len
do (rotatef (nth (random len) list)
(nth (random len) list))
finally (return list))))
(defun lottery ()
(sort (subseq (shuffle (loop for i from 1 to 49 collect i))
0 6)
(The code was actually taken from other authors from this question: Get numbers for the lottery)
This outputs the random numbers I need but I'm having a lot of trouble getting the user input of 6 numbers and comparing them to these numbers to see if they have 'won'.
Let's start with getting n non repeating random numbers.
(defun get-n-rand (n)
(loop :for i = (adjoin (1+ (random 44)) i)
:when (= (length i) n) :return i))
Now if we want 6 of them is simple enough to write (get-n-rand 6)
Next we want to check if every member of one list can be found in another.
(defun check-user-guess (guess-list actual-list)
(equal (sort guess-list #'<) (sort actual-list #'<)))
Hopefully this covers the core logic. Input I will leave for now as it was covered in the other answer.
If your problem is the input this should be a (unsafe) solution:
(defun play-lotto (&aux list)
(dotimes (i 6)
(princ "Write a Integer between 0 and 50: ")
(let ((number (read)))
(if (and (integerp number) (< 0 number 50))
(if (member number list)
(princ "You can only choose a number once")
(push number list)
(princ "Not a Integer between 0 and 50")
(if (equal (sort list #'<) (lottery))
(princ "You won!")
(princ "You lost...")))

How to implement the 24 solar terms in Lisp with Emacs Calendar

I tried to learn the code in cal-china.el in Emacs source code and found the following code:
(defun holiday-chinese-winter-solstice ()
"Date of Chinese winter solstice, if visible in calendar.
Returns (((MONTH DAY YEAR) TEXT)), where the date is Gregorian."
(when (memq displayed-month '(11 12 1)) ; is December visible?
(list (list (calendar-gregorian-from-absolute
(list 12 15 (if (eq displayed-month 1)
(1- displayed-year)
"Winter Solstice Festival"))))
This code is used to calculate the winter solstice. I also knew that these 24 solar terms are needed for calculating Chinese calendar. So I wonder how to calculate all the 24 solar terms in Lisp.
Thank you.
For anyone interested in Chinese calendar, please refer to this repo for details.
The solar terms can be calculated with the following code after you install cal-china-x
(defun holiday-solar-term (solar-term str)
"A holiday(STR) on SOLAR-TERM day.
See `cal-china-x-solar-term-name' for a list of solar term names ."
(cal-china-x-sync-solar-term displayed-year)
(let ((terms cal-china-x-solar-term-alist)
i date)
(while terms
(setq i (car terms)
terms (cdr terms))
(when (string= (cdr i) solar-term)
(let ((m (caar i))
(y (cl-caddar i)))
;; displayed-year, displayed-month is accurate for the centered month
;; only. Cross year view: '(11 12 1), '(12 1 2)
(when (or (and (cal-china-x-cross-year-view-p)
(or (and (= displayed-month 12)
(= m 1)
(= y (1+ displayed-year)))
(and (= displayed-month 1)
(= m 12)
(= y (1- displayed-year)))))
(= y displayed-year))
(setq terms '()
date (car i))))))
(holiday-fixed (car date) (cadr date) str)))