IPhone creating a chat application [closed] - iphone

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Closed 9 years ago.
I want to create a chat sort of application on the iphone. I know how I would go about implementing a poll model, where the iphone would poll the server to see if any messages have arrived and if they have it can retrieve them and show them to the user. However im more intersted in a push model, where the server pushes new messages to the iphone and it displays it to the user. The part im having a hard time figuring out is how to go about opening some permanent connection on the phone that will listen for incoming messages...Any suggestions or comments would be appriciated..

The iPhone 3 SDK has push support built in. Basically, all messages that need to be pushed (from all apps) go to Apple's server, which maintains a persistent connection to the user's iphone. The upside is that you dont have to worry about it and your app can get updates even when its not running (so like, from the home screen). The downside is that your data has to go through Apple's server.


Screen Sharing between iPhones [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I want to share the screen between two iPhone using local network but unfortunately i have not seen any tutorial or help from any where can anyone guide how can I implement this?
The scenario is as follows:
I have installed my Application on two iPhones: iPhoneA and iPhoneB. iPhoneA is act like Server and send the request to iPhoneB to share it's screen as iPhoneB accept the request the screen of iPhoneB will start monitoring on iPhoneA. iPhoneA can only view the screen, and cannot do anything else.
Few ideas as starting point,
You could look into AirPlay ability. You can easily share your iPhone screen with a Mac connected screen using AirPlay, maybe that could be used to do it between two iPhones?
There was an app for streaming music similar to AirPlay (whose name I can't remember) Maybe that could help
ZeroC Ice framework can be used for streaming. I've managed to get it to work for Android but have no experience with their iOS product Ice Touch

Can you add a function to your iphone messages app? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Ok so I am curious if you can add a function to you iphones messages app? If you open the messages app in the top right corner you can hit edit, which then allows you to delete and forward the selected messages. Is there a way to add another function to that? Or even a way you can access these messages through another app (like a program that then has messages running through it).
I am basically trying to have an app where a user can sent someone else messages by selecting which ones they want the other user to see. It would basically be like taking a screen shot of the phone but taking a screen shot then sending it is too complicated and can include a message you don't want the other user to see.
I am 100% sure there is no way to change the behavior of the built-in Messages app on an iOS devices without jailbreaking.
I am 99% sure that Apple does not provide any hooks for getting information from a users Messages app.

Send messages from server to iOS app [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 10 years ago.
I am very new to web technologies, but have been developing for iphone for 3 years. I need to send a message from a server I rent to my app. Not a "push notification" for the user, but for the app itself. How should I do this?
In general, it's not possible for a server to directly contact an app running on a mobile device (since the device might be behind firewalls or NAT). Instead, the mobile device usually makes a connection to the server, and the server responds with any information available for the device.
This is basically how APNS notifications work, except that Apple has already done most of the infrastructure work for you. Push notifications take very little battery power, and since iOS can batch requests for all apps at once, each app does not need to make its own connection to a server somewhere.
If you implement this yourself, you will need to learn about a technology such as long polling. If you're very new to web technologies, you might consider getting some help making the web server side work.

Realtime Notification System [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I want to implement my own realtime notification system (like facebook - when someone in my friends list comments on/likes my status, I'm notified about that)
I just want to know which technologies are best suited for such problem domain.
It used to be AJAX, then there is now Comet. Just then, there is also HTML5 Web Sockets.
But i guess what is prevalent to your situation at present may be solved by Comet.
Its called pushed notification.
AJAX can be used in a pull notification manner, i.e. browser periodically checks the server for updates. Comet is for push notification, i.e. server sends updates to the browser.
Web Sockets is only relevant in HTML 5 enabled browsers.

IPhone SDK 4 background process for incoming call [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 11 years ago.
I would like to track (run some code - or invoke function) when the user get an incoming call.
for example: for every call the user receive I want to save the number, and check something during or before the call is answered (with a background process..)
Until now without the background processing I couldn't find a way to do this. But I'm still not sure it is possible.
Anyone with information about the new sdk 4 can help me?
You can register for notifications using CTTelephony and your app will NOT terminate while the call is in progress. Control is returned to the app at the conclusion of the call and then you can get the phone number.
All of this is useless for apps to be published in the App Store until Apple approves use of the CTTelephony API.
There is nothing in the published material that would suggest that there's any change. The seven types of multitasking listed were:
Background Audio
Voice Over IP
Location Services
Push Notifications
Local Notifications
Task Completion
Fast App Switching
Intercepting normal cell calls doesn't really fit into any of those categories.