How to install an application to iPhone without iTunes? - iphone

We want to move an application to iPhone, without iTunes. There are two questions: 1) how does the application which moves other applications to iPhone connect to iPhone? 2) if we use iTunes to do that, which method implement connecting to iPhone in iTunes's API.

I don't think there is a public API for communicating with the iPhone. To install an app you will have to use an Apple tool, either iTunes, Xcode, or the iPhone Configuration Utility.
If it is acceptable to use iTunes, you can make an ad hoc build and package it as an IPA file, to allow people to easily install it through iTunes without going through the App Store.

2 ways come to mind:
1) You can do this with TestFlight
It allows you to upload your app to a website, and manage the process of delivering builds to developers/testers using a web based interface. Note that it uses a feature detailed here in the Apple docs. Try it.... You won't be disappointed!
Note that you can have 2 types of licenses with Apple for development:
"Developer" license - costs ~ $100/year. Requires you register each device you want to develop and deploy your application with.
"Enterprise" license - costs ~ $300/year, and doesn't require that you register each device. But you have to be a registered business of some sort for this.
So if you have an Enterprise license with Apple, you can deploy to any device with TestFlight, without needing it to be registered with Apple's dev center (or using iTunes or the following tool as well!)
2) Use the iPhone Configuration Utility from Apple:
This is a tool intended for Enterprise use, but it can be used by anyone. It provides a way to install lots of applications on a device very simply, by pretty much clicking a checkbox. It's available for Mac and Windows. You can get to more info about it on this page, by searching for "iPhone Configuration Utility"


Auto-updated iOS application for enterprise distribution

Is it possible to make an iOS application for enterprise distribution that updates itself transparently? Saying 'updates' I mean completely updating its logic.
A possible usage of this approach is a self-service kiosk (iPad) that is maintained remotelly.
It's not possible to update application binaries directly, but I see some possibilities:
Application that have a single UIWebView and the logic is implemented in HTML5. But we can't use most of hardware specific features that can be used in native applications.
Some multi-platform framework (possibly HTML5-based) that allows to use native application features and that is compiled or interpreted dynamically.
What are really working approaches of these?
Consider getting a mobile device management service. Those are pricey.
First, enable over-the-air distribution. It will take $300/year enterprise agreement with Apple. Set up a website with the app's IPA archive and descriptive PLIST.
Then code a call-home HTTP request on app startup. You may pull/parse the same PLIST that describes the latest version; it has a bundle version in it. Compare that to the version of the currently running bundle.
When a new version is detected, the app shuts down, opens the browser on the download page. In a softer manner, just notifies the user that an upgrade is available.
I've never tried linking directly to the app's download package, but give it a try. In a perfect world, Safari would open up and ask "Do you want do download MyApp?" right away. In a not so perfect world, the user would have to click a link and then agree to download.
I think what you are looking for these days is the "Apple Deployment Program".
You volume purchase iPads which get sent to people, but that you can manage remotely - which also means management including remote updates of applications.
The only thing I'm not sure of is if you can launch an app remotely, so that you could update and re-launch an application.
Here's a guide to enrolling devices for remote management:
An old but good summary of the program:
Also watch the WWDC video on Managing Apple Devices for the Enterprise:

How can we distribute iOS build using Enterprise Account?

How can we distribute iOS build, which is built by using Enterprise Account? Is there any possible to distribute via testflight account? Any help much appreciate.
There's a couple of different ways to do this. Once you've got a .ipa file for the app, you can:
Distribute via iTunes, if your employees can sync their iOS devices with their laptops (Apple Docs)
By using the iOS Configuration utility, though this means you have to physically have the device (Apple docs)
Over-the-air (iOS 4+), using an app store. You can do this through TestFlight, but the license restrictions on the Enterprise agreement don't go well with this kind of deployment. You'll need to either create and secure your own app store (like I've done for my employer) or use a third party service. Have a Google around for some good ones. There's plenty of documentation on how to do the deployment here
Some MDM suppliers like MobileIron have app stores available. Some will even allow you to push apps onto enterprise devices (iOS 5+) without any need for human intervention.
Other options are via email or putting it on the web for download (suggest you would want a website with a login to access it).

Side loading iPhone apps to device without certificate

Is there any way to push apps to an iphone through an iPhone explorer or something else, where you can bundle up the ipa and copy it onto an unlocked device (or non unlocked even)?
How can I push an app to my device without putting it on a cydia repo? Are there instructions on how cydia does this, or would this be out of my depth (considering I dont know the intricacies of the iphone).
This is a customized app I have developed, I just need a way to push it to the device without worrying about the approval process, and I want to keep it on the device past the 3 month provisioning profile period.
After spending much time on internet for this question I present the following.
iOs doesn't allow sideloading of unsigned apps. The only way to
currently do that is jailbreak.
But there is a work around.. You could beat that using
The signing process MacBuildServer uses to cleverly skirt this
limitation is to have you use your own certificate, or to simply use
their certificate from the iOS developer enterprise program to sign
the compiled app (again, for testing purposes).
The iOS Developer Enterprise Program was designed to allow companies
to develop in-house apps for use within their organization, without
publishing them on the App Store.
An example of a business that would be part of this program would be
an event coordinating business that uses these in-house iOS apps to
check people in and perform other tasks.
MacBuildServer's demo gives you a three-click process to build any open-source iOS app you can find on GitHub, and sign it with an
enterprise certificate that allows jailbreak-free sideloading
for your own testing purposes.
The ideas that are presented here are not my own i found this on internet.visit the reference for more details.
No. If you're working under the iOS Developer Program the only real way to distribute your app is via the app store. Other than that, you're stuck with ad hoc distribution and the time limit that comes with that. However, if you qualify for the iOS Enterprise Program (i.e. you're a business), you can sign up for that program and then distribute your apps in-house without going through the app store.
Without jailbreaking, your options are: app store, ad hoc (with time
limit), and join the Enterprise program
There is one other option. It's possible to create web-app and then add it as a bookmark.
But the obvious downsides are:
It's html. Even with html5 you're not going to get access to the camera etc...
2: It's open to the public (Although it's easy block access with standard security).
However question was asked long ago, but I think now it is possible with XCode 7.

How do I distribute an iPhone App for inhouse use

I have to write an application for a friend to use in his business - so it won't be on the App store. How do I go about deploying it and distributing this app?
Would he require a enterprize licence? And where/how would he download it to his device for testing purposes?
I've already asked this question, some interesting answers - see here:
Alternative solutions for in-house iPhone enterprise app distribution
EDIT: I realise there is more to your question than what is answered in mine.
Yes, the client will need to get an enterprise license (Apple recently removed the 500 employee limit). Once he has the license, he will need to add you as a developer under his license. This will allow you to develop and digitially sign the app on your machine.
As for testing, when you enroll in an iOS development program, you can then generate + download the appropriate certificiates to sign an app for hardware testing. You'll need to install what's called a "Provising Profile" onto the testing device, then when you're in xcode, change the deployment type from "iPhoneSimulator" to "Device" - this will then compile + deploy the app in it's current state to the device. You can also install this Provising Profile onto other devices then send them the compiled app (which is installed via iTunes).
There is more to be found out about this by going to the Apple Developer Portal but I thought I'd give a brief overview of what you were asking.
An enterprise license you need something like 9000 employees.
The only other way to do it would be to add all their devices to your provisioning portal and supply them with ad-hoc releases which they can drag and drop into itunes to add to their devices.
If your friend's business requires deploying to less than 50 to 100 total devices (the 50 includes 100% replacements/upgrades, the 100 includes zero), then they can apply for a regular iOS Developer Company enrollment (not Enterprise), and use Ad Hoc deployment, which does not require an store (just email/website plus iTunes).
Enterprise requires a D&B rating, usually something that only larger companies have.
There is another solution: an own app store:
unfortunately only in combination with RhoHub.
More info:

How do deploy IPhone app

I need to create an IPhone app as an alternative interface to our commercial application. Our application is sold to Hospitals and installed at their location. How do I distribute this IPhone app to the doctors that practice at the individual hospitals?
Apple has a separate Developer Account type for developing and distributing apps that are not distributed through the App Store. The price is steeper ($299 instead of $99).
Details are on apple's site here:
you can use adhoc type under distribution deployment reference link is:
Use AdHoc distribution to compile a copy with a special provisioning profile that allows him to install it on his device through iTunes. AdHoc distribution allow you to share your application with up to 100 other iPhone or iPod touch users, and you can share your application through email or by posting it to a web site or server.