How do I distribute an iPhone App for inhouse use - iphone

I have to write an application for a friend to use in his business - so it won't be on the App store. How do I go about deploying it and distributing this app?
Would he require a enterprize licence? And where/how would he download it to his device for testing purposes?

I've already asked this question, some interesting answers - see here:
Alternative solutions for in-house iPhone enterprise app distribution
EDIT: I realise there is more to your question than what is answered in mine.
Yes, the client will need to get an enterprise license (Apple recently removed the 500 employee limit). Once he has the license, he will need to add you as a developer under his license. This will allow you to develop and digitially sign the app on your machine.
As for testing, when you enroll in an iOS development program, you can then generate + download the appropriate certificiates to sign an app for hardware testing. You'll need to install what's called a "Provising Profile" onto the testing device, then when you're in xcode, change the deployment type from "iPhoneSimulator" to "Device" - this will then compile + deploy the app in it's current state to the device. You can also install this Provising Profile onto other devices then send them the compiled app (which is installed via iTunes).
There is more to be found out about this by going to the Apple Developer Portal but I thought I'd give a brief overview of what you were asking.

An enterprise license you need something like 9000 employees.
The only other way to do it would be to add all their devices to your provisioning portal and supply them with ad-hoc releases which they can drag and drop into itunes to add to their devices.

If your friend's business requires deploying to less than 50 to 100 total devices (the 50 includes 100% replacements/upgrades, the 100 includes zero), then they can apply for a regular iOS Developer Company enrollment (not Enterprise), and use Ad Hoc deployment, which does not require an store (just email/website plus iTunes).
Enterprise requires a D&B rating, usually something that only larger companies have.

There is another solution: an own app store:
unfortunately only in combination with RhoHub.
More info:


App distribution through website ...?

I have seen that few web sites , give an ipa and that ipa install to any iPhone device .. how it is possible Is there any way that my ipa could install to any iPhone device . without app store ?
How it is possible? Any help ?
it is distributed publicly ?
You can use over the air distribution for your app by uploading it to a website and accessing it via a specially crafted URL, similar to itms://path/to/manifest.xml. An example manifest file can be found here.
Note though, that using this method without an enterprise distribution profile, you will still need to provision the devices that you expect to run the app on. You are limited to 100 devices on a normal developer account.
You can apply for an Enterprise account, if you need to distribute to more than 100 devices and you will not need to explicitly provision those devices. However, the terms of the Enterprise agreement state that it is to be used for in-house distribution only, not to the general public. If Apple find out that you are just using the enterprise distribution to get around the App Store, they will close the account. They may not even give you one in the first place, if you cannot prove that you will only use it for in-house distribution/testing.
Yes you can upload your ipa on they will provide you the link for download
For that you need to register with apple for Enterprise account, once you register, you can distribute the application without app store, with the distribution certificate.

How do we publish our ios application for only our customers via our servers?

We have an application which will be used only by customers nationwide and for this reason we do not want to put the application on appstore. Shortly we want to publish it on one of our servers like a zip file then the customers will connect to that server and download the application. Yesterday when I called to apple support, one of the customer represantatives said to me that this is not possible even if we choose the enterprise license. But today I found a link which it says it can be possible.
Now, I want to know that is there anybody had same problem in here? What are the differences between enterprise license and company license? And the most important is that how can we do what we want to do if it is possible?
It's not officially possible.
You could try Enterprise distribution as others have mention, though it's not designed for distribution outside your company. I'm not saying it will happen, but if Apple find you're doing it they might close your developer account. I've never heard of that happening; only you can decide whether it's an acceptible risk.
Apple would say that you should put the app in the App Store. Unless Apple would reject your app I don't see why this wouldn't work. You don't have to make it easy to find and you don't have to make it cheap.
You can limit it to your customers by requiring a log in. Many, many apps do this, from Salesforce to Skype to Twitter.
Your options are:
Use solutions like TestFlight (free AFAIK) and HockeyApp (paid
service / 1 month free trial) which use UDIDs for app distribution - they
allow seamless ad-hoc distributions.
Use Apple's corporate license ($99/yr) + enterprise license
($299/yr) at the same time and use the latter to distribute your
betas/products without managing UDIDs (i.e. anyone with a link to
your server can install the app, but you can introduce serial numbers etc.).
NOTE: using enterprise license obliges user to not share the app
outside the company, but most companies breach the license agreement
(sharing the apps outside company is not traceable AFAIK).
If you plan to distribute your app outside App Store, option 2 with enterprise license is a way to go, but mind the license agreement on other hand.
The Apple representitive was wrong.
With an enterprise account you can sign an application using an enterprise distribution certificate and provisioning profile, which lets the app run on any device with no restrictions.
You can also use Over-The-Air distribution which lets people install the app through a simple http link in Safari (for example).
We use this a lot at my workplace. We have hundreds of people around the world using our (private) apps, all installed via safari.
The standard Corporate license only lets you manage a maximum of 100 devices on your developer account, but if you take this route you can still use Over-The-Air distribution with an ad-hoc distribution certificate/profile. But you have to manage each device id yourself.
If the cost of the enterprise account is not too much for you, that is definitely the route to take.
It's like Apple said, not possible.
You can add device to the ad-hoc profile, this will allow your app to run on 100 device maximum.
You can use the Enterprise license but you will still need to register the device before the app can be installed and there is still a a maximum.
See the comment of Mike Weller.
you can generate your OTA(Over-The-Air) file in which you set your appropriate profile(with client`s UDID) and send that link to your client and easily provide your update.with using little bit help of your web-developer.check here.
hope this is helpful to you mate...

IPhone Distribution - Multiple Devices - Not App Store

I am an individual developer who has written an ipad app for a company. They have bout 30 devices they want to put it on, so my current plan is to create a provisioning profile that contains all the UDIDS for all those device. So here are my questions:
I surely will miss at least one device and have to either:
a. Create a new distribution provisioning profile for that device
b. Add it to the existing provisioning profile, in that case does it void the others
Could I submit something to the appstore that is obviously for internal use and password protect it? The company probably isn't willing to do an enterprise account, and I don't want to maintain it by getting them a new provisioning profile every year when they expire. Any ideas here?
Did you consider Ad Hoc distribution? That would allow you to add the app to a new device without having to make a new provisioning profile.
I haven't done it myself, but this looks useful:
I love TestFlight for small distributions. Also, see the Apple enterprise distribution documentation. It goes over signing and wireless distribution.
Rather if this is going to be used by the company for a longer period of time then I would advice you to go for iOS Developer Enterprise Program.
The main highlighting lines about Enterprise Program is
"Gain access to resources that will help you develop proprietary, in-house iOS apps that you can distribute to employees or members of your organization."
So you can distribute the app among your company employees directly without need to submit it on app store. That would surely be a better option.
For more details on iOS Developer Enterprise Program, you can check out this link..
iOS Developer Enterprise Program

Side loading iPhone apps to device without certificate

Is there any way to push apps to an iphone through an iPhone explorer or something else, where you can bundle up the ipa and copy it onto an unlocked device (or non unlocked even)?
How can I push an app to my device without putting it on a cydia repo? Are there instructions on how cydia does this, or would this be out of my depth (considering I dont know the intricacies of the iphone).
This is a customized app I have developed, I just need a way to push it to the device without worrying about the approval process, and I want to keep it on the device past the 3 month provisioning profile period.
After spending much time on internet for this question I present the following.
iOs doesn't allow sideloading of unsigned apps. The only way to
currently do that is jailbreak.
But there is a work around.. You could beat that using
The signing process MacBuildServer uses to cleverly skirt this
limitation is to have you use your own certificate, or to simply use
their certificate from the iOS developer enterprise program to sign
the compiled app (again, for testing purposes).
The iOS Developer Enterprise Program was designed to allow companies
to develop in-house apps for use within their organization, without
publishing them on the App Store.
An example of a business that would be part of this program would be
an event coordinating business that uses these in-house iOS apps to
check people in and perform other tasks.
MacBuildServer's demo gives you a three-click process to build any open-source iOS app you can find on GitHub, and sign it with an
enterprise certificate that allows jailbreak-free sideloading
for your own testing purposes.
The ideas that are presented here are not my own i found this on internet.visit the reference for more details.
No. If you're working under the iOS Developer Program the only real way to distribute your app is via the app store. Other than that, you're stuck with ad hoc distribution and the time limit that comes with that. However, if you qualify for the iOS Enterprise Program (i.e. you're a business), you can sign up for that program and then distribute your apps in-house without going through the app store.
Without jailbreaking, your options are: app store, ad hoc (with time
limit), and join the Enterprise program
There is one other option. It's possible to create web-app and then add it as a bookmark.
But the obvious downsides are:
It's html. Even with html5 you're not going to get access to the camera etc...
2: It's open to the public (Although it's easy block access with standard security).
However question was asked long ago, but I think now it is possible with XCode 7.

Iphone dev app for companies

Lets say I have a client that wishes me to build a business app for the iphone. I would still need to enroll to the standard developer program so that the app can be installed on real devices and the only way for my client to install the app is through the app store? I cannot just distribute it to my client directly?
I'm just reading about how to start developing for iphone, so i'm a total noob. Any information is appreciated.
Yes you do need a developer license. No you can distribute it directly if you have each device setup on your account to do so. I am also pretty sure apple has a special license that makes it easier for handling enterprise applications you might want to send them an email to ask about it.
Ok I found a link. It is more expensive the normal but this is definitely what you want for your company. It lets you do adhoc distribution across your company.
You need a developer certificate to put an app on any iOS device with a stock OS.
What kind of certificate and how many you need depends on the type and amount of distribution you require, and the size of your client's company.
You most likely will need to join the iOS developer program ($99/annum) yourself to install and test your apps as you develop them. In addition you can deploy Ad Hoc installations for up to 100 devices (including your own, your testers, your clients, plus, very importantly, including all repair replacements and upgrade devices).
Your client may not need any license if they only want a few copies and are willing to have you renew your Ad Hoc installs a few times per year.
If your client wishes to deploy an app in their own name outside their company or through the iTunes App store, then they need to apply to the iOS developer program themselves.
If your client is large enough to have a published Dunn & Bradstreet rating, and wishes to deploy only to their employees, then they can apply to the more expensive Enterprise iOS Developer program, and run their own internal app store.