How do deploy IPhone app - iphone

I need to create an IPhone app as an alternative interface to our commercial application. Our application is sold to Hospitals and installed at their location. How do I distribute this IPhone app to the doctors that practice at the individual hospitals?

Apple has a separate Developer Account type for developing and distributing apps that are not distributed through the App Store. The price is steeper ($299 instead of $99).
Details are on apple's site here:

you can use adhoc type under distribution deployment reference link is:

Use AdHoc distribution to compile a copy with a special provisioning profile that allows him to install it on his device through iTunes. AdHoc distribution allow you to share your application with up to 100 other iPhone or iPod touch users, and you can share your application through email or by posting it to a web site or server.


Adhoc Distribution without registering device id on portal

I want adhoc distribution of app without registering Device id on the portal.So that everybody can install it on his/her device by downloading it.
On search I found this link and this Link that costs about $299 for that but I am not able to understand the whole process I have to follow for this.
Can anybody explain me the entire process I have to follow for adhoc distribution for all the people not only for devices whose id is registered on portal.And let me know can we have both $99 and $299 account together or not.
Is there any limitation for number of users in $299 account?
iOS Developepr Enterprise Program enrollment process
How the app will be distributed to the employees…
(the second option among two from this web site is the way of distribution we are going to follow.. Named: Custom Web Distribution of an Enterprise iOS App)
some more links are there you can check if that are of your use or not.
#)How to Distribute Your iOS App Without AppStore (Enterprese Distribution process)
iPhone app without AppStore
ll)Can I develop an iPhone application that my company can use for internal employees only?
iPhone Application Enterprise Distribution Process
(Important link)
Does the iPhone / iPod Touch support bulk enterprise app deployment or would all customers have to buy from app store (Important link)
Alternative solutions for in-house iPhone enterprise app distribution (Important link) (Important link)

Can I send a build of my app to people without them having a registered device?

I read an article about an app which allowed users to enter a URL and download an app, without being a registered developer device:
I was wondering how this was possible, as it'd be useful for my own purposes?
The "iOS Developer Enterprise Program"
allows you to distribute iOS apps to devices without having them registered, but it is allowed
only for the distribution of in-house apps within a company.
(The article
tells that the iOS Enterprise Program was abused to freely distribute apps and as a consequence, Apple revoked the certificate.)
They used an enterprise distribution certificate for signing their app.
The certificate may be used for distribution inside a company. Please refer to this SO answer for more details on how to manage your in-house apps distribution.

How should I install my ios app to devices in the company?

I want to write app for company where i'm working.
It will work only with internal resources and only via authentication.
How should staff install this app, when it will be done ? How usually people do that(for example ios soft for restaurants) ? I mean that should they use jailbreak for installing it ? I think that apple won't add my app to repository because it won't have possibility to check it.
There are basically two different official iPhone application distribution methods that I am aware of:
- Ad hoc
You can distribute applications using ad hoc without going through the app store, but you are limited to a maximum of 100 devices. With this method you can distribute you application from a web site, email, etc. You can upload the app by adding all the devices UDID you want to share the app on provision profile, then generate a link on
- Enterprise
The method is for internal distribution in companies with more than 500 employees. Apple does not provide any more public detail that I could find on this method.

App distribution through website ...?

I have seen that few web sites , give an ipa and that ipa install to any iPhone device .. how it is possible Is there any way that my ipa could install to any iPhone device . without app store ?
How it is possible? Any help ?
it is distributed publicly ?
You can use over the air distribution for your app by uploading it to a website and accessing it via a specially crafted URL, similar to itms://path/to/manifest.xml. An example manifest file can be found here.
Note though, that using this method without an enterprise distribution profile, you will still need to provision the devices that you expect to run the app on. You are limited to 100 devices on a normal developer account.
You can apply for an Enterprise account, if you need to distribute to more than 100 devices and you will not need to explicitly provision those devices. However, the terms of the Enterprise agreement state that it is to be used for in-house distribution only, not to the general public. If Apple find out that you are just using the enterprise distribution to get around the App Store, they will close the account. They may not even give you one in the first place, if you cannot prove that you will only use it for in-house distribution/testing.
Yes you can upload your ipa on they will provide you the link for download
For that you need to register with apple for Enterprise account, once you register, you can distribute the application without app store, with the distribution certificate.

How to install an application to iPhone without iTunes?

We want to move an application to iPhone, without iTunes. There are two questions: 1) how does the application which moves other applications to iPhone connect to iPhone? 2) if we use iTunes to do that, which method implement connecting to iPhone in iTunes's API.
I don't think there is a public API for communicating with the iPhone. To install an app you will have to use an Apple tool, either iTunes, Xcode, or the iPhone Configuration Utility.
If it is acceptable to use iTunes, you can make an ad hoc build and package it as an IPA file, to allow people to easily install it through iTunes without going through the App Store.
2 ways come to mind:
1) You can do this with TestFlight
It allows you to upload your app to a website, and manage the process of delivering builds to developers/testers using a web based interface. Note that it uses a feature detailed here in the Apple docs. Try it.... You won't be disappointed!
Note that you can have 2 types of licenses with Apple for development:
"Developer" license - costs ~ $100/year. Requires you register each device you want to develop and deploy your application with.
"Enterprise" license - costs ~ $300/year, and doesn't require that you register each device. But you have to be a registered business of some sort for this.
So if you have an Enterprise license with Apple, you can deploy to any device with TestFlight, without needing it to be registered with Apple's dev center (or using iTunes or the following tool as well!)
2) Use the iPhone Configuration Utility from Apple:
This is a tool intended for Enterprise use, but it can be used by anyone. It provides a way to install lots of applications on a device very simply, by pretty much clicking a checkbox. It's available for Mac and Windows. You can get to more info about it on this page, by searching for "iPhone Configuration Utility"