What are the good "rich" IDEs for Lisp? [closed] - eclipse

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Closed 9 years ago.
What are the good "rich" IDEs for Lisp? To clarify by "rich" I mean it should have a good look-up reference, auto complete, auto inclusion, checking of various sorts, some kind of compilation support, version management, REPL, etc. I have reviewed some of the previous questions/answers (Such as What’s a good Common Lisp implementation for Windows?) but it really does not get to my need/question. I am used to Eclipse and have found (CUSP but activity/support seems light).
Don't hassle me about the phrase "rich" IDE, by saying that emacs or slime is wonderful and that it is and IDE. I have used emacs for years during college, I understand. I am wondering what else is out there (and good) more along the Visual Studio, Netbeans, or Eclipse, type UI and feature set?

A friend of mine bought a copy himself to develop Lisp programs in his sparse time. (He is very experienced in Lisp)
Lispworks also has a free personal edition.

Hm, strange seeing you dismiss Emacs+Slime as it covers most (all?) the points you've mentioned and a lot more. Note that Slime != Emacs, at all.
edit: E.g., stuff like CUSP or Lispworks are not as rich as Emacs+Slime.


I have not actually tried it but MCLIDE sounds nice. But I concur with most other: SLIME is great.


What is your best experience for Emacs source code navigation? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I have a big project with many .c and .h files to navigate. What tool do you have the best experience?
I searched online and found users recommend etags, global, and ECB. I just wonder which one is best for my case so that I can stick with it. Thanks.
I think etags or ctags are easy to use. Many open source projects come with make rules to generate the databases for these type. For C++, ebrowse is better. Personally, I like to use a project bundled with emacs. If you download a 3rd party app, you will have to re-compile whenever you upgrade, and often there is more integration work. At least if you start with etags and ctags, you can find they don't have the needed features and then investigate some of the 3rd party eLISP packages.
I have made some assumptions.
You use *nix.
You use Gnu emacs.
Something else may be better with XEmacs and/or on Windows and OSx.
Apparently, global fits my criteria; but I have never used it personally. I have tried to get CEDET working and it is very difficult. It might be easier if your distro comes with a package (.deb, .rpm, etc) for something like CEDET.

What interesting open source software is written in Lisp? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I was looking looking for the sources of real-life applications that are written in Lisp. For example a Pacman clone or a word processor would qualify as such.
How about a
web server?
text editor?
a type setter?
an interactive musical score editing application?
More example can be had at the cliki. Just stroll around a little bit.
The package-management application (similar to apt-get) that I use for Arch Linux, Paktahn, is written in Common Lisp.
Here is a list of applications written in Common Lisp. How "real world" they are is debatable, but since you consider a pacman clone to be "real world", I assume you will be satisfied.
Two big things come to mind.
The first has an incredible number of customizations. It would not surprise me in the least to find Pac-Man implemented in EMACS. Maxima does symbolic mathematics, so I imagine it'd be more difficult to grok the code.

Is there any reason to use Dev-C++? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Dev-C++ was one of the first IDEs that I got my hand on long ago. To me, Dev-C++ was a small software that can be downloaded and I could quickly do academic assignments with it.
In my college, people have been suggesting Dev-C++ for a quick download and just do the homework, for a few generations now. I recalled I used to have some problems with Dev-C++, mainly not understanding what exactly are mingw, different dependencies, different compilers, and all the complicated stuff.
When I tried to go for bigger projects, I always have the trouble of getting help. Other online helps seem to favor Visual Studio a lot more. For veteran developers who understand compilers and how things go around in software development, this may not be so difficult. But for people who are new to learning programming, is Dev-C++ a reasonable choice? Or should they not use Dev-C++ at all? Will the end justify the mean in the long run?
It's my understanding that Dev-C++ hasn't been supported for a long time and accepts a lot of bad code which it should reject, and it's not recommended simply because it's low quality compared to Visual Studio. Dev-C++ was my first C++ development environment too, and I wouldn't recommend it. VS also has one hell of a debugger, and some strong online reference material, not to mention all the other fun features of having a proper IDE. Visual Studio Express is free for everyone, even the current version, and whilst it's not quite as powerful as the commercial versions, it's still far superior in quality to Dev-C++.
All you have to do is look at the supported versions of Windows. Their latest non-beta version doesn't even list XP as supported.

Large projects built on Lisp [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
What are some examples of large projects (e.g., web sites) programmed in Lisp or a Lisp framework?
Most of emacs and its many extensions/modes are written in emacs lisp.
The Orbitz travel web site runs on Lisp: http://www.paulgraham.com/carl.html
The Operating System and in fact the entire system on the various Lisp Machines was written in Lisp. In fact, while the commercial Lisp Machines often used more traditional languages such as Verilog and VHDL, on some of the more "researchy" Lisp Machines, even the CPU was written in Lisp.
Lispers just love their language. They'd rather write everything in it. (In that way, they are similar to Smalltalkers.)
There's a discussion from Lambda The Ultimate from a couple years back that's relevant.
The early versions of Reddit were written in Lisp. The Yahoo Store (formerly ViaWeb) was written in Lisp.
Flightcaster is a heavy user of Clojure. While Ruby on Rails provides the pretty face, all the "thinking" (statistical analysis / machine learning) is done in Clojure.
These bioinformatics platforms are both built on Lisp:
BioCyc (sorry, can't post a link -- try biocyc dot org)
BioBike (sorry, can't post a link -- try biobike dot org)
As was this commercial application for pharmaceutical chemists:
All are fairly large projects, at least in terms of complexity (I've worked on all three of them).
Some links from the ALU website:
GBBopen is an actively maintained AI framework, a blackboard system, in Lisp
-> http://gbbopen.org/overview.html

Resources for learning Lisp [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
What is a good book or tutorial to learn Lisp?
Practical Common Lisp is an awesome (and free) book for anyone interested in the language.
If you like learning by writing games "Land of Lisp" is now available, see http://landoflisp.com
A good place to start off would be the ANSI Common Lisp by Paul Graham which is what I'm hooked onto right now :)
EDIT: As mentioned by spacemanaki "there a few areas where Graham's coding style should not be considered typical" and are listed here.
Lisp (3rd Ed) by Winston and Horn is actually a pretty good textbook. I picked it up for a steal (plenty of $2 used copies on Amazon) and I've found it to be a decent learning tool. it is sometimes easier to read than ANSI Common Lisp by Paul Graham, although some of the advanced stuff is a bit weird or out-of-date.
Have you ever look for at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/194812/list-of-freely-available-programming-books ?
One of the best books for a beginner to learn Lisp by David S. Touretzky: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/LispBook/