Resources for learning Lisp [closed] - lisp

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Closed 10 years ago.
What is a good book or tutorial to learn Lisp?

Practical Common Lisp is an awesome (and free) book for anyone interested in the language.

If you like learning by writing games "Land of Lisp" is now available, see

A good place to start off would be the ANSI Common Lisp by Paul Graham which is what I'm hooked onto right now :)
EDIT: As mentioned by spacemanaki "there a few areas where Graham's coding style should not be considered typical" and are listed here.

Lisp (3rd Ed) by Winston and Horn is actually a pretty good textbook. I picked it up for a steal (plenty of $2 used copies on Amazon) and I've found it to be a decent learning tool. it is sometimes easier to read than ANSI Common Lisp by Paul Graham, although some of the advanced stuff is a bit weird or out-of-date.

Have you ever look for at ?

One of the best books for a beginner to learn Lisp by David S. Touretzky:


Learning Lisp and artificial intelligence [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
This semester at college I have a course for Artificial Intelligence and we are studying Lisp. The problem is that I don't have any functional programming background, but I do know OOP programming (Java, Javascript, PHP).
Can you recommend some good books to get me up to speed on Lisp and artificial intelligence?
These I have found helpful and pretty approachable:
Practical Common Lisp - Peter Seibel
ANSI Common LISP - Paul Graham
Not to forget the classic "Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp" by Peter Norvig. Especially his coding style is very clear and a pleasure to read.
Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (3rd Edition)
The Little Schemer - 4th Edition
Let Over Lambda—50 Years of Lisp
and there is much more recent C++(boost, melt, blitz++, functional c++,.. etc).
BTW, RIP dmr, Thanks.
Here are a few:
I hear this one is really good, too:
I've never read it myself.
This is a good book for coming up to speed on Lisp:

What interesting open source software is written in Lisp? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I was looking looking for the sources of real-life applications that are written in Lisp. For example a Pacman clone or a word processor would qualify as such.
How about a
web server?
text editor?
a type setter?
an interactive musical score editing application?
More example can be had at the cliki. Just stroll around a little bit.
The package-management application (similar to apt-get) that I use for Arch Linux, Paktahn, is written in Common Lisp.
Here is a list of applications written in Common Lisp. How "real world" they are is debatable, but since you consider a pacman clone to be "real world", I assume you will be satisfied.
Two big things come to mind.
The first has an incredible number of customizations. It would not surprise me in the least to find Pac-Man implemented in EMACS. Maxima does symbolic mathematics, so I imagine it'd be more difficult to grok the code.

Online tutorial on lisp [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Any online tutorial on lisp which can teach the basics (loop, condition and etc) of this language in a short time?
Common Lisp tutorial on Wikibooks,
for beginners,
, bit more advanced,
Not a tutorial but rather a full book (but good and straight forward): Practical Common Lisp,
Steve Yegge's Emergency Elisp is not about Common Lisp, but I still find it quite good to get at feeling for the Lisp family of languages:
If you can make it through it (I wasn't able to the first time I read it), reading Paul Graham's The Roots of Lisp gives a nice overview of the very basics of the language, and how to implement it in itself, with only a few primitives.
On Lisp is another, oft-recomended and not too out of date book, again by Paul Graham, that will definitely teach you what you want to know. It's online, for free.
Personally, though, I'd recommend Clojure to you over CL. It's got a fast-growing, welcoming, smart community making cool things. Not only that, but you've got access to everything that Java does, and you're running on the JVM (it's portable and damn fast).
Good luck! is a good start - read up to chapter 3. Chapter 3 really gets you the feel. The rest of the book is good too, but I recommend reading .... next. From there, you should read ....
I chose these in order of importance and difficulty. SL being the easiest and most important, then Gentle, then PCL

Common Lisp Exercises/Problems [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I'm working through Practical Common Lisp presently
It's an excellent book with some practical assignments towards the end, but I'm looking for basic problems that explore the use of functions, variables and macros. Can anybody suggest a suitable resource to work through in order to reinforce the concepts presented?
Project Euler is a great source of programming problems
also, there is Rosetta Code
You may also want to try the SICP exercises in Common Lisp.
There are great exercises in ANSI Common Lisp the book,, for each chapter. Great book too, my favorite to learn Lisp with and as a reference.

Learn Macros in Scheme from On Lisp [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I really want to learn Scheme macros. I glanced over the content of "On Lisp" and a lot of the chapters have been devoted to Lisp macros. However I do not know common lisp. Can I use it to learn Scheme Macros?
Scheme macros ("hygienic macros") are completely different from traditional Lisp macros. Some implementations of Scheme offer Lisp macros in addition to Scheme macros, but this is not required by the Scheme standard.
I would recommend you look for instructional materials specific to Scheme macros if you would like to learn about that style of macro. Google shows many pages offering an introduction to Scheme macros.
Re: Nathan Sanders
On Lisp is definitely worth reading; you get a taste for a style of macros and some interesting solutions to problems. Also, you find can better understand the problem that hygienic macros solve.
I can't comment yet or I would have done so in line.