Is there any reason to use Dev-C++? [closed] - preferences

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Closed 11 years ago.
Dev-C++ was one of the first IDEs that I got my hand on long ago. To me, Dev-C++ was a small software that can be downloaded and I could quickly do academic assignments with it.
In my college, people have been suggesting Dev-C++ for a quick download and just do the homework, for a few generations now. I recalled I used to have some problems with Dev-C++, mainly not understanding what exactly are mingw, different dependencies, different compilers, and all the complicated stuff.
When I tried to go for bigger projects, I always have the trouble of getting help. Other online helps seem to favor Visual Studio a lot more. For veteran developers who understand compilers and how things go around in software development, this may not be so difficult. But for people who are new to learning programming, is Dev-C++ a reasonable choice? Or should they not use Dev-C++ at all? Will the end justify the mean in the long run?

It's my understanding that Dev-C++ hasn't been supported for a long time and accepts a lot of bad code which it should reject, and it's not recommended simply because it's low quality compared to Visual Studio. Dev-C++ was my first C++ development environment too, and I wouldn't recommend it. VS also has one hell of a debugger, and some strong online reference material, not to mention all the other fun features of having a proper IDE. Visual Studio Express is free for everyone, even the current version, and whilst it's not quite as powerful as the commercial versions, it's still far superior in quality to Dev-C++.
All you have to do is look at the supported versions of Windows. Their latest non-beta version doesn't even list XP as supported.


Which one is used more by IT companies, NetBeans Or Eclipse? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I'm new to Java. I took an introductory course where I was using NetBeans, but I noticed that some of my classmates were using Eclipse. From what I've understood, Eclipse is the popular IDE among IT companies.
My question is, as a new programmer, should I stay with NetBeans or switch to Eclipse?
You forgot one more: IntelliJ.
They are all different and there is no single "best one", for example each has a feature that another doesn't.
My personal remarks:
Eclipse is probably the most open. It's very actively developed. It was the de facto standard at all 4 companies I worked for so far. Eclipse is completely free.
IntelliJ is kind of intelligent. It's really interesting to use, but not all features are available in the community edition. I evaluated it because somebody claimed that a study shows that it makes you about 10% more productive but I haven't seen the study itself. I think IntelliJ is awesome but I'm so used to Eclipse it's really hard to switch.
Unfortunately I've never even seen NetBeans.
Considering these points, Eclipse seems the safest choice, due to its popularity at my past workplaces and open and free nature. But your mileage may vary.
Just keep in mind that Eclipse/NetBeans/IntelliJ whatever are just tools. It doesn't matter whichever you choose, the most important thing is that you get coding, and code well. Use whichever makes you the most productive.
Honestly, I think both are equally prevalent. Once you learn one, it is not a huge deal to switch to the other. Those with whom I work have their own preferences, and the company does not have a preference - nor do the contracting companies that we work with. To each his own seems to be pretty standard policy. That being said, in my experience the IDE choice has sometimes been defined by the problem at hand (ease of use, different plugins for particular purposes, etc.).
Bottom line - learn both. It isn't that hard to do and you will probably use both eventually anyway.

how to read linux kernel, any good tools to read kernel? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
linux kernel is really worth to spend a lot of time of read, but it is so large, and you don't know how to trace where you should start to read, and what you have read before?
usuallly people try to read linux kernel would make some comments when reading code, anybody agree? so git maybe nice when read linux kernl, but maybe sometimes you would like to read code on web tools such as lxr, but what make you disppointed is that you cannot make comments on lxr.
google code support comment, but you cannot export such comment:(
so what tool you would like to choose if you want to read source code of linux kernel?
You cannot understand the whole kernel at once, not even with a magic tool. There are too many facets and each has many aspects and quite a few nuances.
I suggest starting with a particular area of interest and focus primarily on it. If you have never looked at an OS before, the innermost areas are:
memory management
process management
thread scheduling
file system
As far as tools, any good cross referencing website is fine. LXR is good, but it takes awhile to get familiar with it.
Before starting with code , some theory knowledge is important.
Professional linux kernel architecture book will be of great help.
Lxr is good for browsing code online
VI editor with ctags and Taglist plugin is optimal for browsing kernel source code offline.

Which is the best OS for web application development? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Which is the best Operation System suited for web application development in various platforms like JAVAEE, PHP, Ruby-On-Rails, Perl, Python, if I have missed out anything then that too etc. including testing front end and business logics, version control system like svn/git etc, planning, reporting, life cycle management etc etc? In short, need to cover all aspects for web application engineering.
I have used both Windows and Linux and have felt Linux is better for its great command line capability. I have no idea about development in Mac. My experience in web application development is limited to 3 years and I just need expert opinion.
Linux is great option because of the following:
Software/Tools availability
Relatively easy troubleshooting
Easy to find answers on any question/error code you get
Great package management (Debian/Ubuntu and derivatives)
Friendly community
and many more
About the machine configuration more RAM, more HDD space, better CPU, ... :). In the company I work, every in-house developed piece of software is developed and hosted on Linux. I really can not remember of any issues we've had, except minor hardware related ones.
Linux is always a best bet on development, but of course you'll want available testing platforms with Windows and Macintosh, as well as other Unix bases for testing to make sure that your product functions appropriately under all configurations.

Need good source control [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I am working on my C programming skills. I decided to run Ubunutu Linux and use code::blocks as my IDE. Now, I need a good source control.
Something that's easy for a beginner to administer (I want to concentrate on coding not managing a server)
Hopefully has a plugin that integrates well with code::blocks
I plan to use source control for my own use. I want to be able to undo my changes if I make too many mistakes. I also want to be able to revert back to an old version and do side-by-side comparisons.
Maybe one day, my buddy and I could work on some code together (from different locations), but this is not a major concern at this time.
What works for me?
You want Mercurial or Git. I personally prefer Mercurial.
Subversion is still very popular and stable. It's centralized though, which these days is considered "the old way." (I've heard people say "Git is to SVN what BitTorrent is to FTP.")
Git is pretty much the in thing right now. In my opinion it has a higher learning curve, but its adoption by the open-source community is widespread.
Mercurial is a great DVCS and, in my opinion, doesn't get enough attention. Great commercial products are built on top of it, though, so growing your project to a commercial system is pretty smooth.
There are others.

IDEA Community Edition versus Eclipse [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
How does the IDEA Community Edition compare with Eclipse?
IDEA is a far better IDE than Eclipse (general opinion by people that use IDEA).
On a feature point of view, everything that IDEA CE can also been done by Eclipse. However,
IDEA is a commercial product, which limits its adoption. Thanks to the Community Edition, you can test this IDE for free, in order to develop JavaSE applications (or Scala or Groovy). For an enterprise, this is quite limited, as you will not be able to develop J2EE applications.
My conclusion is that IDEA CE is only a tool that allows you to test and understand the philosophy of this IDE. If you are convinced by IDEA, then you will really have to choose between the Ultimate Edition, which will let develop any kind of applications, or stay with Eclipse.
The best, straight answer to this, is to look at the feature matrix of which features are still left in Ultimate-Edition. Eclipse probably has support for all of these things, although the quality of the integrations can always be an issue.
detects unused public fields and methods
easy way to run or debug only one test method (you don't need to modify configuration)
faster code coverage report generation (at least for EMMA)
understand difference between source and test source
easier way to manage libs - just include lib dir (in eclipse you have to specify all jars explicitly), so you don't have to update it manually every time when new jar was included