Sandcastle Distinguishes Between Debug and Release Builds? - sandcastle

I fired up Sandcastle Help File Builder today to generate documentation for my solution, which has around a dozen projects in it. Since I only want to generate documentation for, and run Sandcastle after, a Release build (which excludes all my test projects), I selected "Release" at the top of the window, just like in VS. Sandcastle appropriately looks for the gen'd XML files in my \bin\release subfolders for each project. However, it errors out when it cannot find DLL's for my test projects. It apparently sees those projects in the solution file, but doesn't realize I don't have builds for them in Release. I tried de-selecting them in the "API Filter" property, but this doesn't change anything.
How can I get Sandcastle to ignore those projects?

SHFB is nice, I've been using it recently. It turns out that there are a number of ways you can specify documentation sources. One way is by selecting the solution, as you seem to have done. You can also choose the project files for just the projects you are interested in documenting. You can even choose the resulting assemblies as sources.
Try changing the docu source from the solution to just the projects you are interested in. It doesn't quite answer your question, but it is a workaround, since you fairly likely have no need to document your test projects.


How to compile LESS into CSS when files are saved in Eclipse

I'm developing a struts2 webapp for months now using maven to manage my dependencies and I've just discovered LESS. I have installed and configured the LESS plug-in for Eclipse but it's really annoying to right click > run as > LESS compiler every time I save the .less file due to a modification of its content or something...
The thing is that I've been researching on how to plug in grunt.js (recently discovered task runners too) into maven (as explained here) but I think it's quite hard and I wondered if somebody knew an alternative to this.
In my struts2 project I have both the front and back-end of my webapp.I know it's not the right approach and if I could start all over again I would separate them into two different projects, but now it's too late (disadvantages of the learning proccess, we're not born knowing it all).
Having said all this, how can I set up a kind of task for watching my .less files and automatically compile them into .css when saved/changed?
I also found this ant task here, but I dont really know if it's what I'm looking for.
There are a lot of Java Less compiler (see Java Compiler for Less CSS?), so you can execute one of them by your build tool (e.g. Ant - maybe you need to write a simple Java application, which use the chosen compiler).
If you use Maven (or can switch to it) to project management, then you can use one of lesscss-maven-plugin:
see more...
It is possible to create an ant task to compile certain .less files into CSS whenever they are modified, and more or less is what I was looking for, but grunt seems to be more flexible as you can tell it to watch all your files with .less extension and in this solution I've found you have to declare in an .xml file the .less files you want ant to watch.
This is not explicitly what I was looking for so I'll leave this question open for now as I'll keep researching on how to make this solution more dynamic and see if it is possible to avoid the fact of defining every .less source and .css target you want.
Link to solution here

Is TFS Source Control really feasible for Dynamics CRM?

I'd really like to get a CRM solution under source control but there are a lot of issues. I was excited to see the SolutionPackager tool - thinking MS finally gave us a way to do this. However the tools to export the solution, extract it to files and check it into source control are not integrated. I'm working on a C# project that ties everything together because it's easier to work with the APIs in a single C# solution than deal with a combination of command line utilities such as tf.exe, PowerShell commandlets and plain old .cmd files.
Source files for plugins and Silverlight pages are easy to deal with but I'm looking to get all of the customizations under source control. SolutionPackager works well for tracking customizations made in the CRM interface, but fails in a lot of other areas. I want to create VS solutions for my web resources and reports but I have issues with the VS project and solution structures. SolutionPackager expects to find things where it puts them for repackaging and I'm sure it would not like to see a bunch of .sln, .csproj and .vspscc files interspersed with them.
I figured putting the VS solutions in a separate folder would be the answer but it's not easy. If I create a project for my web resources and try to put my existing .html, .css and .js files into it it wants to copy those into the project folder. I have to remember to use "Add As Link" each time. Worse yet, if I try to do the same with SSRS reports, the "Add As Link" feature isn't even available.
Has anyone done this successfully? I'm open to any suggestions.
I have seen below link but i have not get chance to implement it.when i have try it will post information.

Pros and cons of versioning javadoc

I am wondering whether or not to commit Javadoc files to my project's SVN repository.
I have read about SVN good practices, including several interesting questions on SO, but none has already been asked specifically on javadoc handling.
At first I was agreeing with the arguments that only source code should be versioned, and I thought that javadoc was really easy do re-build with Eclipse, or from a javadoc.xml ant file for example, but I also thought of these points :
Javadoc files are light, text-encoded, and changes to these files are easily trackable with diff tools.
It seems interesting to easily track changes to the javadoc, since in the case of a "public" javadoc, any change of it would probably mean a change in the API.
People willing to look at the javadoc do not necessarily want to get the whole project and compile it, so putting it in the repo seems as good an idea as another to allow for efficient sharing/tracking.
What are your thoughts about this? Please answer with constructive, non-subjective arguments. I am interested in understanding which case scenarios encourage the versioning of Javadoc, and which make it seem a bad choice.
One argument against would be merge conflicts, and as a former SVN user I hate merging with SVN. Even with Git this is just another step of work to do if those problems occur. And if your in a bigger team regular merges are daily work.
Another argument against would be, if a some people don't want the whole source tree, put the whole project under some CI system like Hudson and trigger the creation of the javadocs on a regular basis, like commits and publish them somewhere.
Conclusio for me is: don't version javadocs.
I recently added some javadoc output to a version control system (since github shows the contents of branch gh_pages as a website, this was the easiest way to put them on the web).
One problem here is that javadoc puts in every file the date/time of the javadoc run, so you always have changes to all your files from one commit to the next. So don't expect to be able to have a useful diff which shows you what documentation really changed between your versions, as long as you don't manage to somehow ignore these comment lines when diffing.
(Actually, due to another question I found out how to omit the timestamp.)
And of course, you should always be able to regenerate your javadoc from a checkout of the old sources. And for released libraries, publish the javadoc of the released version with it.
For third party-libraries which you are using inside your project as jar files (or anything that you don't compile yourself) it might be useful to store the javadoc corresponding to the version used inside the source tree (and thus be versioned, too), though. (When using Maven, you usually can download a javadoc jar together with the runnable jar of the library, so then it doesn't apply.)
Short answer: no, don't version your Javadocs.
The Javadocs are generated from your code, analogous to your .class files. If your API changes and you need to release a new version of the docs, you can always revert to that revision (or do a new check out) and generate the Javadocs from there.
My two cents...
I don't know how many times I've WISHED I had old versions of Javadocs available. For example, I may be using an old version of a third-party library, but the API docs for that library are based on the current code. All well and good if you're using the current code, but if you're on an older version, the javadocs could actually mislead you on how to use the class in question.
This is probably more of an issue with libraries you distribute than with your own internal code, but it is something I've run into now and again

Eclipse : Using same output folder for different projects

Following is a question that is posted on in April 2003. The original question is:
Hi all,
in eclipse i have created several java
projects representing different
modules for one web application. i'd
like to configure one output folder
for all of these projects. Any time i
build a subproject the content of the
output folder is deleted, so i loose
the classes of all other subprojects.
I think there must be a switch or
something like that to tell eclipse
not to clear the content of the output
folder when it builds a project - but
i just can't find it.
Thanks for your help!
I am trying to see if I could get a definitve answer for this question. I have tried to find out to see if this question has already been addressed and I was not able to find any except for the following answer:
Window-->Preferences-->Java-->Compiler-->Build Path
The above answer did not help me much.
Hmm... I think this approach will bring more trouble than it's worth. Sure it's a priori a quick and dirty fix to integrating your projects together but you are only pushing the problem forward. It is good practice to keep your modules as isolated as possible from each-other, trying to merge the compiled code in a single location is working against the way the IDE was designed and will only bring trouble.
I would recommend that you look into maven to build and package your modules. Then referencing them is just a matter of adding a declaration in the project that requires it and you are integrated. Of course you will need to learn it but it provides a good base of conventions that when followed yield almost effortless integration. Plus reusing some modules in another project becomes trivial so you gain in all fronts.
To answer the other question in the thread when they wish to make a tree of related projects it is possible though somewhat clumsy. Eclipse will always present projects as a flat list, however the folders can be arranged in a tree nonetheless. Just specify a custom location when creating a project or import the project from the sub-folder. Again here Maven can help a lot with it's concept of modules.
As eugener mentioned in his comment, there are plugins for maven that will make most of these tasks trivial. You may find all you are looking for just by exploring the gui, this said, reading the maven literature will give you good insight on how it works and what it can do for you.

Grouping Files in Project Explorer in Eclipse

I am newbie to Eclipse, I am planning to use it for AVR development with WinAVR and gcc.
The feature I am looking for is the grouping of different files in the project, like all headers together, all source files together and all files excluded from the build together etc.
I tried AVR Studio from Atmel, it has this grouping feature but it lacks several other features which Eclipse supports. Any help to configure Eclipse Project explorer to display the project files in this way would be appreciated and helpful for me to decide the IDE to use.
Note: I know that I can manually add different folders for each of these groups and move the files, but that moves the physical files, and breaks the relative path in the code, and other comilers/IDE's. I am looking for logical grouping of files.
Unfortunately there is no general way for a user to configure the grouping in the Project Explorer, the grouping is setup based on the code that controls the content (i.e. CDT, JDT, etc). I think it would be interesting to have this feature, but it's not clear the UI that can be used to specify it. You are welcome to submit an enhancement request to add this to the Eclipse Platform UI project. And giving an example of how it's done in another product would be helpful.
Thanks Francis, looking at your profile I think I found the right person to solve my issue :)
I have opened it as a bug (as I could not find a feature request in bugzila) Bug 296514 - Logical Grouping Files in Project Explorer in Eclipse
I have attcahed screenshots of both AVR Studio and Eclipse project explorer. That should give you an idea of what kind of UI features I am requesting. I can difinetely provide more information if you want.
I think what you are looking for can be done with Working Sets.