How to compile LESS into CSS when files are saved in Eclipse - eclipse

I'm developing a struts2 webapp for months now using maven to manage my dependencies and I've just discovered LESS. I have installed and configured the LESS plug-in for Eclipse but it's really annoying to right click > run as > LESS compiler every time I save the .less file due to a modification of its content or something...
The thing is that I've been researching on how to plug in grunt.js (recently discovered task runners too) into maven (as explained here) but I think it's quite hard and I wondered if somebody knew an alternative to this.
In my struts2 project I have both the front and back-end of my webapp.I know it's not the right approach and if I could start all over again I would separate them into two different projects, but now it's too late (disadvantages of the learning proccess, we're not born knowing it all).
Having said all this, how can I set up a kind of task for watching my .less files and automatically compile them into .css when saved/changed?
I also found this ant task here, but I dont really know if it's what I'm looking for.

There are a lot of Java Less compiler (see Java Compiler for Less CSS?), so you can execute one of them by your build tool (e.g. Ant - maybe you need to write a simple Java application, which use the chosen compiler).
If you use Maven (or can switch to it) to project management, then you can use one of lesscss-maven-plugin:
see more...

It is possible to create an ant task to compile certain .less files into CSS whenever they are modified, and more or less is what I was looking for, but grunt seems to be more flexible as you can tell it to watch all your files with .less extension and in this solution I've found you have to declare in an .xml file the .less files you want ant to watch.
This is not explicitly what I was looking for so I'll leave this question open for now as I'll keep researching on how to make this solution more dynamic and see if it is possible to avoid the fact of defining every .less source and .css target you want.
Link to solution here


How to prove to the management the futility of saving IDE specific files in GitHub

I can not prove to the management the futility and even harm of saving IDE specific files and folders in GitHub
There is even a problem in the deliberate mixing of two different issues:
I want to use Eclipse;
If we use Eclipse, then its files should be stored in the repository;
I tried everything:
from "files not related to the project should not be there"
to "every developer knows how to configure their IDE for the project based on the pom.xml"
and "if two programmers use two different IDEs, should their files also be saved?"
and so on... like "specially designed provides recommended gitignore based on what you are using."
What arguments can be given besides “no one does that for a long time because it's obvious”.
PS. I am not going to start another holy war, I need arguments that are clear to the management.
The rule is not do not share IDE-specific files, but as long as tool-specific files are maintained, they should be shared, even if they are not used by everyone.
This applies to specific files of GitHub, Jenkins, FindBugs/SpotBugs, Eclipse and other tools. The presence of these files does not harm (files and folders starting with a dot meant to be hidden). This is well documented (e.g. here for Eclipse) and after all, the tools do not place these files in the project directory for no reason, although it would be possible otherwise, but because they are meant to be shared.
However, there are still people who believe that there should be one Maven-specific pom.xml file only, which is focused on building only. But since none of them is a tool developer and none of them has never convinced the tool developers, it is very unlikely that you will convince your management.
Also be aware that Eclipse-specific files are not specific to the Eclipse IDE, as they are also used by e.g. VS Code. Eclipse-specific are not even IDE-specific, since, for example, the Eclipse compiler for Java (ecj) can be used as a linter inside a build to run on a server.

Rename eclipse project from ant

I'm looking for an ant task that would allow me to do things like e.g. rename an Eclipse project, just as if I clicked "Refactor > Rename" (so it would rename both the directory, and the project name, and tell the workspace where to find the updated project).
I remember vaguely, that there was some project which already provides such tasks, but I can't find it anymore (or maybe I only dreamed it?)
If there isn't, then I'm ideally looking for a complete example how to implement something like this (including which libraries I need etc.)
Two existing Ant addons with specific tasks for Eclipse i know of :
but i don't know if they provide a solution for your needs - never used them.
After all you may use some low level approach, means simply editing the eclipse config files (.project ..) programmatically !?

using eclipse and maven, is there a quick way to mark all target and subfolder as derived?

I am working with eclipse on a mavenized project which has a significant number of modules/subfolders/maven subprojects.
Whenever I look for a resource, or make any kind of research, it shows me every occurrences in every project times two because of the target folder...
if I look for a string that is in foo.xml, it will show:
That is a lot for one file. Besides, let say that the prohectA is intended to create a pom, not a war, a jar, or a ear... The problem is now, that if I select this entry, I won't be able to use the auto completion, or the inspect element functionality (that I can't work without!!!!). Even worse: if i select a target directory, my changes will be overwritten on the next maven build...
What can I do? At the moment, I am just paying attention, but it is kind of painful... And I do not have time to go through all the project to mark them one by one as derived (basically around 1000 clicks), so they do not come up in the searches... Besides, the target folder would just appear again after the next maven build.
Any ideas?
The perfect way would be to have eclipse recognize the subproject nature of these, and not show the different occurrences... and maybe setup a filter for the target resources... I do not know if it is possible.
I am also willing to write a tiny script, if people are kind enough to explain to me what eclipse files it should modify in order to accomplish this.
Import the sub projects as separate Eclipse projects (this should happen automatically if you point the Maven import wizard at the master project directory). Keep the master project closed if you're not editing it. You'll still get the target folder version of resources, but at least only once.
You could use that AutoDeriv Eclipse plugin here AutoDeriv to list the paths you'd like to mark as derived, and discard from research etc. as you would do in a .gitignore file.
Once it's done, resources are always correctly marked as derived, even after a maven clean/install.
You can write rules at workspace level, to handle several projects at once.
Exclusion rules allows you to mark everything as derived, except for a peculiar folder or file.
Since the 1.3.0 version, Eclipse decoration helps you to quickly see the effects of the plugin.
Disclamer, I wrote it =)

Eclipse : Using same output folder for different projects

Following is a question that is posted on in April 2003. The original question is:
Hi all,
in eclipse i have created several java
projects representing different
modules for one web application. i'd
like to configure one output folder
for all of these projects. Any time i
build a subproject the content of the
output folder is deleted, so i loose
the classes of all other subprojects.
I think there must be a switch or
something like that to tell eclipse
not to clear the content of the output
folder when it builds a project - but
i just can't find it.
Thanks for your help!
I am trying to see if I could get a definitve answer for this question. I have tried to find out to see if this question has already been addressed and I was not able to find any except for the following answer:
Window-->Preferences-->Java-->Compiler-->Build Path
The above answer did not help me much.
Hmm... I think this approach will bring more trouble than it's worth. Sure it's a priori a quick and dirty fix to integrating your projects together but you are only pushing the problem forward. It is good practice to keep your modules as isolated as possible from each-other, trying to merge the compiled code in a single location is working against the way the IDE was designed and will only bring trouble.
I would recommend that you look into maven to build and package your modules. Then referencing them is just a matter of adding a declaration in the project that requires it and you are integrated. Of course you will need to learn it but it provides a good base of conventions that when followed yield almost effortless integration. Plus reusing some modules in another project becomes trivial so you gain in all fronts.
To answer the other question in the thread when they wish to make a tree of related projects it is possible though somewhat clumsy. Eclipse will always present projects as a flat list, however the folders can be arranged in a tree nonetheless. Just specify a custom location when creating a project or import the project from the sub-folder. Again here Maven can help a lot with it's concept of modules.
As eugener mentioned in his comment, there are plugins for maven that will make most of these tasks trivial. You may find all you are looking for just by exploring the gui, this said, reading the maven literature will give you good insight on how it works and what it can do for you.

How do I get support for GPB in Eclipse?

I'm trying to use Google Protocol Buffers in my project and I'd like to have some tooling support from Eclipse. In particular, I want Eclipse to call protoc every time I make changes to the .proto files and then rebuild all code that depends on the generated code.
I tried to set up a Custom Builder but it keeps bugging me with errors I don't understand, most often it complains that the .proto file is not on the path given by --proto-path, which it should be by all I can tell. Also, because I use ${build_files}, Eclipse passes all changed files to the compiler (instead of those that I have configured to trigger the build).
NetBeans seems to have a protobuf-Plugin, but I can't find one for Eclipse. Is there one?
Theres a protoclipse plugin on googlecode, which is in the initial stages:
Not sure if there is a builder, but I did find a plugin for syntax highlighting for protocol buffers.
You can define an external builder on the plugin that invokes an ant task. It is an ugly kludge, but until there is a better solution this may serve your purposes.
In practice, syntax highlighting turned out to not be that important, I hardly edit these files, and they tend to be very small. Maven and the m2eclipse plugin handle the building side of things great.
I recommend using Google's "Protocol Buffers Development Tools". It is a plugin for Eclipse that features automagic regeneration and error checking, among other things. It's available here: .
While this question is close to other Eclipse plugin for working with protobuf, answers here are different.
Well, yes, if you use maven/gradle to invoke protoc (Protobuf compiler), than you may need no Eclipse plugin at all.
Colorizing editor helps for long file or with many comments. Know there are 2 editor plugins for Eclipse.