How to convert from unicode to ASCII - c#-3.0

Is there any way to convert unicode values to ASCII?

To simply strip the accents from unicode characters you can use something like:
c => CharUnicodeInfo.GetUnicodeCategory(c) != UnicodeCategory.NonSpacingMark));

You CAN'T convert from Unicode to ASCII. Almost every character in Unicode cannot be expressed in ASCII, and those that can be expressed have exactly the same codepoints in ASCII as in UTF-8, which is probably what you have. Almost the only thing you can do that is even close to the right thing is to discard all characters above codepoint 128, and even that is very likely nowhere near what your requirements say. (The other possibility is to simplify accented or umlauted letters to make more than 128 characters 'nearly' expressible, but that still doesn't even begin to actually cover Unicode.)

Technically, yes you can by using Encoding.ASCII.
Example (from byte[] to ASCII):
// Convert Unicode to Bytes
byte[] uni = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes("Whatever unicode string you have");
// Convert to ASCII
string Ascii = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(uni);
Just remember Unicode a much larger standard than Ascii and there will be characters that simply cannot be correctly encoded. Have a look here for tables and a little more information on the two encodings.

This workaround might better suit your needs. It strips the unicode chars from a string and only keeps the ASCII chars.
byte[] bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("eéêëèiïaâäàåcç  test");
char[] chars = Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(bytes);
string line = new String(chars);
line = line.Replace("?", "");
//Results in "eiac test"
Please note that the 2nd "space" in the character input string is the char with ASCII value 255

It depends what you mean by "convert".
You can transliterate using the AnyAscii package.
// C#
using AnyAscii;
string s = "άνθρωποι".Transliterate();
// anthropoi

Well, seeing as how there's some 100,000+ unicode characters and only 128 ASCII characters, a 1-1 mapping is obviously impossible.
You can use the Encoding.ASCII object to get the ASCII byte values from a Unicode string, though.

If your metadata fields only accept ASCII input. Unicode characters can be converted to their TEX equivalent through MathJax. What is MathJax?
MathJax is a JavaScript display engine for rendering TEX or MathML-coded mathematics in browsers without requiring font installation or browser plug-ins. Any modern browser with JavaScript enabled will be MathJax-ready. For general information about MathJax, visit


How did SourceForge maim this Unicode character?

A little encoding puzzle for you.
A comment on a SourceForge tracker item contains the character U+2014, EM DASH, which is rendered by the web interface as — like it should.
In the XML export, however, it shows up as:
Decoding the entities, that results in these code points:
U+00E2 U+20AC U+201D
I.e. the characters —. The XML should have been —, the decimal representation of 0x2014, so this is probably a bug in the exporter.
Now I'm looking to reverse the process, but I can't find a way to get the above output from this Unicode character, no matter what erroneous encoding/decoding sequence I try. Any idea what happened here and how to reverse the process?
The the XML output is incorrectly been encoded using CP1252. To revert this, convert — to bytes using CP1252 encoding and then convert those bytes back to string/char using UTF-8 encoding.
Java based evidence:
String s = "—";
System.out.println(new String(s.getBytes("CP1252"), "UTF-8")); // —
Note that this assumes that the stdout console uses by itself UTF-8 to display the character.
In .Net, Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Encoding.GetEncoding(1252).GetBytes("—")) returns —.
SourceForge converted it to UTF8, interpreted the each of the bytes as characters in CP1252, then saved the characters as three separate entities using the actual Unicode codepoints for those characters.

Efficient way to ASCII encode UTF-8

I'm looking for a simple and efficient way to store UTF-8 strings in ASCII-7. With efficient I mean the following:
all ASCII alphanumeric chars in the input should stay the same ASCII alphanumeric chars in the output
the resulting string should be as short as possible
the operation needs to be reversable without any data loss
the resulting ASCII string should be case insensitive
there should be no restriction on the input length
the whole UTF-8 range should be allowed
My first idea was to use Punycode (IDNA) as it fits the first four requirements, but it fails at the last two.
Can anyone recommend an alternative encoding scheme? Even better if there's some code available to look at.
UTF-7, or, slightly less transparent but more widespread, quoted-printable.
all ASCII chars in the input should stay ASCII chars in the output
(Obviously not fully possible as you need at least one character to act as an escape.)
Since ASCII covers the full range of 7-bit values, an encoding scheme that preserves all ASCII characters, is 7-bits long, and encodes the full Unicode range is not possible.
Edited to add:
I think I understand your requirements now. You are looking for a way to encode UTF-8 strings in a seven-bit code, in which, if that encoded string were interpreted as ASCII text, then the case of the alphabetic characters may be arbitrarily modified, and yet the decoded string will be byte-for-byte identical to the original.
If that's the case, then your best bet would probably be just to encode the binary representation of the original as a string of hexadecimal digits. I know you are looking for a more compact representation, but that's a pretty tall order given the other constraints of the system, unless some custom encoding is devised.
Since the hexadecimal representation can encode any arbitrary binary values, it might be possible to shrink the string by compressing them before taking the hex values.
If you're talking about non-standard schemes - MECE
URL encoding or numeric character references are two possible options.
It depends on the distribution of characters in your strings.
Quoted-printable is good for mostly-ASCII strings because there's no overhead except with '=' and control characters. However, non-ASCII characters take an inefficient 6-12 bytes each, so if you have a lot of those, you'll want to consider UTF-7 or Base64 instead.
Punycode is used for IDNA, but you can use it outside the restrictions imposed by it
Per se, Punycode doesn't fail your last 2 requirements:
>>> import sys
>>> _ = ("\U0010FFFF"*10000).encode("punycode")
>>> all(chr(c).encode("punycode") for c in range(sys.maxunicode))
(for idna, python supplies another homonymous encoding)
obviously, if you don't nameprep the input, the encoded string isn't strictly case-insensitive anymore... but if you supply only lowercase (or if you don't care about the decoded case) you should be good to go

CMemFile and Unicode

Am I right in thinking that the MFC class CMemFile is cannot be used to write unicode data to because it uses BYTE* which is defined as unsigned char BYTE?
The line line that actually writes the data in CMemFile::Write is
Memcpy((BYTE*)m_lpBuffer + m_nPosition, (BYTE*)lpBuf, nCount);
and if so can I replace BYTE with wchar_t in my own implementation of CMemfIle to get it working with unicode?
Thanks You
I don't see why it couldn't be used directly.
The only issue is that when you're doing memory copying, you can't interchange the character count with the byte count.
Files are binary so always read/write bytes and use an encoding layer to convert to/from string unless you are sure the data is in ASCII encoding.
No, you need an encoder/decoder. For Unicode you need a unicode header followed by encoded characters. The exact binary values of encoded characters could be different based on the unicode encoding (UTF-7, UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32, etc).

What multi-byte character set starts with 0x7F and is 4 bytes long?

I'm trying to get some legacy code to display Chinese characters properly. One character encoding I'm trying to work with starts with a 0x7F and is 4 bytes long (including the 0x7F byte). Does anyone know what kind of encoding this is and where I can find information for it? Thanks..
I've also had to work with some Japanese encoding that starts every character with a 0xE3 and is three bytes long. It displays on my computer properly if I choose the Japanese locale in Windows, however, it doesn't display properly in our application. However, if any other locale other than Japanese is selected, I cannot even view the filenames properly. So I'm guessing this encoding is not Unicode. Anyone know what it is? Is it ANSI? Is it Shift JIS?
For the Chinese one, I've tested it with Unicode and UTF-8 characters and I'm getting the same pattern; 0x7F followed by three bytes. Are Unicode and UTF-8 the same?
One character encoding I'm trying to work with starts with a 0x7F and is 4 bytes long
What are the other bytes? Do you have any Latin text in this encoding?
If it's “0x7f 0x... 0x00 0x00” you are looking at UTF-32LE. It could also be two UTF-16 (either LE or BE) characters.
Most East Asian encodings use 0x80-0xFF as lead bytes for non-ASCII characters; there is none I know of that would use a leading 0x7F as anything other than an ASCII delete.
are there supposed to be Byte Order Marks?
There doesn't need to be a BOM if there is an out-of-band way of signalling that the encoding is ‘UTF-32LE’ (possibly one that is lost before it gets to you).
I've also had to work with some Japanese encoding that starts every character with a 0xE3 and is three bytes long.
That's surely UTF-8. Sequence 0xE3 0x... 0x... would result in a character between U+3000 and U+4000, which is where the hiragana/katakana live.
It displays on my computer properly if I choose the Japanese locale in Windows, however, it doesn't display properly in our application.
Then chances are your application is is one of the regrettable horde of non-Unicode-compliant apps, still using ‘A’(*) versions of the Win32 interfaces inside of the ‘W’-suffixed ones. Whether you can read in the string according to its real encoding is moot: a non-Unicode-compliant app will never be able to display an East Asian ideograph on a Western locale.
(*: named for “ANSI”, which is Windows's misleading term for “whatever the system codepage is set to at the moment”. That's why changing your locale affected it.)
OK, cracked it. It's not any standardised encoding I've met before, but it's relatively easy to decipher if you assume the premise that Unicode code points are being encoded.
0x00-0x7E: plain ASCII
0x7F A B C: Unicode character
The character encoded in a Unicode escape can be calculated by taking the index in a key string of A, B and C and adding together:
A*0x1000 + B*0x40 + C
That is, it's a base-64 character set, but it's not the usual Base64 standard. A little experimentation gives a key string of:
The ‘.’ and ‘_’ characters are guesses, since none of the characters you posted uses them. We'd need more data to find out the exact string.
So, for example:
0x7F 3 u g
A=4 B=58 C=44
4*0x1000 + 58*0x40 + 44 = 0x4EAC
U+4EAC = 京
Yeah, it should be easy to create a native Unicode string by sucking out each code point manually and joining as a character. Not quite sure what's available on whatever platform you're using, but any Unicode-capable platform should be able to make a string from codepoints simply (and hopefully without having to manually re-encode to UTF-16LE bytes).
I figured it must be Unicode codepoints by noticing that the three example characters had first escape-characters in the same general range, and in the same numerical order as their Unicode codepoints. The other two characters seemed to change randomly, so it was very likely a big-endian encoding of the code point, and probably a base-64 encoding as 6 is as many bits as you can get out of readable ASCII.
Standard Base64 itself starts with letters, which would put something starting with a number too far up to be in the Basic Multilingual Plane. So I started guessing with ‘0123456789ABCDEFG...’ which would be the other obvious choice of key string. That got resulting numbers that were close to the code points for the given characters, but a bit too low. Inserting an extra character at the start of the key string (so digit ‘0’ doesn't map to number 0) got one of the characters right and the other two very close; the one that was right had no lower-case letters, so to change only the lower-case letters I inserted another character between the upper and lower cases. This came up with the right numbers.
It's not guaranteed that this is actually right, but (apart from the arbitrary choice of inserted characters) it's very likely to be it.
You might want to look at chinese character encoding page on Wikipedia. The only encoding in there that I can see that is always 4 bytes is UTF-32.
GB 18030 is the current standard Chinese character set, but it can be 1 to 4 bytes long.
Try chardet. It does a good job of guessing the character encoding of a string of bytes.
Are Unicode and UTF-8 the same?
No. UTF-8 is just one way to represent Unicode characters as a sequence of bytes. Unicode is the full standard, assigning numeric and human-readable identifiers to each character, as well as lots of metadata about the characters.
It might be a valid unicode encoding, such as a utf-8 or UTF16 surrogate pair.
Yes, the Chinese one is UTF-8, a implementation (encoding) of Unicode.
The UTF-8 is 1 byte long for ASCII characters and up to 4 bytes for others.

How can I convert non-ASCII characters encoded in UTF8 to ASCII-equivalent in Perl?

I have a Perl script that is being called by third parties to send me names of people who have registered my software. One of these parties encodes the names in UTF-8, so I have adapted my script accordingly to decode UTF-8 to ASCII with Encode::decode_utf8(...).
This usually works fine, but every 6 months or so one of the names contains cyrillic, greek or romanian characters, so decoding the name results in garbage characters such as "ПодражанÑкаÑ". I have to follow-up with the customer and ask him for a "latin character version" of his name in order to issue a registration code.
So, is there any Perl module that can detect whether there are such characters and automatically translates them to their closest ASCII representation if necessary?
It seems that I can use Lingua::Cyrillic::Translit::ICAO plus Lingua::DetectCharset to handle Cyrillic, but I would prefer something that works with other character sets as well.
I believe you could use Text::Unidecode for this, it is precisely what it tries to do.
In the documentation for Text::Unicode, under "Caveats", it appears that this phrase is incorrect:
Make sure that the input data really is a utf8 string.
UTF-8 is a variable-length encoding, whereas Text::Unidecode only accepts a fixed-length (two-byte) encoding for each character. So that sentence should read:
Make sure that the input data really is a string of two-byte Unicode characters.
This is also referred to as UCS-2.
If you want to convert strings which really are utf8, you would do it like so:
my $decode_status = utf8::decode($input_to_be_converted);
my $converted_string = unidecode ($input_to_be_converted);
If you have to deal with UTF-8 data that are not in the ascii range, your best bet is to change your backend so it doesn't choke on utf-8. How would you go about transliterating kanji signs?
If you get cyrilic text there is no "closest ASCII representation" for many characters.