iPhone and Windows Active Directory - iphone

Is it posable to make an app that can connect to a Windows Active Directory Server and do something like create a new user account or disable an existing account or retrieve a status flag...? help me please...!
What i actually want is that, my windows server has all the web services and database which is capable to run a web application. now i am about to design an iphone version of the same web app. the users information are stored in an Active Directory. is there exist a direct connection between the iphone and the AD??? do i need to write any other web service particular for the iphone version??? what all things i need to setup for that.???

Maybe you can set up a web service on AD server to handle AD related operations.
like this way:
[native AD operate code]<---->[web service]<------> iPhone

Our Smash! User Manager app does this and is available for both IOS and Android for FREE.

ADAssist at http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/active-directory-assist/id528953910?mt=8

Perhaps you might look into porting Samba to a legitimate iPhone app.

There are certainly ways to do this. There are a few applications on the App Store that do this now. (Several mentioned here, although my favorite "AD HelpDesk" hasn't gotten a plug yet).
Probably the easiest way to go about it would be to use ADWS to allow web service access to the DC. This of course requires a 2008 R2 DC.
If you don't do that you will have to use native protocols such as LDAP to communicate with the DC. You can incorporate openLDAP source code into your iPhone app, and do LDAP queries against the DC directly.


Xcode 4 and Databases

I am new to programing iPhone applications.
I am pretty much done building the interfaces and I built a database using Visual Studio 2008.
Now I want to connect my application to that database using a SQL server as a web service (that acts as an intermediary layer between my application and database). I will reserve a server for the database later.
My question is: I have a log in a view where I ask for the username and password, how can I use the information from Xcode and send it to the database to verify it?
Your help will be very much appreciated.
From your description I am not sure if I understand, but if you need to have an app and some webservice with data you can check for example this tutorial from Ray Wenderlich:
Also, you might find useful this SO question:
iPhone app and web service

iOS: Enterprise Server architecture

For iPhone and iPad i.e iOS development
Is there a specific server platform required to setup for
development and deployment enterprise apps?
Is there a specific architecture for this purpose? If so which one
since we are will be calling windows web service.
Is an application development server required or can we use an
ordinary pc?
Thanks in advance
Your server doesn't need anything special to distribute apps, we have it working fine on an ordinary Linux box. All you need is:
a URL to an XML file that describes the app
a URL to a png image for your app icon (for use while the app is being downloaded)
a URL to a .ipa file containing the actual app.
some kind of authentication to ensure these URLs aren't publicly available (this could just be a VERY long random string inside the URL, perhaps one that changes regularly).
All of that can be done on any ordinary HTTP web server, without even any dynamic pages.
Some other enterprise features, such as push notifications, will require a programming language that can do some fairly low level network stuff. We've got that working fine with PHP, I'm not sure what would be the best language to work with on Windows.
I'm not sure if this is what you're asking, but you will need a Mac OS X based workstation for writing and compiling the app(s) you're working on. This cannot be done on windows.
1) No
2) It's up to you. For instance you could feed XML or JSON equally on your windows web service. The way you call your server from the client on the app is your decision. Typically driven by a URL.
3) No, an application development server is not required. You can use an ordinary PC if you wanted. I've done this multiple times for testing sure. But for a large audience of course I would recommend something large like a linux server and not a "home PC".

How to create a remote virtual machine client for iPhone? (in XCode)

I desperately need to integrate a virtual machine/remote desktop connection into my iOS app because the app is going to be developed for a school and they want to access the school management system.
Is it very hard? How can I do it? Are there any tutorials out there?
Bear in mind that I'm not an advanced dev.
Many thanks,
It's likely to be a challenge.
A better way would be trying to use a web service to interact with the system.
It's hard. Look into porting some open source RDesktop code. Or just use one of the dozens of existing remote desktop iPhone apps in conjunction with your app.
Most mobile apps use a RESTful API to communicate between servers and devices.

MDM API Integration in iPhone

I am trying to do an enterprise application which need to list all the installed apps in iPhone and also should allow the user to delete some apps from current application.I know this is not possible using any direct API's.But I found that using MDM API's it is possible. I had gone through the documents about this in apple's website http://images.apple.com/iphone/business/docs/iPhone_OTA_Enrollment_Configuration.pdf
But I am not sure where I need to start. What are the steps I need to follow to access these APIs in the iPhone side. Do I need to perform all these steps programatically when I open the app or else these will be handled by server.
Please share your ideas about how to implement this from a developer point of view.
Thanks in advance.
Apps are not able to do any MDM, it can only be done by the server, that is managing the device.
Apple has a session video from WWDC 2010 that shows how this is done.

How can two iPhone applications share the same settings?

Can two different iPhone applications share the same settings? I'm releasing two iPhone products, one that requires the user to login to use, the other that is free and can be used without a login. However, the second free application could have some enhancements that we could give if the user were logged in. Would it be possible to let a user who has both apps installed use the same settings module for the username/password we store on the device?
I don't think this is possible. I believe that each Settings module that is related to your app ID, which will be different for each app. It would be a security risk if one application could access another's settings.
I think the best solution is to use some sort of web service to store/retrieve the settings. Or you could use a custom URL scheme to pass data between the applications if you don't want to use a web service.
Natively I dont think its possible. But interfacing with an Internet Web Service, you could do it.