Xcode 4 and Databases - iphone

I am new to programing iPhone applications.
I am pretty much done building the interfaces and I built a database using Visual Studio 2008.
Now I want to connect my application to that database using a SQL server as a web service (that acts as an intermediary layer between my application and database). I will reserve a server for the database later.
My question is: I have a log in a view where I ask for the username and password, how can I use the information from Xcode and send it to the database to verify it?
Your help will be very much appreciated.

From your description I am not sure if I understand, but if you need to have an app and some webservice with data you can check for example this tutorial from Ray Wenderlich:
Also, you might find useful this SO question:
iPhone app and web service


How to connect Wix Database to my Xcode project?

hey few weeks backs I decided I wanted to learn to write code and understand the basics of it. The reason behind it is that I want to create an iOS app for my current online business. My business is all digital and I run my website through Wix. So as as I was dabbling with Xcode and learning the swift language, I though I found a way to create a super simple app, that would just display my mobile website using a simple WebKit View. It looked pretty good to me and it worked perfectly.
However when I sent the app for review to the App Store they rejected it because since I was selling digital content I was not allowed "to provide access to external payment mechanisms for purchases or subscriptions to be used in the app".
So as I continue to learn more and more I found out that you can use Google's Firebase databases to create a log in method within your app. However, since my business is all through wix, I was wondering if there is a way that you can connect Wix's data bases to Xcode the same way that you can connect Firebase to Xcode? or is there a way that I can connect the Wix's database to Firebase and then have them interact directly through my Xcode project?
I apologize in advance If I am using wrong terminology. I have been working on this for a few weeks but I am eager to learn more. I would really appreciate some guidance. thank you.

Xamarin Mobile Device to SQLite stored on AWS Ec2

As the title goes, I need to connect a Xamarin built application to a SQLITE database stored inside a Amazon EC2 that is hosting a web app.
Now I agree not the most robust of set ups but i'm aware it can be done using RESTful API to build a web service and ideally host on Tomcat. But i can't find out how. Totally new to APIs.
That's all I need really. I've been down most avenues of Google and Xamarin support docs. But I really need someone to point me in the right direction as im seeing alot of broken links for Xamarin docs that revert me to Microsofts site. Or help find an example, anything would be heavily appreciated. I can only offer that if you answer my question you will make someones day and I will post a cute picture of a hamster.

iphone connection with openerp

I am thinking of getting an application in iPhone to establish connection with a application server to collects its contact details and then sync it with our address book.
Anyone could direct me in the direction i have to take to achieve this target. And the things i have to look up.
You must, first of all, start with a XML-RPC library for iPhone. That is not implemented yet in the iOS core sdk. A good starting point is the open source application developed from wordpress that contain a xml-rpc library. Then you can play with the method from within this application, calling specific opener methods.
This is the link to download wordpress for iOS: http://ios.wordpress.org/development/
Someone is working on a mobile client for OpenERP, but I don't know if there are any plans for iPhone specifically.
If you want to build your own, I suggest you look at the OpenERP developer book's section on web services. You can send XML-RPC requests to the server to do anything the regular client can do. The XML-RPC layer is basically a wrapper around the ORM methods.

Iphone & Web App synch

I am trying to build an Iphone App client for our CRM solution so our sales people would be able to access the information available in our CRM through an Iphone App.
I am trying to find out what is the recommended approach to architect the application when it comes to the database. I am not sure where should the data reside, should I save a subset of the data on the iPhone, or should I just rely on webservices and pull the information I need from the database whenever I need it. Also, is there any best practices or frameworks to build such applications on the Iphone.
The "best" solution from a data synchronization standpoint is work directly with the web based database, the "best" solution from a user experience standpoint is probably not that, due to latency passing data back and forth from the server.
If you do not have experience doing iPhone apps & you have no desire to learn Objective-C & would like to leverage web development skills I recommend a combination of phonegap + jqTouch.
Hope I helped.
Is your CRM based on Rails? You might find ObjectiveReference handy. It's an Objective-C interface into ActiveResources on a RoR site:

iPhone and Windows Active Directory

Is it posable to make an app that can connect to a Windows Active Directory Server and do something like create a new user account or disable an existing account or retrieve a status flag...? help me please...!
What i actually want is that, my windows server has all the web services and database which is capable to run a web application. now i am about to design an iphone version of the same web app. the users information are stored in an Active Directory. is there exist a direct connection between the iphone and the AD??? do i need to write any other web service particular for the iphone version??? what all things i need to setup for that.???
Maybe you can set up a web service on AD server to handle AD related operations.
like this way:
[native AD operate code]<---->[web service]<------> iPhone
Our Smash! User Manager app does this and is available for both IOS and Android for FREE.
ADAssist at http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/active-directory-assist/id528953910?mt=8
Perhaps you might look into porting Samba to a legitimate iPhone app.
There are certainly ways to do this. There are a few applications on the App Store that do this now. (Several mentioned here, although my favorite "AD HelpDesk" hasn't gotten a plug yet).
Probably the easiest way to go about it would be to use ADWS to allow web service access to the DC. This of course requires a 2008 R2 DC.
If you don't do that you will have to use native protocols such as LDAP to communicate with the DC. You can incorporate openLDAP source code into your iPhone app, and do LDAP queries against the DC directly.