how to convert MID file to wav file? - iphone

I want to play background music in my game application using AVAudio player.I am using .MDI file.This file is not playing in AVAudio player.So i want to convert this .MDi file to wav file.IS it possible?

Yes, it is possible. Assuming you're trying to convert it on a Mac the following steps will result in a MIDI file being converted to a WAV file (should also work on PC's and Linux O/S's).
Download and install Audacity
Once Audacity has been downloaded and installed (launch Audacity)
Open your MIDI file that you want to convert to WAV (don't play it yet though). Quicktime Player should be fine
Back in the Audacity application, press the Record button (red circle), you should see a recording take place, play your MIDI file that's opened in the Quicktime Player.
Once the MIDI file in Quicktime Player has stopped, press the stop button (yellow square)
Go to File -> Export As WAV... And save your file
That's it!!! You should now have file that is in a WAV file format :-)
If you have problems with the following just post a comment, and I'll try and help you out.
Good luck!!!

Take a look at TiMidity++


how to use simpleaudioengine to play audio in a specified duration

i want to use SimpleAudioEngine to play a 2s mp3, but not so simple. I want to this audio plays 4s, that it, this mp3's duration should be 4s. Any good idea can solve this problem, Thank u very much
Edit the file to be 4 seconds using audacity audio editor. You can extend the file without changing the pitch of the audio. Then export the file as a separate mp3 file. Then just pay the file normally.

iphone keyboard sound

I'm looking for the default keyboard sound, when a key is pressed on the iPhone. Does anyone know if I can download a .caf or .wav of this sound. Or if I can access it from within a program>?
In the Finder, navigate to
The filename is Tock.aiff
Found this on my iPod Touch 1st generation, it kind of sounds like the keyclick but I'm not sure:
For simulators with version >10.0, keyboard click sounds (and other UI sounds) can found in :
The format is .caf which can be converted in .wav using Quick Time export.

Is there an easy way to stream a m3u in iPhone?

I can have a UIWebView with the .m3u file opened, which will go to the webview with a play button displayed, and that automatically goes to the quicktime player and starts playing the stream. But when I press the done button, it goes back to the UIWebView with a little play button in the middle, and from there you can go back to the previous screen (it was selected from a tableview). So I just want it to automatically load the quicktime player in the view. How can I do that?
An m3u file is nothing more than a text file listing MP3 (and / or other format) digital audio files to be interpreted by player software as a series of audio files to be played in succession. So my best guess (I am about to implement this myself, so I'll find out soon if it actually works that way) at going about this is:
read in m3u file
parse for stream URLs and store these
choose / let user decide which one to play
Implement streaming player like explained here.
There is no step 5. I hope.

Play audio and video at a same time in iPhone application

Is it possible to play audio and video file at a same time? I want to play different audio file and video file at a same time and also want control for both, so is it possible?
Sorry, not that I know of. The movie view automatically stops all audio files and takes up the whole screen, so you are forced to listen to the audio for the video.
If the audio is part of the video file, yes.
If it's an MP3 file or some other external type how are you planning on playing it? The phone might allow this to happen depending on what you're up too.
You might be in luck soon though...
Another helpful link is here.

SoundManager + FFMPEG causing loud popping sound when streaming MP3s?

I built an application that plays both uploaded original mp3 files, and copies that have been converted with FFMPEG. I am finding that in some cases the FFMPEG files have a horrible popping/clicking/screeching sound for a split second at startup (hear below). But when I analyze the file in an audio editor there is nothing there, so it seems to be either the browser or soundManager reacting badly to something in that file. Wondering if there is any way I can fix this either by adjusting FFMPEG settings, soundManager settings, or..... Any suggestions?
I've uploaded the offending sound in the link below (before the music starts playing).
Hear sound
Screeching/clicking at the beginning often points to a badly formed mp3 file. (There are a lot of them in the wild.)
Try checking both the original and converted files with mp3check -e -B
If you get errors, adding mp3check --cut-junk-start to your pipline should work.