iphone keyboard sound - iphone

I'm looking for the default keyboard sound, when a key is pressed on the iPhone. Does anyone know if I can download a .caf or .wav of this sound. Or if I can access it from within a program>?

In the Finder, navigate to
The filename is Tock.aiff

Found this on my iPod Touch 1st generation, it kind of sounds like the keyclick but I'm not sure:

For simulators with version >10.0, keyboard click sounds (and other UI sounds) can found in :
The format is .caf which can be converted in .wav using Quick Time export.


Using a webview to play an mp3- is it possible to keep it playing even when the screen is locked?

I have a portion of my app that simply launches a webview linked to an mp3 file- it opens the file and plays the audio. What I'd like to do is allow that audio to continue playing even if the user locks their iPhone. (As a side note, is there any way to replace the default Quicktime logo that appears in the player? Not that big a deal, just thought I'd ask =)
A third question- I also do the same thing (webview) with an .m3u linked file to stream live audio throughout the week- is it also possible to keep it playing when the iPhone is locked?
Quick Edit: The same URLs work great in IOS Safari (locking and unlocking doesn't affect the audio. Just not in my app's webviews.
I did find my answer though, in case anyone comes here looking. Easiest thing in the world too- just add a row to the plist file labeled "Required Background Modes" and under that set item 0's value to "App plays audio". Voila!
Since the audio is in a UIWebView, I don't believe that you'd be able to play it in the background.
EDIT: I was wrong, adding "App Plays Audio" to the UIBackgroundModes will make it work even when audio is in a UIWebView.
Have you thought about just streaming the .mp3 file yourself? Should be easy enough and you'd be able to setup background streaming. To get you started, I'd check out Matt Gallagher's AudioStreamer class which easily allows you to stream .mp3 files and other audio files from the net: https://github.com/mattgallagher/AudioStreamer

Trying to play an audio file

I'm trying to play an audio file in a cocos2d application. Here is the line which tries to play the sound:
[[SimpleAudioEngine sharedEngine] playEffect:#"pig_squeal.wav"];
If I put a log near this line, the log appears, and I can play the sound with iTunes. But when the sound should be played, there is a message displayed:
AudioStreamBasicDescription: 2 ch, 44100 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x00000C2C) 8.24-bit little-endian signed integer, deinterleaved
What's the problem?
This was discussed in comments but I've amalgamated all the possibilities of why it may not work here.:
That's not an error message, just some information.
Is the sound definitely in your library and a part of the target?
You haven't changed the volume of the SimpleAudioEngine or the volume of your device isn't all the way down?
Click the sound in your library. Press Option+Command+1 to bring up the file editor. Scroll down to "Target Membership" and ensure the sound is checked for your target.
Try a different sound effect too? Try and narrow the problem down to "is it SimpleAudioEngine".
Also try and playBackgroundMusic for a sound (This was the solution in this case)
And try an mp3
There isn't a problem. It's a status message written to the log when you initialise the current OpenAL context using alcMakeContextCurrent. As far as I'm aware, you can't get rid of the message.
There is no problems with your code for the Playing of the Sound. Please check the Sound file has been added to the project also do check the format of the sound. It should play the Sound whenever you call the Play Effect. Please also try to PRELOAD the sound effect in the init method.
that message means the song was read correctly and should be playing. possible reasons you don't hear it?
volume turned down.
device malfunctioning
audio has silence in it
audio file is large and will take a long time to load.
sound has been redirect to come out of the headphones or the ear piece (even if not attached)
But the sound is loading and most likely playing.
If you are getting a crash while running in device from xcode pls try this(worked for me). Dissconnect the device from Xcode and run the app in the device. I dont know why it worked like that. But when I did this there was no crash.

mp4 vs m3u8 format

I am trying to play a video in iPhone, which has m3u8 format. The video's link is parsed from an XML (so i cannot change it). I'm trying to play it with MoviePlayerController (set it on fullscreen, controlStyle is fullscreen too, set the presentModalViewController to the MoviePlayerController). After pressing the play button, the movie has only sound for a few seconds, no video screen, and the app crashes.
In this XML I have a different videolink, which contains mp4 format. Playing the video in the same mode (with MoviePlayerController and the settings...), it works fine. So: do you have any ideas what the problem is? If there is any encoding problems of m3u8? If it can be changed and how?
Thank you :)
Look the AVPlayerDemoPlaybackViewController class from this very useful open source control released by Peter Steinberger
Thanks again Peter!

how to convert MID file to wav file?

I want to play background music in my game application using AVAudio player.I am using .MDI file.This file is not playing in AVAudio player.So i want to convert this .MDi file to wav file.IS it possible?
Yes, it is possible. Assuming you're trying to convert it on a Mac the following steps will result in a MIDI file being converted to a WAV file (should also work on PC's and Linux O/S's).
Download and install Audacity
Once Audacity has been downloaded and installed (launch Audacity)
Open your MIDI file that you want to convert to WAV (don't play it yet though). Quicktime Player should be fine
Back in the Audacity application, press the Record button (red circle), you should see a recording take place, play your MIDI file that's opened in the Quicktime Player.
Once the MIDI file in Quicktime Player has stopped, press the stop button (yellow square)
Go to File -> Export As WAV... And save your file
That's it!!! You should now have file that is in a WAV file format :-)
If you have problems with the following just post a comment, and I'll try and help you out.
Good luck!!!
Take a look at TiMidity++

Play audio and video at a same time in iPhone application

Is it possible to play audio and video file at a same time? I want to play different audio file and video file at a same time and also want control for both, so is it possible?
Sorry, not that I know of. The movie view automatically stops all audio files and takes up the whole screen, so you are forced to listen to the audio for the video.
If the audio is part of the video file, yes.
If it's an MP3 file or some other external type how are you planning on playing it? The phone might allow this to happen depending on what you're up too.
You might be in luck soon though...
Another helpful link is here.