Is there an easy way to stream a m3u in iPhone? - iphone

I can have a UIWebView with the .m3u file opened, which will go to the webview with a play button displayed, and that automatically goes to the quicktime player and starts playing the stream. But when I press the done button, it goes back to the UIWebView with a little play button in the middle, and from there you can go back to the previous screen (it was selected from a tableview). So I just want it to automatically load the quicktime player in the view. How can I do that?

An m3u file is nothing more than a text file listing MP3 (and / or other format) digital audio files to be interpreted by player software as a series of audio files to be played in succession. So my best guess (I am about to implement this myself, so I'll find out soon if it actually works that way) at going about this is:
read in m3u file
parse for stream URLs and store these
choose / let user decide which one to play
Implement streaming player like explained here.
There is no step 5. I hope.


Using a webview to play an mp3- is it possible to keep it playing even when the screen is locked?

I have a portion of my app that simply launches a webview linked to an mp3 file- it opens the file and plays the audio. What I'd like to do is allow that audio to continue playing even if the user locks their iPhone. (As a side note, is there any way to replace the default Quicktime logo that appears in the player? Not that big a deal, just thought I'd ask =)
A third question- I also do the same thing (webview) with an .m3u linked file to stream live audio throughout the week- is it also possible to keep it playing when the iPhone is locked?
Quick Edit: The same URLs work great in IOS Safari (locking and unlocking doesn't affect the audio. Just not in my app's webviews.
I did find my answer though, in case anyone comes here looking. Easiest thing in the world too- just add a row to the plist file labeled "Required Background Modes" and under that set item 0's value to "App plays audio". Voila!
Since the audio is in a UIWebView, I don't believe that you'd be able to play it in the background.
EDIT: I was wrong, adding "App Plays Audio" to the UIBackgroundModes will make it work even when audio is in a UIWebView.
Have you thought about just streaming the .mp3 file yourself? Should be easy enough and you'd be able to setup background streaming. To get you started, I'd check out Matt Gallagher's AudioStreamer class which easily allows you to stream .mp3 files and other audio files from the net:

Movie Player in UIWebView

If I want to download an mp4 file, an iPhone movie player (MPMoviePlayerController) pops out and plays the video. My question is: can I get some kind of a message that it pops up or perhaps even prevent it from appearing?
One thing you could try is setting a delegate for your UIWebView and implementing -webView:shouldStartLoadWithRequest:navigationType:. Return NO if it's an mp4 (or mov) file.

Play audio and video at a same time in iPhone application

Is it possible to play audio and video file at a same time? I want to play different audio file and video file at a same time and also want control for both, so is it possible?
Sorry, not that I know of. The movie view automatically stops all audio files and takes up the whole screen, so you are forced to listen to the audio for the video.
If the audio is part of the video file, yes.
If it's an MP3 file or some other external type how are you planning on playing it? The phone might allow this to happen depending on what you're up too.
You might be in luck soon though...
Another helpful link is here.

How to play next file using Audio Queue Services

What is the right way to play next file using Audio Queue Services? When "play next" button is pressed should I first call AudioQueueStop and then AudioQueuePrime/AudioQueueStart or it is enough to just fill buffers with next file data?
The problem is that the latter gives me sound glitches on iPhone.
Did you find a good solution?
You may have to reset the audio queue also, as the encoding might be different for each file.

Play an audio file and return back to the page

in my iPhone app, I have an UIWebView with some simple HTML links to audio files.
When the user opens such an audio file, media player plays it an leaves my
UIWebView with this screen:
alt text
How do I dismiss it after the audio file was played?
I've searched for UIWebView's delegates without finding something useful.
Mike, I've found a solution: Create a HTML page and embed your audio file the follwing way:
<embed src=””>
This gives you an embedded mini player.
No, you can't dismiss that properly, or at least I couldn't figure out how to do it. So I just used the movie player for all my audio and video. It's a little more complex but it is much more flexible.