What is the name of the UIView used at the "home" screen of iPhone? - iphone

First of all, the question is very simple, but I have tried to look around on the Internet and I couldn't find a name for this. Several applications such as "Ping Lite" have used this view in their application. It allows you to have submodules/applications as icons and you can scroll the page around just like when you are at "home" screen.
Can somebody tells me what is the name of the class that is used there?

This kind of view is not available in the iPhone SDK. It is written by Apple and it's not included in the UIKit framework. It's only available in SpringBoard.app, the application responsible for many features of the OS (kind of Finder.app).
However, you can write it yourself of course, using a UIScrollView. This will take some time but luckily we have the Three20 project, which implements the TTLauncherView class

AFAIK the standard sdk has no such a class. You can check third-party libraries(three20, for example) or customize UIScrollView behaviour

The UIView used at the “home” screen of iPhone is a UIScrollView alongwith UIPageControl.
Check the PageControl sample code from Apple and you will learn how it works.


How to implement a static menu bar in an UIPageviewcontroller?

im trying to build in a static menu bar in my uipageviewcontroller like youtube has. Does anyone know how to implement it ?
What are you asking for is not part of the iOS SDK. As you will see the more you program, there is not point in hacking the SDK here and there to make visual elements look and behave the way you want. You're better off creating custom views in NIBs (or in code if so your heart desires), plugging the behavior you want into them, and use that instead of the SDK.
If you do want to use a UIPageViewController, here is a tutorial you can refer to for inspiration. The UISegmentControl can easily be replaced bya view of your own. Good luck!
EDIT: I realized I forgot how to include the link. Here you go: Switching controllers with a UISegmentedControl

Open source alternatives to UIScrollView

Which open source alternatives to UIScrollView is there?
I need paging so it would be awesome if we could categorize by that feature.
I'm looking for alternatives for the sole reason that Apple recommends against putting UIWebView inside UIScrollView. More specifically I experience problems with fixedcontent on iOS 5. But let's stick to the question: alternatives to UIScrollView.
Check TTScrollView, part of the famous Three20 framework.
[Edited 2013-09-16]
CHScrollView is another open source alternative of UIScrollView. It is written by myself :)
If you want to make something like photo gallery, but web views instead photos, you can use UIPageViewController which shows webviews.
Check out DDPageControl
For more controls just search on http://cocoacontrols.com

official alternative to implement Splitview as a subview for an IPad App?

I'm developing an app in IOS using Storyboard for the Ipad. I want to add UISplitViewController as a subview of my app. I want to generate this kind of output (see below image). when user click on FirstView's 'Next' button, a second view-splitview should appear.
But Apple's guidelines says that we can't push UISplitViewController as a subview of module. if we use a UISplitViewController, it has to be visible at all the times in our app.
when i tried to add any splitviewcontroller directly into the storyboard, it generated the error .
Split View Controllers cannot be pushed to a Navigation Controller
I dig around the net but unfortunately couldn't find any proper help.
is there any official alternative to use such a kind of facility by Apple itself?
or any link to the working code or samples to implement such a kind of functionality.
If i'm using third party solution, will my app get banned by Apple App store as they don't allow to do so?
I think this is a very basic kind of functionality which many people needs to implement in their app as a submodule. So there must be a inbuilt facility by apple. may b i don't know about it.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
This isn't an answer to your exact question, but may help in part.
I have an app that uses a UISplitViewController that is a subview of a UITabBarController.
This goes against Apple guidelines, but was desirable for my design that started originally as an iPhone app, and that I wanted to convert to a Universal app. I also wanted to maintain the UI convention of my app that the iPhone users were familiar with.
Unsurprisingly, there were problems with the notification of the orientation to the various UISplitViewControllers that weren't visible (though it would seem that Apple could support this if they chose to).
The workaround was to use the new API added in iOS 5.0,
...and always return NO. Not the ideal UI arrangement, but it works, and was accepted by Apple as an app update.
So, (clearly) you'll need to do this programmatically, rather than use Storyboards, but I think if you can get it working, Apple may approve. I wouldn't recommend you risk this if you can avoid it, however.

Callout within UITableView

I am looking for a iOS Music app style Callout functionality. What I mean with that is that I want to get the same kind of callout "bubble" you get when press-and-hold within the Music app on iOS5.
I have been searching for a good solution for this, but can't find it.
The closest to what I need is: Use UITableView bubble/callout like iPod app However, this user didn't share what solution he had.
The libs I have looked at are:
All of these have one this in common: They are useless.
The problem with these are that they all use a static callout view using PNG images, not one with a pointer beneath. Also, they do not adapt to the size of the screen; thus the bubble gets outside of the screen.
Any suggestions on a good library which I can use to implements this within my app?
What about WEPopover?
It might be what you want.
WEPopover for iOS

Building app for iPhone and iPad

Can any one suggest how I can build Universal app for iPad as well iPhone. What all things I should take care of ? How to take care of resource images used ? Is it possible to have same code base should work for iPad as well iPhone.
In the Target->Project->getInfo->Build->target family-> select iPhone/iPad
And make the conditions everywhere whereever you set frame and also the resolution of the image required by iPAD is high.. so as per condition check whether its running on iPad or iPhone and based on that set your frame and image.
After creating your universal app (see #Suriya's post above) you should figure out in the app delegate whether you have an iPad or iPhone. Here is a simple tutorial to do just that.
Yes, you will need separate nibs and images for an iPad app. But, no, not all the code has to change. You can simply use class inheritance.
You have a MyTableViewController.h and .m file that work on the iPhone. This table has a custom cell, MyTableViewCell. Now you want your iPad app to get the same information, but display a larger table and a larger table cell. You then subclass your iPhone classes like so: MyiPadTableViewController : MyTableViewController and MyiPadTableViewCell : MyTableViewCell . This way you have access to all of your created functions in the parent class, but you can override how the information is displayed.
If you have a function - (void)doSomething:(id)foo; in your MyTableViewController class, you can use it in your MyiPadTableViewController class without writing any extra code, or override it if necessary. The point is you don't have to change code in two places, so it makes life a lot easier.