Open source alternatives to UIScrollView - iphone

Which open source alternatives to UIScrollView is there?
I need paging so it would be awesome if we could categorize by that feature.
I'm looking for alternatives for the sole reason that Apple recommends against putting UIWebView inside UIScrollView. More specifically I experience problems with fixedcontent on iOS 5. But let's stick to the question: alternatives to UIScrollView.

Check TTScrollView, part of the famous Three20 framework.
[Edited 2013-09-16]
CHScrollView is another open source alternative of UIScrollView. It is written by myself :)

If you want to make something like photo gallery, but web views instead photos, you can use UIPageViewController which shows webviews.

Check out DDPageControl
For more controls just search on


Lazy loading iPhone images

If I would like to have lazy loading like google+ or facebook app (maybe even 9gag), should I go with UITableView or UIScrollView?
The goal is to load whole new set of cells or scrollview pages (not just thumbnail like apple lazyloading tableview). If you have facebook app, try scrolling down fast and you will see what I mean.
Any example would be also helpful.
You should prefer table view for this. with tableview , You can use reusable customcell. tableview can be useful for Auto layout in landscape mode and if app is universal the tableview is more useful.
You can try this: This is a best example for loading images asynchronously. The library can also be used to load and cache images independently of a UIImageView as it provides direct access to the underlying loading and caching classes.
Using Grand Central Dispatch you can do this.
The following link might be useful.
Take a look at SDWebImage, really easy to use, it support caching and asynchronous loading.
I would use a uicollection view. Here is an example that uses uitableview, but you can take it and modify it a bit to work with a collection view.
If you would like to use a third party library, I would suggest looking at AFNetworking It's one of the most highly used and has a very easy to use function that extends UIImageView LINK
Also as an FYI, a scrollview is part of a tableview.

asynchronous image loader in UITableView

Does anyone know any good library/tutorial that can do asynchronous image loading for a cell in UITableView? I am looking for a method that doesn't involve too much code changing in my current code and easy to integrate to a regular synchronous UITableView.
Try looking into Three20
An open source library written by the guy who wrote the official "Facebook" app for iOS.
Moreover, the code of the facebook app is based on that library.
If you rather do it by yourself, read MHLazyTableImages, it comes with a github project. It's an adaptation of Apple's LazyTableImages. Or you can use HJCache.
Fully-Loaded is another one which is pretty simple. It's more a generic image view loaded which you can use in custom table view cells.
I quite like SDWebImage, which is an asynchronous image downloader with cache support with an UIImageView category.

Iphone - grid of pictures using scroll view and ad UIImageViews to it

Can someone give me one source file working ?
Alternatively you can look at my AQGridView, which can display anything in a grid, using an API similar to that of UITableView.
You might want to take a look at Facebook's Three20, specifically their TTPhotoViewController class.
Update: Other options (possibly more modular and easier to integrate in your project): (as suggested by Jim)

How is screenshots slideshow implemented in App Store?

I really like the slideshow of application screenshots in application info in App Store. Does anyone have an idea how it is implemented? May be there are some tutorials or source code available? I could not find any.
May be not exactly the same, but something similar, where user can slide images in imageView would be very good
Check out this tutorial, using a UIScrollView with pagingEnabled set to YES.
Looks to me like a standard UIScrollView, with pagingEnabled set to YES, hosting a couple of smaller UIImageViews arranged in a row.

What is the name of the UIView used at the "home" screen of iPhone?

First of all, the question is very simple, but I have tried to look around on the Internet and I couldn't find a name for this. Several applications such as "Ping Lite" have used this view in their application. It allows you to have submodules/applications as icons and you can scroll the page around just like when you are at "home" screen.
Can somebody tells me what is the name of the class that is used there?
This kind of view is not available in the iPhone SDK. It is written by Apple and it's not included in the UIKit framework. It's only available in, the application responsible for many features of the OS (kind of
However, you can write it yourself of course, using a UIScrollView. This will take some time but luckily we have the Three20 project, which implements the TTLauncherView class
AFAIK the standard sdk has no such a class. You can check third-party libraries(three20, for example) or customize UIScrollView behaviour
The UIView used at the “home” screen of iPhone is a UIScrollView alongwith UIPageControl.
Check the PageControl sample code from Apple and you will learn how it works.