How can I implement a stock volume chart using core plot on iPhone? - iphone

I'm writing a stock charting application on iPhone using core-plot. What kind of chart should I use to plot the volume chart? Since I will also need to overlay the price charts onto the volume chart, how should I go about doing this?
Here's an image for reference (By no means am I trying to reimplement stockcharts functionality, just wanted to create a simple charts with volume information overlaid on the price charts):

What about using a Javascript charting library inside a WebView for your charts? You could then use something like Emprise:

If you look at the latest builds of the framework, Drew just added an open-high-low-close plot type, which is a CPTradingRangePlot with a CPTradingRangePlotStyleOHLC plot style. For an example of this in action, along with a bar chart tracking trading volume, see the latest version of the AAPLot example application that ships with the framework:

Well i don't think its possible using current build of core-plot. But you can write a implementation of your own OR in best case extend core-plot to do that & submit a patch so other can benefit from your work.
Read Quartz 2D Drawing API & you will easily be able to create a complicated graph like above.


DynamicDataDisplay chart tools, programmatically adding (pannable) controls to a chart (using ViewportHostPanel)

Dynamic Data Display is a fantastic library that so far has been very useful for me. Thanks go to Mikhail Brinchuk for developing the library.
This posting gives a great tip for adding controls to DynamicDataDisplay charts using xaml that pan and zoom with the chart content:
This allows the placement of an image, text, or whatever, on the chart that moves with the chart axes. This is all done in xaml.
How do I add these in the cs code such that I can add controls to the chart (markers, images and such) at run-time? I'm trying to plot some GPS data in one chart using Google maps as the source images. In another chart I'd like to add controls that pan with the data. The above link does this, but I am not able to add it at run-time, nor specify the position in my chart data.

How would I replicate graphs like the following in Core Plot?

I would like to use the Core Plot framework to produce a graph that looks like the following:
Additionally, I would like to provide charts within a table view like the following:
How would I set up charts like these using Core Plot?
The first one is easy--it's just a scatter plot with a gradient fill. The examples included with the framework show how to do this.
See this thread on the Core Plot discussion board for ideas on how to approach the second problem:
You can refer this link for installing core-plot. Also read the comments section in the above link for some changes.

Which library this app using?

I would like to do some functionality like this app for iphone:
I would like to draw chart, navigate and interact on the chart, scale, zoom, etc... such as scale the chart by interact with the y-axis or x-axis.
Can anyone know which library that app using? Or would you please suggest me some library can do that functionality. I have tried Core-Plot but this library does not support scaling chart by interacting with axis.
any suggestion would be great appreciated.
My guess is that they're using a customized version of Core Plot.
Update: Check out Is there a good charting library for iPhone? for various iPhone charting implementations.

How to draw a piechart in iPhone

I want to draw a piechart in my application. Do anyone know any code or tutorial to help me out. I found some in the following link
but if there is any other more efficient way to do it, I want to learn it.
I'm not sure if you know how to do pie charts on other platforms, but there really are some basic techniques that you should be aware of and understand, before embarking on creating pie charts on ANY platform.
See here for a pretty good discussion. There are many more out there, if you want to learn more.
Applying that to the iPhone isn't going to be child's play, but it's not too hard either. If you are looking for a library to do the work for you, look around and you'd probably find something to give you a head start.
KeepEdge offers an iPhone charting/graphing API:
You can also check the source code of AppMobile, which has a pie chart embedded inside it:
I will recommend you to look at the "Animating Pie Slices Using a Custom CALayer" page!.
there is new, nice Pie Chart 3D library. 3D charts which you can rotate and scale with fingers + protocol for getting information about tapped slice

Is there a way to use GflAx to incorporate gradient colours?

Ok, narrow question of the day. I'm using GflAx (from xnview) to create some graphic tiles. I would like to put some gradients in as well though.
Is there a way I can do this within this product?
There is also an SDK which is part of this product but I can't find that info there.
You can not do this but you can create the gradient in another program and then do a "LoadBitmap" make the mods you need ontop of that 'background' and then save to a new file.