How to draw a piechart in iPhone - iphone

I want to draw a piechart in my application. Do anyone know any code or tutorial to help me out. I found some in the following link
but if there is any other more efficient way to do it, I want to learn it.

I'm not sure if you know how to do pie charts on other platforms, but there really are some basic techniques that you should be aware of and understand, before embarking on creating pie charts on ANY platform.
See here for a pretty good discussion. There are many more out there, if you want to learn more.
Applying that to the iPhone isn't going to be child's play, but it's not too hard either. If you are looking for a library to do the work for you, look around and you'd probably find something to give you a head start.

KeepEdge offers an iPhone charting/graphing API:
You can also check the source code of AppMobile, which has a pie chart embedded inside it:

I will recommend you to look at the "Animating Pie Slices Using a Custom CALayer" page!.

there is new, nice Pie Chart 3D library. 3D charts which you can rotate and scale with fingers + protocol for getting information about tapped slice


How can I add a button in Mapbox to toggle the measure tool on and off?

I'm using this Mapbox example for creating a measuring tool.
However, I want to have a small icon button that toggles the tool on and off. I don't always need to measure distances. Much like the polygon draw example here:
I can't quite figure out how to do it. Any direction would be great here. I'm still learning.
SOLVED: I took a better look at the mapbox draw documentation and saw that it supports length as well. This meant I was simply able to switch out the area.

Adding drop-shadow to map layer

I'm a UI Designer, and my client will use mapbox for his website. I'm working on a custom style where I want to make the whole map white with a drop-shadow.
I know only basics for now, so there's my question. How can I add a drop-shadow for 'land' layer? I just want to know if it's possible and it would be awesome to know the solution.
If you're talking about a style based on Mapbox Streets, then no, it's not possible, because there is actually no "land" layer. Instead, there are ocean layers, and land is just the background.
In general, "drop shadows" aren't really something you can easily do in Mapbox GL, although there are ways to kind of fake it with properties such as fill-translate.

Highcharts or Fusioncharts,which one to select

I have used Highcharts for drawing different types of graphs and for simple charts like stack, column, bar, pie etc.
But when I searched for GANTT chart I realize that it is not available in Highcharts. In the mean time I came across FusionCharts, can anyone please explain me which one to use and why? I'm a beginner in this area.
im working with amcharts since few years and I needed to make the same decision in the past and I'm super happy that I've choosen Amcharts it's super easy to use and to integrate in projects , I can just recommend this one it's pretty flexible, I guess you can also simulate the GANT chart if you simply combine few bar charts together :)

percent graphical representation as circle

im planning to do a percentage visualisation using a circle, and am currently trying to figure out what framework / technique to use.
i have used corePlot for graphs so far and have been wondering if it might be an option
my ideas are so far:
1: use a Core Plot piechart and add a covering circle layer in the middle
2: try to use quartz 2d to do it somehow
attached is a mockup how it should look like so you get an idea:
what do you think might be the best approach here? id like avoid using cover-up subviews and such..
is there any simple solution i might be missing?
thanks in advance
(PS: i do not hope for any code here, just a general fingerpoint to the right direction)
As more of an alternative than an actual straightforward CorePlot answer, you could display your percentage in a customized version of the UICircularProgressView control which I can personally vouch for.

Drawing tiles using UIImage or use buttons?

I'm new to IOS development, and want to create something with tiles similar to what you see here.
Since I'm a beginner, I see myself placing a bunch of buttons on the screen and labeling them to how I see fit. Then figuring out how to move multiple "buttons" at once. I was wondering how you think the tiles are created in this program? If not done by a bunch of buttons, could someone show me code to draw a tile with dimensions of 48x48 pixels, then place a letter on the tile?
Also, if you could point me to some helpful resources that would help me develop something along the lines of a project like this, I would most appreciate it. I'm excited and very motivated to learn and master IOS development and consequently objective-c.
My knowledge is limited to what I've learned by watching and coding along to these two YouTube playlists:
They've been extremely helpful in helping me understand the basics of Objective-C and Iphone development. Unfortunately, it didn't get into drawing and manipulating objects on the screen.
Thanks in advance for your help. I've found this site and its users quite helpful already. :)
I have kind of similar apps in the app store and I used in one case UILabels and in another case UIViews with UIImageViews as subviews. The movement of the labels I have implemented with the methods touchesBegan:withEvent, touchesMoved:withEvent and touchesEnded:withEvent.