Is there a way to use GflAx to incorporate gradient colours? - image-manipulation

Ok, narrow question of the day. I'm using GflAx (from xnview) to create some graphic tiles. I would like to put some gradients in as well though.
Is there a way I can do this within this product?
There is also an SDK which is part of this product but I can't find that info there.

You can not do this but you can create the gradient in another program and then do a "LoadBitmap" make the mods you need ontop of that 'background' and then save to a new file.


How to create a slider without an outline?

I want to create a slider without an outline.
Like this one:
Note rounded edges.
I assume I need to create a sprite for that. Unfortunately, I can't find any good tutorials on sprites for sliders. I think the easiest way would be to edit the built-in one but I don't know how to get it for editing.
This is how the original slider from my Unity looks like:
Note the outline.
So, surprising solution that should be available to all of us.
Put the default slider in and go to the Source Image for both the Background and Handle. Instead of using what is there, change it to another Unity Standard sprite called TouchpadSprite. This should do the trick. Not sure if the fact that this is called 'touchpad'sprite will cause a problem when make a PC game, but I doubt it. FYI the TouchpadSprite is from the "Standard Assets (for Unity 2017.3)" that is available for free in the Unity Asset Store. Feel free to only import the sprite itself. The Asset Pack itself is pretty large, but there is a lot of good/useful stuff in there.
Also, you will have to increase the Pixels Per Unit Multiplier value. My picture shows what I had to increase it to. This will allow you to choose the rounding of your edges as well. Play with it and let me know if it works.
Hope this helps!

How does one create a component which can effect things outside of runtime?

So I want to make a custom component. One of the functions I want to have is the ability to create and modify set of points that make up a circle. For example, specify point count:10, and on field update, a circle made up of 10 triangles is drawn in the editor.
Then I want to be able to drag the vertices of the created circle. I feel like I might be able to do this during runtime, but I'm curious how to do it out of runtime. For example, the built in "Box Collider" component has a button that allows you to edit the collider size in the editor.
I looked around and can't find a resource - I feel like there has to be a place for this.
You can execute scripts like if you were in runtime using the [ExecuteInEditMode] annotation at the begining of your class.
Check out the documentation here
For the functionality you want, you have Handles, to manipulate objects properties.
Also you'll want to develop visual aids for your tool, so you can accomplish this using Gizmos.
Google "Custom Editors for Unity" - there's a whole section of the docs for this. You have a wide array of options, from the simple to the powerful.
I recommend catlikecoding's tutorials, that are clearly than the official docs, and take you through the process step by step.
One of them almost exactly describes your situation:

Multi changeable areas of a image on a iPhone

I have an image with picture of a person and I want to let the user to pick some area of the person and change the color. But how can I best create a multi-mask image?
E.g. should the user be able the change the color for a leg or a hand.
I am using Titanium Appcelerator, and right now I had a solution with buttons placed over the image, which is not a pretty and accepted solution.
The Kitchensink example, has only one area which can be changed.
The only solution I found for working with sections of an image is to divide the image into different views then use a vertical or horizontal view to glue them together. Sounds like you took a similar approach using buttons.
Another option might be to use one of the jQuery image libraries within the webview. This most likely will have a performance penalty though.

Using custom map with MKMapKit

I am creating an iPhone app for OS4.0, and I am attempting to integrate a custom map with a standard MKMapView. I have been provided a map in .eps format (vector image), and I want to somehow overlay this on an MKMapView in and restrict the scrolling boundaries of the map so users cannot scroll outside the boundaries of the custom map. What's the best way to go about this?
I have read some stuff about hosting map tiles on a server, but this seems overly complex for my application. This would just be a map for an attraction roughly the size of a public zoo, so I would think that it would be conceivable to just convert the .eps to a .png file, and overlay it, but this might not give the best performance.
I understand that I could conceivable use a UIScrollView to do the job, but the problem is that I have dynamically generated MKPinAnnotationViews placed on the map, whose position must be based on latitude and longitude, so I can't think on an elegant or reasonable way to do it with a scrollview. Any ideas?
Apple has a great bit of example code that will show you what you need to do. Check out the TileMap sample - it is available as part of the (free) WWDC 2010 samples download.
It shows you how to use the gdal2tiles utility to convert an input map into a tree of overlay tiles.
Another good bit of Apple sample code to check out is HazardMap, which is part of the regular SDK samples.

how to make a Kaleidoscope in iPhone

i am trying to make a Kaleidoscope app in iPhone.
Some one can tell me how can make it, what kind of techs i must use, please !
thanks a lot for your helps, i am so worried now !
To generate a random background and then do the two mirror reflections, you will need CoreGraphics/Quartz, and know about layers, and CGContexts. In order to vary the background based on the movement of the iPhone, you need to learn how to read the accelerometer.
This is if you want to make it look similar to a real Kaleidoscope. Otherwise you could take the much simpler approach of creating a graphic formulaicly based on random data that is then cropped to a pie slice and repeated twice to create a simple Kaleidoscope graphic.