Custom MKPinAnnotation callout bubble similar to default callout bubble - iphone

I want to create a custom callout bubble on MKMapView. But I want to create the call out bubble in the same manner of default bubble. So how to create a View look like annotaion in this image
I want a custom custom view which look like "Parked Location" annotaion in the following image. With custom width, height etc. P
I am not able to add required details in Default bubble. That's why am creating custom bubble.

I have developed a custom callout bubble that is nearly identical to the system callout bubble, but gives more flexibility over the height and content. It should be fairly trivial to adjust the appearance to suit your needs. See my post on the Asynchrony Solutions blog for example code and the steps required to implement a good callout replacement.

You need to use MKCircle and MKCircleView.


Custom Toolbar With Images

I'm planning to implement a custom toolbar using my own images. Something more or less exactly like this or this. What would be required to do this. Could I just derive a control from UIView, then create another subclass to display the actual toolbar items and handle all the drawing myself in drawRect, or would it be better to make use of standard UIKit controls to handle the drawing of the images?
You can use a standard UITabBar - it is very customizable. You can set a custom backgroundImage and selectionIndicatorImage to completely change its looks. On the UITabBarItems, you can control the appearance using the finishedSelectedImage and finishedUnselectedImage properties.
Hope it helps, and good luck!
The only way to get this to work the way I wanted was to use a custom control.

Remove the Standard callout from MapView

I need to remove the Standard Callout from the mapview and want to display my custom callout. My custom Callout is having image and many fields. I am designing my custom callout in interface builder.
How I can display my custom callout ?
I have referred to the link "Custom callout Bubble", But I want to display the custom callout from xib.
It's not simple, but you can do it.
You need to create an alternative MKAnnotationView (BubbleView) and show it when you select the first one.
It's possible to differentiate the AnnotationView from BubbleView in delegate.
You have a lot of work to do, this tutorial can help you to understand the passages, but pay attention on iOS 6, some things are changed and there are some problems in BubbleView positioning
Custom callouts are nearly impossible to implement. You have to simulate a callout by adding your own custom MKAnnotationView to your MKAnnotations, listen to their selection, then listen to your MKANnotationView's didMoveToSuperView callbacks to handle your own animations and drawing.
My implementation on the iPad took weeks to get right and if I were to do it again I wouldn't use Apple's MapKit at all. I'd use another mapping framework altogether that made the process easier.
tldr - you can't do it - trust me

Standard Settings for UILabel in MKAnnotation Callout Bubble

I am showing customized Callout Bubbles with the help of this tutorial tutorial
If I show a custom Callout Bubble I add a view Labels into that bubble and I want them to look exactly like the standard ones.
So does anybody know the settings like font, size, shadowColor, shadowOffset and stuff like that for both the title and the subtitle Label?
Or where I could find them?

Different source for callout in MKAnnotation?

I have a UIViewController that displays the MKPinAnnotation callout, using a XML source to display the related title and subtitle that I want. Is it possible to use the same UIViewController, but with an image this time as I would need to do another callout whereby I load the title/subtitle and image?
Is it possible to use the same UIViewController for the callout, but different sources? e.g. XML and retrieval from database?
you can use it but look into the documentation for the mapView. Try overriding the pin and the view functions so it can display a custom image.
You can use image property of the MKAnnotationView to show your image or you can use leftCalloutAccessoryView to add a uiimageview with your image to show on callout.

iPhone dev: adding an overlapping label to the image

I'm trying to figure out a best way to implement the picture-editing capability shown in the native address book app on iPhone.
On the built-in address book, this is how the picture looks like before editing:
And after clicking edit, notice how "Edit" overlay is added and the image becomes clickable:
What would be the best way to implement something like this? Should I make the image a button from the beginning and have tapping disabled at first? If so, what steps are required to add an overlay/label to the image (in above example, gray border + the text "Edit" is added)
The easiest way is to use Interface Builder, create a container view, then add a UIImageView and UILabel as subviews to it. You would position and style the text and the image but set the UILabel to hidden. Make the whole container view respond to touches. It's easy to do since UIView is derived from UIResponder so all you have to do is override touchesEnded. Whenever you want to change the text label, just set the UILabel to hidden=NO.
There's more to it, however. Notice how the image has rounded corners? You'll want to override the UIImageView's drawRect method to implement a custom drawing routine to do that. There's lots of sample code around and it wasn't part of your original question so I'll stop here.