Standard Settings for UILabel in MKAnnotation Callout Bubble - iphone

I am showing customized Callout Bubbles with the help of this tutorial tutorial
If I show a custom Callout Bubble I add a view Labels into that bubble and I want them to look exactly like the standard ones.
So does anybody know the settings like font, size, shadowColor, shadowOffset and stuff like that for both the title and the subtitle Label?
Or where I could find them?


customizing UISegmentedControl

Trying to customize a UISegmentedControl to have the following designs:
However, there doesn't seem to be an easy way to customize the UISegmentedControl to look like this. When I set a background image as a gradient the title is removed, and if i set a title the image is removed. Nor am i sure how to use a divider image to make that middle portion. Is there a different way to do this ? (it doesn't have to be a UISegmentedControl if there is an easier way to do this without)

Adding a background image to UIBarButton Item using interface builder - Beginner

I added a UIToolBar from Interface builder, then dragged 2 UIBarButtonItem's. Now i need to add an image to it. So i selected the barButtonItem and selected the image using Interfacebuilder.
I only get a White image, with no curvy edge. My image is as follows. I don't see that image, but instead i see a white rectangle.
How do i prevent this. Can someone tell me whats wrong, and provide me with a working solution.
my bar button
If you go to iOS Human Interface Guidelines you will see the specifications for icons and buttons. This is my experience, for the best result you'd better create a specific icon (image) for UIBarButtonItem. If you still want to use an image, that doesn't follow the UIBarButtonItem guide, my approach is:
Add a generic UIButton instance to your view. Drag it from the list on the right to the view, not to the ToolBar or navBar.
Customize it with the image, i.e. from the Inspector, set the image or background image, or set it to custom style, bordered, etc.
Drag it to the toolBar, and XCode will adjust it. Again, it does not always guarantee the best result, but it does what you want.
I hope it helps.
You should drag an "Image View" on to your layout and specify the image in that - that worked for me, but I'm no xcode guru.
Hope that helps, Paul

What is the default fontsize, fontname and shadow for titles in Navigation Bar?

I'm trying to have a button on the self.navigationItem.rightButton that toggles a segmented control that is placed in self.navgivationItem.titleView .. this will however remove the title that is first set by self.title when the navbar is created .. I dont know if my approach is bad but I figured I could rotate between a UILabel and the Segmented Control in the titleView.
It works as I would like it to, however I cant figure out what size and font and shadowoffset and shadowcolor the default titles in a navigation bar is .. could you help me with a solution that either not force me to override the navigationItem.titleView or help me figure out the information needed to make a UILabel look exactly like the default titles.
Thankful for any help.
In code, something along the lines of:
should help, except you'll be querying the size, name etc. of the UILabel.

Custom MKPinAnnotation callout bubble similar to default callout bubble

I want to create a custom callout bubble on MKMapView. But I want to create the call out bubble in the same manner of default bubble. So how to create a View look like annotaion in this image
I want a custom custom view which look like "Parked Location" annotaion in the following image. With custom width, height etc. P
I am not able to add required details in Default bubble. That's why am creating custom bubble.
I have developed a custom callout bubble that is nearly identical to the system callout bubble, but gives more flexibility over the height and content. It should be fairly trivial to adjust the appearance to suit your needs. See my post on the Asynchrony Solutions blog for example code and the steps required to implement a good callout replacement.
You need to use MKCircle and MKCircleView.

iPhone dev: adding an overlapping label to the image

I'm trying to figure out a best way to implement the picture-editing capability shown in the native address book app on iPhone.
On the built-in address book, this is how the picture looks like before editing:
And after clicking edit, notice how "Edit" overlay is added and the image becomes clickable:
What would be the best way to implement something like this? Should I make the image a button from the beginning and have tapping disabled at first? If so, what steps are required to add an overlay/label to the image (in above example, gray border + the text "Edit" is added)
The easiest way is to use Interface Builder, create a container view, then add a UIImageView and UILabel as subviews to it. You would position and style the text and the image but set the UILabel to hidden. Make the whole container view respond to touches. It's easy to do since UIView is derived from UIResponder so all you have to do is override touchesEnded. Whenever you want to change the text label, just set the UILabel to hidden=NO.
There's more to it, however. Notice how the image has rounded corners? You'll want to override the UIImageView's drawRect method to implement a custom drawing routine to do that. There's lots of sample code around and it wasn't part of your original question so I'll stop here.