WYSIWYG editor with file and image upload - wysiwyg

I'm looking for good WYSIWYG editor, which can handle image and file uploads as well as some basic markup. I tried CKEditor - it looks alright but it's quite heavy, nicEditor - lightweight, fast, has decent image uploading but has no filemanager. What would you recommend?

Another good one would be Froala Editor. It has image upload and resize that works even on mobile devices.

We'll CKEditor and TinyMCE are I believe the leading online richtext editors.
If you don't have to limit yourself to web apps you should check out Windows Live Writer. If you have OSX you should look into iWeb as its the easiest and most intuitive WYSIWYG html editor that I find most enjoyable to use.

We use TinyMCE. It has plenty of plugins which can solve pretty much every need.

I like the telerik editor. It's not cheap, but it is very nice.


Live manipulation to a Localhost Webpage or a Local Html File in Flutter

How can I show a HTML+CSS file in a Flutter widget, while being able to manipulate the HTML or CSS (in file) and viewing the changes live?
Manipulating HTML:
I could use JavaScript to manipulate the HTML DOM of a loaded webpage, probably through localhost? Is there a better way to do it instead?
Manipulating CSS:
Searching around the internet I find JavaScript like "dom.getElementById('something').style.color = color.red". Though, how could I go for loading css on every change of the css file, if possible?
I hope my question is not vague. Please let me know of any issues or suggestions on this question.
The app is meant for desktop installs, though I wouldn't mind switching to working with flutter-web if need be.
Kind regards.

Is there a way to copy-paste images into Tiki-Wiki pages?

I have a large number of existing MS Word documents I want to import into tiki-wiki, but some of these include images that don't carry over into the editor (including the WYSIWYG editor).
I'm looking for some plugin or setting that would allow me to copy-paste images into the tiki-wiki editor that automatically uploads images to the file gallery and insert the image in place. Converting the documents to HTML code is one solution I have found to retain the images and Word documents, but removes the ability to easily edit the wiki pages.
I have looked and cannot seem to find anything like this. In fact, many members of the wiki community seem to be against such a feature. Has anyone found a plugin or workaround for this issue?
Sorry, that's not a feature in Tiki currently, it would be great if it was (i'm surprised anyone seemed to be against it, we always welcome volunteers and sponsors if you're willing to code or commission it!)
We are planning to migrate to markdown over the next few versions, so maybe add this as a feature request as part of that? The planning page is here https://dev.tiki.org/WYSIWYG-and-Markdown

Plone: TinyMCE upload files

I'm trying to find a solution for files uploading directly with TinyMCE. Imagine creating a list of pdf files by uploading them using a custom button.
Is there something already done I can use? collective.clipboardupload seems to be a solution only for images.
collective.quickupload serves us well for such purposes and has a very good UI.
You can add that gadget as a portlet and make it only visible in edit-mode via CSS.
In our case we assigned the portlet to a certain content-type ('Gallery') instead to a location.
MoxieManager may be what you're looking for. It's a premium plugin made by the same developers as TinyMCE itself.
Try to use reponsive file manager :

docx - markup / markup - docx conversion

I have to store some documents in the docx format, but can't stand using msword: I would like to edit some kind of plain text markup, anything except stuff based on XML (I don't like that either) and convert from/to that to/from docx.
Are there any options for this?
EDIT: since people think this is not programming related, I'll extend my question. What libraries do you suggest for writing a complete tex-docx/docx-tex converter?
If you're talking .net, I'd check out the OpenXML toolkit first. There are lots of "libraries" on the internet to do this, but they all seem to just be thin wrappers around the OpenXML stuff.
You might also check out
Aspose.Words for .NET allows you to create DOCX files from scratch using text or other content and then convert DOCX files to text etc. It doesn't require MS Office to be installed on the system. And the component is a simple .NET assembly with an easy to learn and implement API. Please try and see if it helps in your scenario.
Disclosure: I work as developer evangelist at Aspose.
You can try the DocxEditorKit http://java-sl.com/docx_editor_kit.html
Set the editor kit to JEditorPane, add styled text and store the document in docx format.

Is there a way to programmatically download a web page, for offline viewing, using WebKit?

What I'd like to be able to do is download any web page, and be able to view it offline.
It seems like html WebKit views cannot be converted to PDFs (on the Mac, you could 'print' a PDF, but that isn't possible on iPhone?).
So, the only way is to save the actual resources - save the html, the step thru each image, css, js file and save it locally. Then maybe alter the urls within the code so they point to the right place...etc ...etc...
Is there a standard way to do this?
Or, is there an open source project (in any programming lang) which does this kind of thing?
There's an excellent webkit html to pdf converter appropriately called wkhtmltopdf. Given the reources available on the iphone and its toolkits, I think it'd be easy to compile a version for the i-Phone ('think' being the operative word). We've managed to use the tool in a Windows, Linux and Solaris environment with absolutely no bugs. Here's the link: