Live manipulation to a Localhost Webpage or a Local Html File in Flutter - flutter

How can I show a HTML+CSS file in a Flutter widget, while being able to manipulate the HTML or CSS (in file) and viewing the changes live?
Manipulating HTML:
I could use JavaScript to manipulate the HTML DOM of a loaded webpage, probably through localhost? Is there a better way to do it instead?
Manipulating CSS:
Searching around the internet I find JavaScript like "dom.getElementById('something').style.color =". Though, how could I go for loading css on every change of the css file, if possible?
I hope my question is not vague. Please let me know of any issues or suggestions on this question.
The app is meant for desktop installs, though I wouldn't mind switching to working with flutter-web if need be.
Kind regards.


TinyMCE and Dynamics365

I have a TinyMCE editor working with Dynamics365. In it, I'm able to get images to copy and paste into the window. However, I'm wondering where these images get posted to and/or stored and what I need to do to bring them back up when the page is closed and reopened.
When I reopen the page I get a list of errors saying the images can't be found (makes sense).
When you copy and paste the image into TinyMCE what actual HTML are you getting before you save the content? What plugins are you loading in TinyMCE to help facilitate the copy/paste? There is a free paste plugin and a commercial powerpaste plugin - these would typically result in slightly different HTML depending on the source of what you are copying.
Knowing what sort of HTML you get after the paste would be the first step in determining possible solutions.
We are using URLs for inserting the images into the page.

How can I make a mobile webapp work offline on iPhone?

I am thinking of having a HTML page which references no CSS or .js files outside of itself so that it can work offline. Would this work?
You should use HTML5 Application Cache.
Consider starting from this tutorial:
Yes this will work. You can put all HTML pages and CSS or JS files which HTML references to into your app.

Getting images by parsing constantly changing HTML

I'm in the process of developing an iOS app that retrieves images from a URL ( It so happens that the HTML for the URL is in constant change and whenever I have a working code, the site's style changes.
Is there any way I could pull those images from the HTML without having to worry about webpage changes? There is no public API at the moment so that's sadly not an option.
I look forward to hearing some options.
Also, if the page is set so that when the user scrolls to the bottom, it loads more content, how can I get more html to load based on how far down in the HTML parsing I've got? I'm not using a webview, I just need to update the HTML I initially retrieved.
It seems that the simplest way in your case - use regular expression (for example http://[A-Za-z0-9_/\.]*\.jpg) to extract URLs and keep track of already pulled images.

How to extract data from a web site and format to raw text - iPhone Dev

I have been looking around for a while and not found anything useful, also not sure if I have worded the question in the clearest fashion so apologies
I have a section of an app I am building called 'Company News'. The company in question has a news page on their website which displays a title, an excerpt of text and a read more option.
At the minute in the iPhone application I just have a UIWebView which links to that URL, displays an error if no connection is available. However, if my user clicks a story to read the news obviously it opens up a new page, I want to avoid having to build in 'back' and 'forward' buttons and stay away from it looking like a browser within the app.
With that said, I am looking for a way to just extract that data from the website and just display it in my app as raw text. I am not particularly bothered about rich text formatting or anything fancy. I would just like the title and body of text.
Is this possible?
In essence, then, you are looking for an HTML parser.
Assuming the HTML you wish to parse has a predictable format, the approach I would take is to load the HTML via whatever URL loading system you want - e.g. NSURLConnection, ASIHTTPRequest, etc.
Then you will need to parse the raw HTML. I use XPath. It requires that you learn the syntax, but it should work.
For more details about how you might use XPath for parsing HTML, see the second response to this question. You will need to link to libxml2 in your project then use XPath to extract the nodes of interest.
Scraping web pages in this way is fragile, though, because it depends on the structure of a page you don't control and which could be changed unpredictably.

Is there a way to programmatically download a web page, for offline viewing, using WebKit?

What I'd like to be able to do is download any web page, and be able to view it offline.
It seems like html WebKit views cannot be converted to PDFs (on the Mac, you could 'print' a PDF, but that isn't possible on iPhone?).
So, the only way is to save the actual resources - save the html, the step thru each image, css, js file and save it locally. Then maybe alter the urls within the code so they point to the right place...etc ...etc...
Is there a standard way to do this?
Or, is there an open source project (in any programming lang) which does this kind of thing?
There's an excellent webkit html to pdf converter appropriately called wkhtmltopdf. Given the reources available on the iphone and its toolkits, I think it'd be easy to compile a version for the i-Phone ('think' being the operative word). We've managed to use the tool in a Windows, Linux and Solaris environment with absolutely no bugs. Here's the link: