If statement question iphone? - iphone

I am creating a game where where you complete shapes and the area gets filled in. However, if there is an enemy bird within your shape, it will not fill in. I want to make it so that if you do trap a bird within your shape, you will lose a life. How can I write an if statement that pretty much says if the below code doesn't take place, then you lose a life. If it helps losing a life is called doDie in my code.
CGPoint movePoint = CGPointFromString([pointsToFillArray objectAtIndex:0]);
CGPathMoveToPoint(fillPath, NULL, movePoint.x, movePoint.y);
for (int i=0; i<[pointsToFillArray count]; i++) {
CGPoint tempPoint = CGPointFromString([pointsToFillArray objectAtIndex:i]);
CGPathAddLineToPoint(fillPath, NULL, tempPoint.x, tempPoint.y);
CGContextAddPath(gameViewObj._myContext, fillPath);
[pointsToFillArray removeAllObjects];
if(fillMutablePath doesn't take place when making a shape){
[self doDie];
Like i said above, the reason fillMutablePath wouldn't take place is because a bird would be trapped within the shape. Any help would be much appreciated!!

I'm not entirely sure how and where you check if the bird is in the path. I think that right before filling you path you should do (see that if-else):
CGPoint movePoint = CGPointFromString([pointsToFillArray objectAtIndex:0]);
CGPathMoveToPoint(fillPath, NULL, movePoint.x, movePoint.y);
for (int i=0; i<[pointsToFillArray count]; i++) {
CGContextAddPath(gameViewObj._myContext, fillPath);
if(CGPathContainsPoint(fillPath, nil, bird.center, false)){
[self doDie];
else {
[pointsToFillArray removeAllObjects];
If the bird is in the path die. Else, draw.
Edit after the clarification:
CGContextAddPath(gameViewObj._myContext, fillPath);
if(CGPathContainsPoint(fillPath, nil, bird.center, false)){
[self doDie];
[pointsToFillArray removeAllObjects];

Could the method not return a BOOL?
That way if the bird is in the shape, the method returns yes, and if the bird is not in the shape, it returns no.
Then you can use the return value in an if later on.


Crash due to removal of Elements like CCSprite from NSMutableArray

So, here's how it goes.
I am currently working on Cocos2d game, which consists of many Obstacles. One obstacle gets added on the screen at an interval of 10 seconds like this.
ObstacleSprite* newObstacle = [ObstacleSprite spriteWithFile:#"Obstacle.png" rect:CGRectMake(0, 0, 20, 20)];
newObstacle.position = ccp(mainPlayer1.position.x,10);
[self addChild:newObstacle];
[self.arrayForObstacles addObject:newObstacle];
Now, I insert these obstacles into the arrayForObstacles because I also want to keep checking whether the Obstacles and MainPlayer don't collide.
I check it with the help of this function.
- (void) checkCollisionWithObstacle
for(int i = 0; i < [self.arrayForObstacles count]; i++)
ObstacleSprite* newObstacle = [self.arrayForObstacles objectAtIndex:i];
if(newObstacle != nil)
if(CGRectIntersectsRect([mainPlayer1 boundingBox], [newObstacle boundingBox]))
Problem is when I get to certain score, one of the Obstacles gets deleted. Removal of Obstacles works as in First In-First Out (FIFO) mode. So, to delete obstacles, I write the following method :
- (void) keepUpdatingScore
//update new score
//remove obstacle when score increases by 5k
if(mainPlayer1.score > 5000 && mainPlayer1.score > 0)
mainPlayer1.playerActive = NO;
if([self.arrayForObstacles count] > 0)
CCLOG(#"count is %d",[self.arrayForObstacles count]);
ObstacleSprite* newObstacle = [self.arrayForObstacles objectAtIndex:0];
[self.arrayForObstacles removeObjectAtIndex:0];
[self removeChild:newObstacle cleanup:YES];
CCLOG(#"count is %d",[self.arrayForObstacles count]);
mainPlayer1.playerActive = YES;
It crashes when score crosses 5000 mark!
Crash happens when it again goes to the method checkCollisionWithObstacle.
This is the THREAD Look.
THis is the line Which crashes.
you seem to be using mainPlayer1.playerActive as a semaphore to block checking the checkCollisionWithObstacle loop from a delete in the keepUpdatingScore method (are they asynchronous ?). Assuming they are, the way you are blocking the loop access wont work if the code enters keepUpdatingScore AFTER the loop started in checkCollisionWithObstacle ... your mileage will vary.

CCNode with children properties and actions

I'm pretty new to cocos2d development and ran into a problem of getting a valid boundingBox and contentSize, and running CCActions on CCNodes with children. It seemed to me that if your CCNode has children and you call boundingBox (for example) on that CCNode, you should get a CGRect of that CCNode that takes into account its children. Or is it that I'm just organizing my code incorrectly..?
Anyway, I've written a small category for CCNode that seems to return the correct boundingBox and contentSize and runs actions on its children.
#implementation CCNode(Children)
- (CGRect)boundingBoxC {
if (self.boundingBox.size.width != 0 || self.boundingBox.size.height != 0) {
return self.boundingBox;
CGRect holderRect = CGRectZero;
for (int i = 0; i < self.children.count; i++) {
CCNode *node = [self.children objectAtIndex:i];
holderRect = CGRectUnion(holderRect, node.boundingBoxC);
return holderRect;
- (CGSize)contentSizeC {
return self.boundingBoxC.size;
- (void)runActionC:(CCAction *)action {
[self runAction:action];
for (int i = 0; i < self.children.count; i++) {
id action2 = [action copy];
CCNode *node = [self.children objectAtIndex:i];
[node runActionC:action2];
[actions2 release];
I'd love to get some feedback on this. For example, I started by trying to use the name boundingBox instead of boundingBoxC, but wasn't confident that that was good practice (it involved swizzling). Or if there's a more comprehensive, elegant solution to this, I'd love to hear about it.
Think of nodes as reference points, not boxes, and you can see why the default behaviour is as it is. Your code looks clean (and glad to see it's in a category rather than a subclass!) and I can't see any problems with your logic. Definitely don't override built-in methods (unless you really need to), as 1) you could create conflicts and 2) future developers will be confused.

Issue with own health indicator. Cocos2d

I want to create my own health indicator by aligning multiple images which represent one percent. So basically, based on the current health, I align as many one-percent parts as needed. However, removing them seems to be a problem.
//getting health and healthReduction (removed for better readability). This part does not affect the functioning of the loop...
if(health-healthReduction > 0 ){
NSLog(#"updatehealthindicator called ! health = %d ", health);
health -= healthReduction;
[self removeChildByTag:1000 cleanup:YES];
for (int i = health; i>0; i--){
onePercent = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"onepercentofhi.png"];
onePercent.anchorPoint = ccp(0,0);
onePercent.position = ccp(880+(-onePercent.contentSize.width) * i,712 );
[self addChild:onePercent z:2 tag:1000];
The health indicator shows up, but it only seems to remove the first "one-percent" piece. Are all sprites with tag 1000 affected by this [self removeChildByTag:1000 cleanup:YES]; ?
Only one view with the given tag is removed.
However, you could extend CCNode with the following code to remove all children
-(void) removeChildrenByTag:(int)aTag cleanup:(BOOL)cleanup
NSAssert( aTag != kCocosNodeTagInvalid, #"Invalid tag");
int w=[children count]-1;
CocosNode *node=[children objectAtIndex:w];
if( node.tag == aTag ){
[self detachChild:node cleanup:cleanup];
Note: This is a proposed solution to be integrated into Cocos2D but hasn't made it yet.

NSMutableArray and batchNode problems

I'm making a little game, here is some example code of whats going on:
-(id) init
self.arrowProjectileArray = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
self.batchNode = [CCSpriteBatchNode batchNodeWithTexture:[[CCTextureCache sharedTextureCache] addImage:#"arrow.png"]];
[self addChild:_batchNode z:2];
for (CCSprite *projectile in _arrowProjectileArray) {
[_batchNode removeChild:projectile cleanup:YES];
[_arrowProjectileArray removeAllObjects];
self.nextProjectile = nil;
-(void) callEveryFrame:(ccTime)dt{
for (int i = 0; i < [_arrowProjectileArray count];i++) {
CCSprite *cursprite = [_arrowProjectileArray objectAtIndex:i];
if (cursprite.tag == 1) {
float x = theSpot.x+10;
float y = theSpot.y+10;
cursprite.position = ccp(x, y);
- (void)ccTouchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
[_batchNode addChild:_nextProjectile z:1 tag:1];
[_arrowProjectileArray addObject: _nextProjectile];
[self spriteMoveFinished];
-(void) dealloc
self.arrowProjectileArray = nil;
self.nextProjectile = nil;
[super dealloc];
The only code that I included was code that is relevant to the arrow's projection.
The arrow shoots fine, the problem is every time I shoot the stupid thing, I think it shoots a new arrow, but puts multiple arrows onto of that 1 arrow and makes it look like a fat ugly arrow pixel thing. What am I doing wrong? I'm not too familiar with NSMutableArray, but I'm currently stuck.
In init method, you create a new NSMutableArray instance and assign it to self.arrowProjectileArray, then you traverse the arrowProjectileArray in the following lines using a for loop. If addChild: method does not add anything to arrowProjectileArray, then your code has a logic mistake, because what you do by traversing arrowProjectileArray is traversing an empty array, which means you do nothing in that code.
You should double-check what you intend to do and what your code is doing actually.
I solved my own problem by doing a little bit of research, I also got rid of the batch node.

Removing sprite from layer not removing rect with it (Cocos2d)?

I am making a game in Cocos2d. Everything is okay, so far. I used Ray Wenderlich's tutorial to get collision detection to work. It works, but whenever an 'enemy' spawns where a bullet was deleted (because the bullet that was deleted hit a target, therefore, was deleted), the enemy is automatically deleted, too. I think it's because it doesn't remove the rect that was declared for the sprite. Note, it also can go through more than one enemy, even though the bullet is deleted. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
I found out what the problem was. I had the shoot method set in a schedule:#selector method, with no set interval. That meant that it would fire bullets 60fps fast. So I was getting TWO bullets with ONE click. They were so close together, that it took me a while to notice it. I won't make that mistake again!!!
Are you using the following code? (from How To Make A Simple iPhone Game with Cocos2D Tutorial)
- (void)update:(ccTime)dt {
NSMutableArray *projectilesToDelete = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (CCSprite *projectile in _projectiles) {
CGRect projectileRect = CGRectMake(
projectile.position.x - (projectile.contentSize.width/2),
projectile.position.y - (projectile.contentSize.height/2),
NSMutableArray *targetsToDelete = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (CCSprite *target in _targets) {
CGRect targetRect = CGRectMake(
target.position.x - (target.contentSize.width/2),
target.position.y - (target.contentSize.height/2),
if (CGRectIntersectsRect(projectileRect, targetRect)) {
[targetsToDelete addObject:target];
for (CCSprite *target in targetsToDelete) {
[_targets removeObject:target];
[self removeChild:target cleanup:YES];
if (targetsToDelete.count > 0) {
[projectilesToDelete addObject:projectile];
[targetsToDelete release];
for (CCSprite *projectile in projectilesToDelete) {
[_projectiles removeObject:projectile];
[self removeChild:projectile cleanup:YES];
[projectilesToDelete release];
whenever an 'enemy' spawns where a bullet was deleted, the enemy is automatically deleted, too.
It sounds that the bullet is removed from the layer, but it is not removed from _projectiles array.
[_projectiles removeObject:projectile];
Are you sure that this code works?
Rect is not a seperate entity from your bullet. Rect is the property associated with the bullet. As soon as your "bullet is deleted" the rect will no longer be valid.
What you should be looking at is your collision checking code.
You probably want to surround your bullet collision check code with a condition like:
if(bullet exists)
check for collision
Since you haven't posted code I could only post pseudo code here. Maybe if you post your collision checking code I could show you in more detail.