Crash due to removal of Elements like CCSprite from NSMutableArray - iphone

So, here's how it goes.
I am currently working on Cocos2d game, which consists of many Obstacles. One obstacle gets added on the screen at an interval of 10 seconds like this.
ObstacleSprite* newObstacle = [ObstacleSprite spriteWithFile:#"Obstacle.png" rect:CGRectMake(0, 0, 20, 20)];
newObstacle.position = ccp(mainPlayer1.position.x,10);
[self addChild:newObstacle];
[self.arrayForObstacles addObject:newObstacle];
Now, I insert these obstacles into the arrayForObstacles because I also want to keep checking whether the Obstacles and MainPlayer don't collide.
I check it with the help of this function.
- (void) checkCollisionWithObstacle
for(int i = 0; i < [self.arrayForObstacles count]; i++)
ObstacleSprite* newObstacle = [self.arrayForObstacles objectAtIndex:i];
if(newObstacle != nil)
if(CGRectIntersectsRect([mainPlayer1 boundingBox], [newObstacle boundingBox]))
Problem is when I get to certain score, one of the Obstacles gets deleted. Removal of Obstacles works as in First In-First Out (FIFO) mode. So, to delete obstacles, I write the following method :
- (void) keepUpdatingScore
//update new score
//remove obstacle when score increases by 5k
if(mainPlayer1.score > 5000 && mainPlayer1.score > 0)
mainPlayer1.playerActive = NO;
if([self.arrayForObstacles count] > 0)
CCLOG(#"count is %d",[self.arrayForObstacles count]);
ObstacleSprite* newObstacle = [self.arrayForObstacles objectAtIndex:0];
[self.arrayForObstacles removeObjectAtIndex:0];
[self removeChild:newObstacle cleanup:YES];
CCLOG(#"count is %d",[self.arrayForObstacles count]);
mainPlayer1.playerActive = YES;
It crashes when score crosses 5000 mark!
Crash happens when it again goes to the method checkCollisionWithObstacle.
This is the THREAD Look.
THis is the line Which crashes.

you seem to be using mainPlayer1.playerActive as a semaphore to block checking the checkCollisionWithObstacle loop from a delete in the keepUpdatingScore method (are they asynchronous ?). Assuming they are, the way you are blocking the loop access wont work if the code enters keepUpdatingScore AFTER the loop started in checkCollisionWithObstacle ... your mileage will vary.


FPS Lag scheduler?

I've been getting FPS lag. I've looked around and people say to use
[self schedule:#selector(gameLoop:) interval: 1/60.0f];
When I use this I get choppy lag. but when I use
[self schedule:#selector(gameLoop:)];
It's a lot smoother. Here is a snippet of my movement code.
- (void)gameLoop :(ccTime)dt
[self manageCannon:dt];
[self manageBullets:dt];
[self manageEnemies:dt];
[self manageAllies:dt];
- (void) manageEnemies :(ccTime)dt
enemyClass *tempEnemy;
for(int i = 0; i < [enemies count]; i++)
tempEnemy = [enemyClass new];
tempEnemy = [enemies objectAtIndex:i];
tempEnemy.position = ccp(tempEnemy.position.x-tempEnemy.speed*dt,tempEnemy.position.y);
if((tempEnemy.position.x - tempEnemy.range) < [wall getwally])
tempEnemy.speed = 0;
if( < 1)
tempEnemy.alive = false;
if(tempEnemy.alive == false)
[enemies removeObjectAtIndex:i];
[tempEnemy removeFromParentAndCleanup:true];
I always try to write my own code from scratch, so if you can help me out with other things that i'm doing that is incorrect that would be very helpful towards me.
It's hard to say what is slowing down your app from the information given. As LearnCocos2D suggested, you can use Instruments to figure out where the slow stuff is. Or if you want to get very granular analysis, you can always use the following macros in your code:
#define TIC start = [NSDate date]
#define TOC -[start timeIntervalSinceNow]
#define TOCP NSLog(#"TIME: %f", TOC)
Before using, be sure to declare NSDate *start in scope of use. Then just put a series of TIC/TOC or TIC/TOCP pairs in your code to print out times your code is taking in different places. You can very quickly find the bottlenecks this way.

Issue with own health indicator. Cocos2d

I want to create my own health indicator by aligning multiple images which represent one percent. So basically, based on the current health, I align as many one-percent parts as needed. However, removing them seems to be a problem.
//getting health and healthReduction (removed for better readability). This part does not affect the functioning of the loop...
if(health-healthReduction > 0 ){
NSLog(#"updatehealthindicator called ! health = %d ", health);
health -= healthReduction;
[self removeChildByTag:1000 cleanup:YES];
for (int i = health; i>0; i--){
onePercent = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"onepercentofhi.png"];
onePercent.anchorPoint = ccp(0,0);
onePercent.position = ccp(880+(-onePercent.contentSize.width) * i,712 );
[self addChild:onePercent z:2 tag:1000];
The health indicator shows up, but it only seems to remove the first "one-percent" piece. Are all sprites with tag 1000 affected by this [self removeChildByTag:1000 cleanup:YES]; ?
Only one view with the given tag is removed.
However, you could extend CCNode with the following code to remove all children
-(void) removeChildrenByTag:(int)aTag cleanup:(BOOL)cleanup
NSAssert( aTag != kCocosNodeTagInvalid, #"Invalid tag");
int w=[children count]-1;
CocosNode *node=[children objectAtIndex:w];
if( node.tag == aTag ){
[self detachChild:node cleanup:cleanup];
Note: This is a proposed solution to be integrated into Cocos2D but hasn't made it yet.

App Crashing When Calling Release on Autorelease Pool - Timing Issue ? iPhone

I have the following method in my app :
- (void) loadModel {
// Runs in a seperate thread so we need to create an additional NSAutoreleasePool
pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSData *getData = [activeModelInfo getFileData];
if (getData) {
if ([activeModel loadFromFileData:daeData]) {
[activeModel reset];
[mainViewController performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(showModelView) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];
else {
else {
[pool release];
The loadFromFileData method calls the following code which loads data. :
- (void) loadVerticesFromSource:(NSString*)verticesSourceId meshNode:(TBXMLElement*)meshNode intoMesh: (Mesh3D*) mesh {
NSLog(#"Getting Vertices for Source %#",verticesSourceId);
FloatArray *floatArray = [self getFloatArrayFromSource: verticesSourceId meshNode: meshNode];
if (floatArray) {
[daeFloatArray addObject:floatArray];
if (floatArray) {
if ([floatArray.array count] % 3 != 0) {
NSLog(#"Float array length not divisible by 3!");
else {
mesh->verticesCount = [floatArray.array count] / 3;
mesh->vertices = malloc(sizeof(Vector3D) * mesh->verticesCount);
for (int i=0; i<mesh->verticesCount; i++) {
mesh->vertices[i].x = [[floatArray.array objectAtIndex:(i*3)] floatValue];
mesh->vertices[i].y = [[floatArray.array objectAtIndex:(i*3)+1] floatValue];
mesh->vertices[i].z = [[floatArray.array objectAtIndex:(i*3)+2] floatValue];
// update extents information
if (!extents.pointDefined || mesh->vertices[i].x < extents.minX) extents.minX = mesh->vertices[i].x;
else if (!extents.pointDefined || mesh->vertices[i].x > extents.maxX) extents.maxX = mesh->vertices[i].x;
if (!extents.pointDefined || mesh->vertices[i].y < extents.minY) extents.minY = mesh->vertices[i].y;
else if (!extents.pointDefined || mesh->vertices[i].y > extents.maxY) extents.maxY = mesh->vertices[i].y;
if (!extents.pointDefined || mesh->vertices[i].z < extents.minZ) extents.minZ = mesh->vertices[i].z;
else if (!extents.pointDefined || mesh->vertices[i].z > extents.maxZ) extents.maxZ = mesh->vertices[i].z;
if (!extents.pointDefined) extents.pointDefined = YES;
[pointerStorageArray addObject:[NSValue valueWithPointer:mesh->vertices]];
Since this method is called several times while the data loads, each time mallocing memory for the mesh->vertices struct, I have created a pointerStorage array where I store the pointer to the malloced memory.
The app then displays a 3D object using OpenGL ES. When the user presses a Main Menu button, I then free up the pointerStorageArray as follows :
- (void) freeUpMallocedMemory
for (NSValue * value in pointerStorageArray) {
The problem is that the app then crashes during this process. All I get is the EXC_BAD_ACCESSS error message and a pointer to the following line of code in the loadModel method above :
[pool release];
Nothing in the stack trace. I have also tried turning on NSZombie, NSAutoreleaseTrackFreedObjectCheck and NSDebugEnabled, but I still don't get any additional information.
The odd thing is that if I put a delay on the button of 2 seconds (i.e only trigger the freeUpMallocedMemory method after 2 seconds), the app no longer crashes and works fine.
Can anyone suggest what might be causing this - really confused and have already spent a few days troubleshooting.
Thank you !
You are over-releasing... the values in pointerStorageArray are created via a convenience method and as such don't need releasing, simply removing them from the array will dispose of them.

How to get UIButtons title in an array to be shown each one by one in a timed sequence

In my program, I have a series of UIButtons in an array that I would like its title to be shown each one at a time one by one in a timed sequence after executing a function that has a while loop.
I have an IBAction attached to the buttons and when touched will call another function that will do some operation and in the end, will change the UIButtons title in that array.
The problem is that it changed the whole buttons title simultaneously after executing that method but I want the title to be shown one by one in a timed sequence.
To illustrate clearly, here are my codes:
[self calculateSteps:0];
index = hole_index2;
NSNumber *tempNumber = [marblesArray objectAtIndex:index];
stones = [tempNumber intValue];
[marblesArray replaceObjectAtIndex:index withObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0]];
[[buttonsArray objectAtIndex:index] setTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", [NSNumber numberWithInt:0].intValue] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
while(stones > 0) {
if (player == PLAYER_A && stones >= 1 && index == 6) {
NSNumber *tempNumber3 = [storeArray objectAtIndex:0];
NSUInteger tempInt3 = [tempNumber3 intValue];
[storeArray replaceObjectAtIndex:0 withObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:tempInt3]];
[buttonPlayerA setTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", [NSNumber numberWithInt:tempInt3].intValue] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
if (stones == 0) { // end in PLAYER A's store
NSLog(#"end in big hole player A");
if (player == PLAYER_B && stones >= 1 && index == 12) {
NSNumber *tempNumber4 = [storeArray objectAtIndex:1];
NSUInteger tempInt4 = [tempNumber4 intValue];
[storeArray replaceObjectAtIndex:1 withObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:tempInt4]];
[buttonPlayerB setTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", [NSNumber numberWithInt:tempInt4].intValue] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
if (stones == 0) { // end in PLAYER B's store
NSLog(#"end in big hole player B");
if (index >= NUM_HOLES) index = 0;
NSNumber *tempNumber2 = [marblesArray objectAtIndex:index];
tempInt2 = [tempNumber2 intValue];
[marblesArray replaceObjectAtIndex:index withObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:tempInt2]];
NSLog(#"Number in marblesArray index: %d", [NSNumber numberWithInt:tempInt2].intValue);
[[buttonsArray objectAtIndex:index] setTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", [NSNumber numberWithInt:tempInt2].intValue] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
So, I have tried to put NSTimer in the calculateSteps method and also in that while loop but couldn't get to work. I guess maybe the while loop function fast enough that it didn't get the chance to get NSTimer to work in time.
I know it could work if I use if timer == 1, or else if timer == 2, etc as the timer increase, each button associated with it will change after that interval. However, when I tried to use for (timer == 1; timer < stones; timer++) , it doesn't show the buttons title each one by one but simultaneously after it is done with the loop. Am I wrong with my logic?
Also, I've tried to put sleep(2) in the while loop also, it works for the NSLog(#"Number in marblesArray index:...") appearing each 2 seconds but still the buttons array title still shown simultaneously after while loop completed.
I'm not sure how can I get the buttons title in that array to be shown each one by one in a timed sequence. Have been trying for 2 days but couldn't get it to work.
Appreciate if anyone out there who can help me. I don't know if it's my logic or if there's other function that can be used to solve this issue.
Thank you very much in advance.
Yes, you could used :
or just performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: of any NSObject subclass.
You can not use sleep or loop in main thread. It will block the HMI.
But I don't really understand your code and your explanation...
In the target selector of the timer, you could have a static int to count the number of ticks
example (very simple):
[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1.0 target:self selector:#selector(onTimer) userInfo:nil repeats:NO];
static int ticks = 0;
if (ticks==1) {
} else if (ticks==2) {
} else if (ticks==3) {
} else {

Problem with my custom class and it's instances

I'm doing an app where user can click on a map and hear a different sound playing depending on the location clicked. I've got a point in polygon for this and it works perfectly. I've created audio playlist system also that queues audiofiles and plays them in order. This too works. However I'm trying to implement a method that checks if has already previously clicked the area/polygon he just clicked so that the same sound cannot be played again and again. I've got a PlaceInMap class that holds the polygon for an area and does the necessary checks if a clicked point is in the polygon etc etc...
At the moment I've got 2 instances of that class PlaceInMap stored in NSMutableArray and whenever a click happens I loop through that array and call each instances - (BOOL)checkCollisionWithLat:(NSString *)lat andLon:(NSString *)lon method. The method return YES or NO depending on if the click is inside the polygon. This works fine (I'm outputing the results on a label). Here's the method:
- (BOOL)checkCollisionWithLat:(NSString *)lat andLon:(NSString *)lon {
if ( [self isLocationInsideX:lat andY:lon] ) {
if ( currentlyHere == 0) {
[[appDelegate audioPlayer] addToQueue:audioFileName];
[[appDelegate audioPlayer] iterateQueue];
currentlyHere = 1;
return YES;
else {
currentlyHere = 0;
return NO;
How ever for a some reason the check for currentlyHere does not seem to work except for the first instance of the class... Partially.
This is what is happening:
I get my initial location at infinity loop 1. This is inside instance one, the sound plays. I then click to polygon on instance two and it's sound plays. Now I click again to instance one's polygon and it's sound play byt when I click again to the instance twos polygon the sound does not play. But every time after that when I click to the instance one's polygon the sound plays as it is supposed to...
Now when I remove that if ( currentlyHere == 0 ) the sounds play correctly...
currentlyHere is NSInteger but I've tried it with int and BOOL also...
This is quite strange... The textual output always shows correctly on which polygon I have clicked.
And sorry for the typos my eyes are finnished... =P
currentlyHere is defined in the header of the class as an instance variable. This is the init of the class:
- (id) init {
if (self = [super init]) {
currentlyHere = 0;
[self setAppDelegate:[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate]];
return self;
It seems like the currentlyHere variable is not properly set to zero; maybe the hit detection method is not called when your are outside. Add some NSLog statements before the tests to check the value of the currentlyHere.
- (BOOL)checkCollisionWithLat:(NSString *)lat andLon:(NSString *)lon {
NSLog("In checkCollisionWithLat (%d)", currentlyHere);
if ( [self isLocationInsideX:lat andY:lon] ) {
NSLog("Inside (%d)", currentlyHere);
if ( currentlyHere == 0) {
[[appDelegate audioPlayer] addToQueue:audioFileName];
[[appDelegate audioPlayer] iterateQueue];
currentlyHere = 1;
return YES;
else {
NSLog("Outside (%d)", currentlyHere);
currentlyHere = 0;
return NO;