Objective-C library recommendation for AES-256 in CTR mode [closed] - iphone

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Closed 4 months ago.
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I'm looking for recommendations on an Objective-C library for AES-256 encryption in CTR mode. I have a database full of data encrypted with another library using CTR and seems the included CCCrypt only supports ECB or CBC with PKCS#7.
Any idea on the best portable library I should use? I'm not looking to port the original implementation as I don't have the required knowledge in cryptography and hence, that's-a-bad-idea (tm).

You should be able to implement this using OpenSSL. It is not Objective C, but rather "plain" C code, but since the built-in encryption algorithms in the iPhone also rely on plain C, this should hopefully not make that big a difference.
There is a tutorial on The Rare AiR on how you can compile the OpenSSL library for iPhone.
Hope this helps,


AES encryption / Decryption scala [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am new to scala. I'm using spray to create Rest API. I want to consume a response from some other application(i.e. python application). For that, I required some sort of encryption between them. I'm searching for the AES library in scala, but haven't found one. Is there any library for AES encryption in scala which I can use?
A lot of libraries stay on Java because most JVM languages like Scala have good interop with java so just use it. Check this Java 256-bit AES Password-Based Encryption.

inflate/deflate porting, recommend a source code [closed]

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Closed 4 months ago.
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I need to port the deflate/inflate algorithm used in the png IDAT chunk, with CM=8.
I read the documentation on how it works the zlib and deflate algorithm for compression but probably it will be better for me to follow the steps already done by someone else more experienced than me for the porting.
Therefore I'm looking for the easiest source code for the implementation of inflate/deflate. I can read C codes and similar.
Any recommendation?
zlib provides some examples:
"puff" is a simple C implementation of DEFLATE, that's provided with zlib in its "contrib" directory. puff.c doesn't use zlib, and has about 875 lines, mostly comments.
zlib also provides a simple implementation called "zpipe.c", which is in the "examples" directory, but you might not want that because zpipe depends upon zlib (since it's an example of how to use zlib).

Are there any image effects libraries (e.g. lomo) for Android or iPhone? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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are there any image effects (e.g. lomo, watercolor, sketch ...etc) libries can be used on mobile device and suitable for mobile device?
There are libraries like JJIL, simple-iphone-image-processing, JH labs, imageMagick porting to iphone and opencv have been mentioned in various previous posts.
I want libraries that I don't need to care about the algorithm of effect, but lots of libraries mentioned above are this type of libraries.
What I need are libraries that already have done effects functions and I just call the functions to apply effects on photos (It is ok to set parameters and attributes by myself when I use it).
Are there any more suggestions?
Free is good, commercial would be fine.
Thank you.
You could try the effects API from Aviary. Here: http://developers.aviary.com/
I never used it though, so I can't say if that's exactly what you are looking for.
Potentially worth your while:
Simple iPhone Image Processing

Where can I find the official source code of RSA? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I searched in rsa.com, but I can't find an official source code of the RSA in whatever programing languages.
Have a look in wikipedia. You should be able to understand math though, that's all you need to know about the algorithm.
The RSA algorithm was invented by three college students and not by employees in a company. This encryption method was 'most likely' presented in the form of a paper. The implementation was left up to the computer science community.
In my Advanced Algorithms class this semester we are currently working our way through the number theory needed to for us to write our own very basic RSA encryption program. The Java BigInteger class contains the methods needed to get the job done. C++ not so much. I have been told that python is nearly perfectly suited for this, though I haven't looked in it.
Here is a link to a basic explanation of the RSA algorithm works. It has given me a better perspective on how the necessary number theory applies. This is a link to another site that includes a "Very simple example" of how things work.
Hope this helps
There is no "official" RSA implementation. But there are standards. For example the PKCS #1 standard is widely used.
Instead of looking for the official implementation, you could look for a NIST-certified implementation. E.g. openssl has gone through NIST certification, though I'm not sure which version(s).

Where can I find some open source implementations of the Boids algorithm, for the iOs? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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The question says it all: I'm looking for working, open source, implementations of algorithms (or derivatives there of) initially described in the Boids paper.
It looks like most of the code out there was written before "Open Source" really meant anything. I asked Mr Google:
Craig Reynolds's Boids page has a bunch of links for various languages and some mostly-original Lisp. Embedding a Lisp interpreter should not be that hard.
Christopher Kline, C++, Not-For-Profit. Licence terms for commercial apps negotiable with the author.
Tom Bak, Thong Chau, Visual C++/OpenGL/GLUT, no licence. You could try contacting them.
Robert Platt, VC++/D3D, no licence. You could try contacting him too.
You're unlikely to find anything specifically "for the iOS" (or even written in Objective-C), but C and C++ versions should be easy to port. .NET versions should be easy enough to run using MonoTouch.
This might help: Chapter from Killer game programming in Java about Flocking Boids