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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am new to scala. I'm using spray to create Rest API. I want to consume a response from some other application(i.e. python application). For that, I required some sort of encryption between them. I'm searching for the AES library in scala, but haven't found one. Is there any library for AES encryption in scala which I can use?
A lot of libraries stay on Java because most JVM languages like Scala have good interop with java so just use it. Check this Java 256-bit AES Password-Based Encryption.
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Closed last year.
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We are trying to create a OpenAPI Specification for our project. The entire application and its API services are written in PERL. We are unable to create the API specification using PERL. We tried using modules like.
use OpenAPI::Client;
use WWW::SwaggerClient;
use Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI;
but we are clueless on how to proceed with. Can anyone help with a PERL code which creates a API specification of OpenAPI standard. Thanks in advance.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am learning Scala, Play and Slick. Can you point me to some well written open source applications that I can use to better use these tools?
Fully automatic Play Slick CRUD app
Corresponding talk:
Activator templates:
Some third-party Slick apps:
Lots of community related work:
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am implementing ebXML3.0 in java and looking for a java library/API I can use for Signing and Encryption of SOAP messages with attachment. Earlier I was using "Apache wss4j" but this seems to only support signing/encryption of SOAP Body (No attachment).
Basically looking for Java API which supports following
I guess you already found and it hasn't been what you were looking for?
After your latest comment I guess, it does already work out for you Glassfish Metro is an implementation which is able to use WS-Security in combination with SOAP with Attachments. More information (including an example application can be found on I'm sure the example will lead you on.
BTW: It also looks like XWSS 2.x and higher are also supporting WS-Sec with SwA, see:
Some thought has been given to supporting SwA in WSS4J - see although no timeline as yet.
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Closed 3 years ago.
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I know that there are exist established frameworks written in Scala for web development (Lift and Play).
I wonder if there are any frameworks for desktop development as well(even in early beta stage). What I'm after:
- Application workflow
- Custom ui components
Scala comes with Java Swing wrapper, and you could also use SWT (just like you could use any other Java library in Scala). They are both suitable for desktop application development.
JavaFx is comming, so try ScalaFx
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Closed 4 months ago.
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I'm looking for recommendations on an Objective-C library for AES-256 encryption in CTR mode. I have a database full of data encrypted with another library using CTR and seems the included CCCrypt only supports ECB or CBC with PKCS#7.
Any idea on the best portable library I should use? I'm not looking to port the original implementation as I don't have the required knowledge in cryptography and hence, that's-a-bad-idea (tm).
You should be able to implement this using OpenSSL. It is not Objective C, but rather "plain" C code, but since the built-in encryption algorithms in the iPhone also rely on plain C, this should hopefully not make that big a difference.
There is a tutorial on The Rare AiR on how you can compile the OpenSSL library for iPhone.
Hope this helps,