iphone google maps crosshair button - iphone

I would like to use or emulate a button like the gps button in the bottom left corner of the standard maps application on the iphone OS. The button behaves like a toggle button where gps is enabled or disabled depending on whether it is pushed and it may hold a small spinner component while the gps is finding your position.
Does anyone know if this component can be easily constructed using default components? If no, what would be the best way to develop such a component?
Is the crosshair/target icon a generic icon that I can re-use?

The button is just an image, you should be able to recreate it.
In order to do the tracking, I would look at this sample code: http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/samplecode/LocateMe/index.html
It shows you how to get the GPS coordinates, then you can feed that data into a MKMapView.

Apple's Spinner Button is hidden, but can be used with systemButton: 100


Implement the Flash button animation as in iPhone camera in my app?

Im developing a camera app, I want to implement the same animation that happens in default iPhone camera app when you click on the flash button, i.e once you click on the flash button, we can see the other 2 buttons animating, and once you click any one button it again animates and hides.
how can i do this?
Thanks in advance.
Take a look at DDExpandableButton which is able to do exactly this and even includes example code for creating a flash button. https://github.com/ddebin/DDExpandableButton

iOS development, show UIScrollView area on top of current view

Has anyone used the Instagram app lately?
It has a very neat feature, where, while you are using camera, you can touch the 'eye' button, which pops up a small scrollable UI area that contains different filters that can be applied to the camera video.
Can anyone help me on what kind of UI element I should use to get such popup?
The one on the Instagram app looks like a simple UIScrollView with custom subviews added in. What these subviews contain and how they look is completely up to you and your design.

Display message like the mute/volume transparent rectangle on iPhone SDK

Does anyone know how to use the semi-transparent rectangle to display info to the user on the iPhone SDK? I mean the one that is used when you mute the phone or press the volume up/down keys.
Thanks a lot.
There are many drop in classes out there for you to choose from.
Also, check out TapkuLibrary also has a nice progress hud class.

how to implement animation on shake effect in iphone?

I have implemented one simple application for iphone.now i want to implement some animation.
Example:i have selected one photo from the photo library.Then i want to animate selected portion from the photo using shake effect.
I have seen lots of application in apple store.But i dont know how to implement this functionality.
Maybe you are referring to the "wobble" effect? See how to create iphone's wobbling icon effect?

i image does not work good in utility app on iPhone app

I working on a utility app. When I run the app in simulator clicking i image at the bottom flips the view in a flash. But when I run the app on iPhone device it behaves abnormally. At times it flips the view in just 1 tap. The other times it does not bother to react even after tapping the image 10 times. I tried with other utility app also - same issue. Thus its not an issue with the code I believe.
Any help to resolve this issue is much appreciated.
This is a problem because the 'i' button is not very big by default and touches are missed easily.
You need to put another button in front of the 'i' button with the 'Custom' type in Interface Builder, so that it doesn't have any image. Then you can make this invisible button much larger and connect it to the same action as the info button.
You also need to enable "shows touch on highlight" in Interface Builder so that you get the white glow effect when the invisible button is touched.