Implement the Flash button animation as in iPhone camera in my app? - iphone

Im developing a camera app, I want to implement the same animation that happens in default iPhone camera app when you click on the flash button, i.e once you click on the flash button, we can see the other 2 buttons animating, and once you click any one button it again animates and hides.
how can i do this?
Thanks in advance.

Take a look at DDExpandableButton which is able to do exactly this and even includes example code for creating a flash button.


Android Enable WebView Touch Sound

I need to play touch sounds on Web view event clicks, I enabled the Touch sounds and tried it on android version less than 4.1 it works fine, from my Web View i click the radio button it make to hear the click sounds but on 4.1 and above it doesn't make click sound when I click radio button or button clicks even . I hope it's disabled from the sdk Web view itself at 4.1 and above. Let me have any possible solution to fix the issue.
Thanks in advance!
I believe this is not possible, since the events inside the WebView are not passed to the Android system, you may have a chance to create such beheaviour by embedding these sounds inside the webpage you are rendering inside the WebView.

camera control in iphone app

I have created a app which consist of camera option.In that camera view, I have added a help button which should display in that camera view when the user about to take a pic.but it should hide after the user took his photo.I need oly the camera controls and the preview of photo,not that help button.where should I write function for this.I am finding very hard to do this.waiting for the reply.

iPhone 4s: Restoring physical camera button functionality

In an app I'm currently working on I'm using an instance of UIImagePickerController with a custom overlay. Everything works great, but now I'm try to figure out if there's a way to use the physical camera button to take pictures while using my instance of UIImagePickerController.
I believe that the physical camera button is new on iPhone 4 (or is it 4s?) and that this button does double-duty as the volume up button. For some reason, this button does not work with my custom instance of UIImagePickerController.
Does anyone know if it's possible to get it working again?
Here's a tutorial on how to use the volume buttons for camera shutter:

Tap to focus on camera apps, Supposedly not possible, but a bug in my app enables it (although useless)

I would like to get tap to focus in my app and the controls are hidden
Supposedly this is impossible but I know its not. I have a simple iAD dragged into an overlay, no code or anything. When I click on the iAD nothing. but when I close it with the home button I get a modal exit of the nonexistant iAD and the camera apps relaunches but in the top left with only a small portion viewable. But this time the tap to focus is enabled.
So how can I do this without the bug?
Guess no one got it? I just showed the controls to take a snap and zoom and focus came up!

i image does not work good in utility app on iPhone app

I working on a utility app. When I run the app in simulator clicking i image at the bottom flips the view in a flash. But when I run the app on iPhone device it behaves abnormally. At times it flips the view in just 1 tap. The other times it does not bother to react even after tapping the image 10 times. I tried with other utility app also - same issue. Thus its not an issue with the code I believe.
Any help to resolve this issue is much appreciated.
This is a problem because the 'i' button is not very big by default and touches are missed easily.
You need to put another button in front of the 'i' button with the 'Custom' type in Interface Builder, so that it doesn't have any image. Then you can make this invisible button much larger and connect it to the same action as the info button.
You also need to enable "shows touch on highlight" in Interface Builder so that you get the white glow effect when the invisible button is touched.