facebook link to join users - facebook

Is there a way to create a link like www.facebook.com/wallpapers.3d in order the user to click and be redirected to the facebook group? I can only use the link from groups which is like http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=315018914695

Not programming related, but the answer is no. Only pages, applications, and users can have nice URLs, not groups.


If I set my iPhone app to include a Facebook login, can I access information about which Facebook groups users are involved in?

I want to set it up so users can invite their Facebook friends to join my social media app. Broadly speaking, the app lets users create groups of their friends. It would make things much easier for users if, when they're creating their groups and inviting friends to join, they could see a list of the Facebook groups that they're in and invite friends from within those, rather than just from a list of their Facebook friends in general.
Is this something that one can do with the Facebook APIs as they exist currently, or is it even possible to do? Is this information that Facebook would allow me to have? If you were trying to do this sort of integration, how would you go about doing it?
Thank you in advance for the help!

Create a bot for a closed facebook group

What I'm trying to do is basically described in this particular
doc page from FB itself: click (post, comment content and listen for new content), but for a "normal" closed group instead of a group in a workplace.
According to the document, this would only be possible by storing the user access token of the group admin and use various graph API endpoints, but this does not seem like a good solution to me.
Is there any other known way (something like creating a Facebook app which will create posts, comment/like stuff and listens to new posts made in the group (similar to the group bots in workplaces))?
Thank you in advance!
Is there any other known way (something like creating a Facebook app wich will create posts, comment/like stuff and listens to new posts made in the group (similar to the group bots in workplaces)) ?
No, there is not.
Reading posts and creating them using the group admin's token would be possible, but that's about it.
Liking posts in the name of users has generally been removed (not just for group posts),
commenting will likely not be possible either for any non-admin in a closed group, and
Webhooks do not cover non-workplace group feeds as of now either, so you'd have to do constant pulling to get new posts.
And yet, the Facebook API clearly states:
In groups, bots can do many of the things that people can do. This means you can build bots that post new content, comment on content with new information and like posts to indicate acknowledgment or approval.

Facebook share Dialog that only post in groups

I'm trying to created an option where visitors of my website, can share items in their Facebook groups. I know this is possible via the share dialog, but the option to post it on their own wall is standard selected. I don't like that.
Is there a way, that only the option to post it in a group is available? Or standard selected? Or is there another trick to accomplish this? So visitor can easily share items in the facebook groups?
Thanks for the advices.
It is not possible, you can only fire up those Dialogs but it´s completely up to the user to select a target, that´s how it is and should be.
You can see all parameters here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/reference/share-dialog

Facebook share button to post on a group that I belong to

I have the idea to create a Facebook like button that allows user to post blog entries from my website on their pinboard or (and this is the tricky part) on one of their Facebook groups that their belongs to.
So my first question is, is this possible at all?
The Idea is that a user can login on my page with facebook login and then when he founds something to share, he could decide to share it on is pinboard or a group that he belongs to.
I couldn't find something helpful on google, so I thought perhaps here in stackoverflow someone has some experience about the creation of such a function.
I'm very thankful for your help and answers
A "Like Button" is only there to "Like" something, as the name says. If you want to be able to share something in a group, use the sharer.php: https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Ffacebook.com%2F
You can just open this with JavaScript (window.open) when you click on any button/div/whatever and select "In a group" instead of "On your own Timeline". Since the user has to select a group or his wall anyway, this is the very best option. You don´t even need to authorize the user for that.

Facebook - Making the photos of a public page only available to followers

I manage a facebook page for a local club and we obviously want to use it to share photos of events we've done.
I'm trying upload an album, is there a way I can protect the photos so only people who like the page can see them?
In your title you said "public page" and in your question you mentioned a "group". The answer to this would be different depending on if you are using a Facebook page, or a Facebook Group.
If you are using a Group format you should be able to restrict who can view your posts, so that group members can see them only.
However, if you are using a Fan Page format on Facebook I don't think you can restrict who can view them. I believe that all fan page content is public, and I don't think you can restrict this.