I'm trying to created an option where visitors of my website, can share items in their Facebook groups. I know this is possible via the share dialog, but the option to post it on their own wall is standard selected. I don't like that.
Is there a way, that only the option to post it in a group is available? Or standard selected? Or is there another trick to accomplish this? So visitor can easily share items in the facebook groups?
Thanks for the advices.
It is not possible, you can only fire up those Dialogs but it´s completely up to the user to select a target, that´s how it is and should be.
You can see all parameters here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/reference/share-dialog
I have a fan page at Facebook.
And I am wanted fans in it but i did not get lot of fans.
I need some one help that create the steps that will automatically add the peoples to my Facebook fan page.
How can I do it ?
No, this is neither possible nor allowed.
I have the idea to create a Facebook like button that allows user to post blog entries from my website on their pinboard or (and this is the tricky part) on one of their Facebook groups that their belongs to.
So my first question is, is this possible at all?
The Idea is that a user can login on my page with facebook login and then when he founds something to share, he could decide to share it on is pinboard or a group that he belongs to.
I couldn't find something helpful on google, so I thought perhaps here in stackoverflow someone has some experience about the creation of such a function.
I'm very thankful for your help and answers
A "Like Button" is only there to "Like" something, as the name says. If you want to be able to share something in a group, use the sharer.php: https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Ffacebook.com%2F
You can just open this with JavaScript (window.open) when you click on any button/div/whatever and select "In a group" instead of "On your own Timeline". Since the user has to select a group or his wall anyway, this is the very best option. You don´t even need to authorize the user for that.
When ever I open a Social Reader, it shows
<img src="friend img"> Your friend and 10 others Read this article
This is certainly not a Facebook's Like button. So, how can I achieve this kind of plugin! based upon graph actions??
So, how can I achieve this kind of plugin! based upon graph actions??
Store the information, which Facebook users have read the article, into your database – and then intersect them with the friends of the currently logged in user.
Is there a way to create a link like www.facebook.com/wallpapers.3d in order the user to click and be redirected to the facebook group? I can only use the link from groups which is like http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=315018914695
Not programming related, but the answer is no. Only pages, applications, and users can have nice URLs, not groups.
I've really few experience with Facebook development, just made few things...
I'd like to know how to programatically modify a fan page, the particular requirement that I've right now is to control posts from users, I'd like to be notified for a new post and also have the ability to delete posts.
Could you guide me to accomplish this task? What should I use / read to get this done.
Thanks a lot!
As far as I know there is now way to receive an email through facebook when someone adds a new wall post to a Fan Page.
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A user did mention "If you're using Firefox, install Update Scanner to your addons"
I'm sure the docs can help you on programmatically deleting a post. Try here: