Create a bot for a closed facebook group - facebook

What I'm trying to do is basically described in this particular
doc page from FB itself: click (post, comment content and listen for new content), but for a "normal" closed group instead of a group in a workplace.
According to the document, this would only be possible by storing the user access token of the group admin and use various graph API endpoints, but this does not seem like a good solution to me.
Is there any other known way (something like creating a Facebook app which will create posts, comment/like stuff and listens to new posts made in the group (similar to the group bots in workplaces))?
Thank you in advance!

Is there any other known way (something like creating a Facebook app wich will create posts, comment/like stuff and listens to new posts made in the group (similar to the group bots in workplaces)) ?
No, there is not.
Reading posts and creating them using the group admin's token would be possible, but that's about it.
Liking posts in the name of users has generally been removed (not just for group posts),
commenting will likely not be possible either for any non-admin in a closed group, and
Webhooks do not cover non-workplace group feeds as of now either, so you'd have to do constant pulling to get new posts.

And yet, the Facebook API clearly states:
In groups, bots can do many of the things that people can do. This means you can build bots that post new content, comment on content with new information and like posts to indicate acknowledgment or approval.


Facebook graph access closed group feed/posts

I am trying to get a list of posts in a particular group on facebook that is closed, also I am not the admin, just a member in this group. When I am trying to access the group's posts via graph explorer (I checked all the permissions) I am getting an empty list returned.
What is facebook's reason for not allowing this access? If I am a member of this group I have access to this information anyway via browser/scraping...
Your thoughts and suggestions are appreciated.
What is facebook's reason for not allowing this access? If I am a member of this group I have access to this information anyway via browser
That would be only you being able to see the posts then, fine. Two parties involved - you, and the other group members; everyone aware of who will be able to read the posts, all good.
But with an app, a third party gets involved - the app developer. And they could theoretically do anything with that data, that the app reads from the API on your behalf. (Sure, the app developer might be you in this special case here - but that is not the normal use case.)
And in a closed group people might discuss topics that are a little more sensitive than the current weather; think f.e. health problems or something like that. For sure not the stuff you’d want exposed to any third parties.
And therefor, the decision whether an app should be able to read the group’s feed posts, has been placed in the hands of the group admin(s).
If you would like to access the data use api version 2.3, the only downside is that it will be deprecated.

Can my Facebook App programatically subscribe to real-time-updates on multiple Page/User profiles?

I would like to get notified programatically (using the callback URL) that any one of 100 Facebook Pages (or a User, but less important) has posted a new post to their Timeline/Feed or edited some of the Page details such as opening times for example.
My understanding from reading this documentation is that I can "Subscribe" to changes programatically for multiple Objects (i.e. 50 Pages and 100 Users) using my App providing i have Permissions to do so from the User (I only want publicly available Page data).
I don't see the value in this "Subscribe" functionality if it does not do what the above requirements describes
Update: I have edited the question slightly as the initial question was found to be a bug in the Facebook user documentation as discovered by the comment below.
There is a new endpoint called subscribed_apps - you can connect an App to a Page without adding it as Tab now, so it does not show up for the users. The rest is the same, you still need /subscriptions to add a subscription (with callback and object) - but there is a bug in the docs, it´s not removed in v2.3:
Btw, of course you can´t subscribe to a Page you don´t own. You have to be Moderator at least.

Moderate and delete facebook comments via external application

I would like to integrate facebook comments on our web site (many articles, many authors). By experience, these comments have to be moderated and I would like to achieve two things:
Apply own filtering techniques to identify spam and hold back publishing.
Have granular control about who can moderate (eg. authors on comments on their own article)
Can you please advise me on how to achieve this?
My knowledge so far: if I use the comments box, everything gets submitted to Facebook directly. I would be able to access the comments via Graph API, but not to modify them programatically (eg. delete them in facebook?).
a) Is there a way to delete a comment via an API, when I have the comment id from Graph-API?
b) Alternatively, can comments be submitted indirectly (visitor enters a comment, moderator approves, comment is sent to FB)

Policy query - iframe app posting to multiple (5) friends wall

After some advice.
I have a client wishing to have an app which lets them download a voucher to redeem in store but only after they post details of this offer onto 5 friends' walls.
My understanding of current Facebook policy suggests that:
1) Promotions can't require users to take any action on Facebook other than to like the page (likegate);
2) Messages posted to multiple friends at once should be unique and personally initiated - i.e. an app shouldn't bulk post to multiple users. Instead users should share things on their own wall....
Am I correct in this understanding?
If so, can anyone point me at the relevant facebook policies - can't seem to find them on the site.
Yes, those are exactly what I read on the policies page. However to be absolutely sure, you should have your corporate attorney read them and consult with you.

Is it possible to join a closed group through a javascript graph api on facebook?

Does facebook javascript api support the functionality of sending requests to join groups? I'm making a closed group for my organisation, so everything is pulled from facebook and displayed on our intranet but only if you are a member of that group. I had a request that I should make a functionality of requesting to join a facebook group using the api and not on facebook, as employee are not allowed to see the facebook website unless the specified urls, can someone please let me know if this is possible to do and if maybe you know of some link that I can go a look at. Please let me know, even the iframe will do at this stage.
Nope, sorry can't find anything in the Javascript API that allows you to send invites to groups.