slate like theme for emacs? - emacs

Is there any themes for emacs which looks like this one?

Might be worth having a look at package color-theme, although I can't see anything that matches precisely what you want on the sample page.
See here for screenshots (links at the bottom of the page), and here for the code.

Looks like a variation of the zenburn theme, which is also available for emacs.

It easy to make your own color theme, for instance you can see in my init.el file (search for global-font-lock-mode to get to the interresting part) how easily it can be done.


Where can I get a "Light Table" theme for Emacs 24?

I really like the Light Table color scheme but despite lots of Googling I can't seem to find an Emacs theme. I've made an attempt to recreate it but surely someone else has done this already.
It's a dark theme that looks like:
There's a load more example images on the Kickstarter page.
I made a theme based on the LightTable color scheme, I've just released it as a gist.
FYI I'm publishing several new themes for Emacs24. There's a couple of other dark themes at
Here's a view of the font-lock (i.e. language generics, which are used by major modes to provide syntax highlighting.) definition with rainbow-mode.
In Emacs Lisp mode (CommonLisp & EmacsLisp are the closest things I know to Clojure.)
We can see that even local function usage isn't added to syntax highlighting:
(Having done a small check with clojure-mode, I can see the same thing going on there, defn's show their function name highlighted, but usage is in the default face color.)
For completeness it's probably worth adding this new answer here. There is now a LightTable theme for Emacs. It's called Noctilux:
Lighttable theme for Doom Emacs

Is there a guide to changing emacs colorscheme?

In the terminal when I try to use emacs the colors are not good, most of the times I can't properly see the text.
In vim I know I can change the colorscheme with :colo <colorscheme_name>
Is there something similar in emacs?
A tutorial on the proper steps to change the colors would be appreciated.
I'm not sure of tutorial, but off top of my head, what you probably will want to do is: M-x customize then navigate to the section called "Faces" - you'll get a bunch of settings related to the color scheme and other font-related settings.
But Emacs has tons of customizations related to how text is displayed. I'm using this but you can find a lot of info here: (emacswiki is basically the resource to be consulted first when you have any Emacs-related problem).
Obviously, you can do that in your .emacs file by adding different settings, but I'd suggest to use what's generated by the changed settings first, see how it works and then add on top of that yourself (once you modify settings from the customization buffer, it will save the changes into .emacs file - you can then open it and see what exactly did it do).
M-x load-theme
then use arrows to select a theme.
Adding here for easy reference ( #deong shared this answer via comment under the accepted answer).

eclipse editor colors - how to set in outline view

The line that is highlighted on Eclipse is really hard for me to see. I am color blind, but I can see colors. I assume the the highlight color in the outline screen has very little contrast to the other colors. Thank you!
Anyway I will try and attach a graphic.... anyone know to change this?
I think I have something usable enough to post as an answer. You didn't specify the OS that you're using but from the screenshot it looked like Windows 7/Vista with the Aero theme. Like I mentioned in my comment to your question, from this and this, it looks like there isn't any [straightforward] way to change the highlight color.
However, if you don't mind losing the Aero effects, you can switch to the Windows Classic theme to get a different highlighting that IMO provides more contrast and better readability.

Icons in dired mode for Emacs

I would like to use the dired mode of emacs as my file browser. I am very much addicted to see an icon for file/folder rather that to see the extension and color. The icons give me a very quick visual feedback. I have searched the web for display of icons in dired but found none. So I wonder whether it is even possible to do this and if yes how?
To put my question clearly
How can I display icons for files and folders in dired mode of Emacs?
all-the-icons-dired is a more current solution. Another option that looks quite nice is to use treemacs-icons-dired
I just switched to treemacs-icons-dired and recommend it. Simply install the package and add a mode hook like:
(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook 'treemacs-icons-dired-mode)
If you are using Windows, you can try dired-dispicon.el.
Get the relevant files from here.
See for what it looks like. Note that you will probably need a version of emacs that supports images (e.g. for Windows you could try EmacsW32).
Use the dired-icon extension, which works for GTK (on Linux).
Disclaimer: I'm the author of the extension.

Zenburn for Netbeans

Is there a Zenburn theme for Netbeans?
You can try Aloha color theme for Netbeans. It's similar to Zenburn.
UPDATE: for NetBeans 6.9 - zenburn color scheme
I had set one up manually for it, just like I did with a bunch of other editors/IDEs. Then eventually I just gave up and started using gvim for everything. Things are much easier now.
In all seriousness, when I was trying to do it for Netbeans, there seemed to be some limitations as to what you could change in the colors/syntax-highlighting. Though I don't recall specific examples offhand, there were a few things I couldn't get quite right, and it used to bother me.
If you want a color reference though, I have one on my wiki, for when I used to set up Zenburn in random editors, feel free to use it:
Oh how I wish there was, however it is possible to change the colors manually.
Preferences > Fonts & Colors > Syntax