eclipse editor colors - how to set in outline view - eclipse

The line that is highlighted on Eclipse is really hard for me to see. I am color blind, but I can see colors. I assume the the highlight color in the outline screen has very little contrast to the other colors. Thank you!
Anyway I will try and attach a graphic.... anyone know to change this?

I think I have something usable enough to post as an answer. You didn't specify the OS that you're using but from the screenshot it looked like Windows 7/Vista with the Aero theme. Like I mentioned in my comment to your question, from this and this, it looks like there isn't any [straightforward] way to change the highlight color.
However, if you don't mind losing the Aero effects, you can switch to the Windows Classic theme to get a different highlighting that IMO provides more contrast and better readability.


vs code, render the inline color decorators and color picker outline

I was use vs code for a while, I was happy to see my decorator colors and color picker outline the code, but someday I just update the vs code, I don't know when that is happen, so I saw the box color between my code, I did not like it at all, so I tried so hard to make as old, I did research and googled it but not lucky to find out how to make it as old again.
see my screenshot so you can understand what I want. Thank you.
I tried to change the settings but if I uncheck this open option that color box is disappear,

any way to have a light sidebar while keeping the editor dark?

Something like this:
I've always liked the way Sublime Text looked and I wasn't able to reproduce this sorta theme in VS Code. Editing the workbench settings does not really achieve the same result. I end up having a light text on a slightly darker sidebar: which is pretty hard to read.
These will get you closer:
"sideBar.foreground": "#000",
"sideBar.background": "#ccc",
// "gitDecoration.modifiedResourceForeground": "#000",
You may need to modify all the gitDecoration colors to work on a light background.
I haven't figured out a way to darken the arrows for the folders yet though. You would think they would be set by the sidebar.foreground property but apparently not.
And I just noticed that the sidebar properties also control the command palette colors!

Eclipse change 'view' border color

Is there a way to change the color of the grids in eclipse?
I am using the built-in 'Dark' theme, and the grid lines are too bright for me, they mess with my vision, I have some visual snow.
I think that is based on the "Window Color and Appearance" (that's the given name if you are under windows) of your desktop personalization just like the top bar maximize/minimize/close.
So you can always go there and change it in "3D objects", but be aware that this change will affect your whole desktop/windows visuals.
Altho, that beeing said, I know that there are ways tweak it around. This could give you a hand:
Also a tool called css spy will help you find what you want to edit faster:

How do I customize the welcome screen in Emacs

So how would I go about customizing the welcome screen? I know about initial-buffer-choice, but I'd like to customize the original one as a part of theme (I'm working on a Tron theme, and wanted to have all bits of it perfect!).
I don't want to change the text, but I have an alternative design for the logo :) It's not really a replacement, and I'm not going to put a different logo instead, it's just a minor remake to go with the color theme.
EDIT: below is what I've got so far :)
And the larger image:
Sorry for making you wait. Here we go: If you find a language mode where the theme misbehaves, I will try to fix it. I think I tried it once on a text terminal, rather than X-window Emacs, but I don't remember how it was. So, that may be a problem. Also, some modes may come with their own faces. I tried to set some (like ECB), but these may not be complete / I'm not aware of all the possible faces. But, again, request for improvements are welcome.
To change splash image, set fancy-splash-image.
To change text and color, set fancy-startup-text and fancy-about-text.

Is it possible to change the background color of text highlighted while using a code template in Eclipse?

In other words, when you type for and hit ctrl+space, you can pick various template for loops. After selecting, it creates the code and lets you tab between various aspects of the code (such as which array you're looping over). I've switched to dark colors on Eclipse, but I can't find anywhere to change the highlight for these tab areas, so they show up with light backgrounds and my light foreground colors and are completely unreadable.
Is it possible to change these colors somewhere? If so, where?
It took me some time, but I found it.
Look under window>Preferences>General>Text Editors>Linked Mode
Then it is "Editable Range" you are looking for.
In preferences:
Since you didn't find a prefs setting by searching for "color", there probably is no way to do this. I suggest to open a bug at