Zenburn for Netbeans - netbeans

Is there a Zenburn theme for Netbeans?

You can try Aloha color theme for Netbeans. It's similar to Zenburn.
UPDATE: for NetBeans 6.9 - zenburn color scheme

I had set one up manually for it, just like I did with a bunch of other editors/IDEs. Then eventually I just gave up and started using gvim for everything. Things are much easier now.
In all seriousness, when I was trying to do it for Netbeans, there seemed to be some limitations as to what you could change in the colors/syntax-highlighting. Though I don't recall specific examples offhand, there were a few things I couldn't get quite right, and it used to bother me.
If you want a color reference though, I have one on my wiki, for when I used to set up Zenburn in random editors, feel free to use it: http://wiki.steam-punk.net/zenburn

Oh how I wish there was, however it is possible to change the colors manually.
Preferences > Fonts & Colors > Syntax


Eclipse IDE - Python

Is there a way to change the color of the comments in python code edito? I would like to make them more bright so that I can see them. At the moment they are greyish
I assume you are using PyDev for Eclipse. If not, you should probably install it, as it comes in quite handy.
Goto Preferences->PyDev->Editor. There you can adjust the colors.
Edit: This is what it looks like with PyDev: 6.5.0.

Where can I get a "Light Table" theme for Emacs 24?

I really like the Light Table color scheme but despite lots of Googling I can't seem to find an Emacs theme. I've made an attempt to recreate it but surely someone else has done this already.
It's a dark theme that looks like:
There's a load more example images on the Kickstarter page.
I made a theme based on the LightTable color scheme, I've just released it as a gist.
FYI I'm publishing several new themes for Emacs24. There's a couple of other dark themes at https://emacsfodder.github.io/
Here's a view of the font-lock (i.e. language generics, which are used by major modes to provide syntax highlighting.) definition with rainbow-mode.
In Emacs Lisp mode (CommonLisp & EmacsLisp are the closest things I know to Clojure.)
We can see that even local function usage isn't added to syntax highlighting:
(Having done a small check with clojure-mode, I can see the same thing going on there, defn's show their function name highlighted, but usage is in the default face color.)
For completeness it's probably worth adding this new answer here. There is now a LightTable theme for Emacs. It's called Noctilux:
Lighttable theme for Doom Emacs

Change annotation background colors in eclipse?

So in eclipse whenever there is an error it's underlined in red, and when you hover over it is displays an annotation with tips on how to fix the error. On my Windows OS it is correct and the background is a tanish color but on Ubuntu the background is black and I want it tanish like Windows. I know there is an annotation area under Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors > Annotations, but I don't see a section to change background colors. Please help.
Oddly, colors and fonts are very poorly implemented in Eclipse. Quite a number of things are either extremely difficult to figure out or impossible. Looks like this one is impossible to modify. Perhaps there's an OS way to make those changes?
That said, I found an Eclipse plugin, Annotions Ruler Background. It looks like it should do the trick, but was designed for Indigo (3.7) and doesn't seem to work on Juno (4.2). Sigh.
You can install it from the usual way in Eclipse (help->eclipse marketplace->search, etc.). Their website is here.
If you're still on Indigo, give it a try.
I find this page, it works. http://ubuntu-user-tricks.blogspot.tw/2012/09/3-things-to-do-after-installing-eclipse.html
It change the theme tooltip background color, and foreground color if need.
You can install tool gnome-color-chooser or modify the configure directly (default at /usr/share/themes/Ambiance/gtk-2.0/gtkrc). If After you modify the theme configure, you need reload theme to use new config.

Ecplise color files plugin?

Is there a way in eclipse to assign certain files a colour (much like OSX's Finder):
Such that opened editor's tabs are assigned the same colour - (and maybe even the text editor's background
For instance if I am working with MVC, I could assign all the Models blue, all the Views Green, Mediators Yellow etc...
I can't find one, but it seems so natural/obvious to me I thought I'd better ask.
Else, does anyone else have problems visually grouping th
Kind of...
Please have a look at Andrei Loskutov's Extended VS presentation plugin which, as its name suggests, is a Visual Studio skin for Eclipse. It has some tab colouring features (although may be the one you describe).
On a general note Andrei's eclipse plugins have, since version 2.x, garnered a lot of well deserved praise...

Eclipse syntax colors for HTML files

I'm using eclipse for a few months, I realy like gvim better but eclipse makes my life easier with pydev and phpeclipse. Everything is pretty nice, I have a black fluxbox and black GTK themes, I've changed the syntax colors for py and php and now everything is dark background, light foreground (including the eclipse menu/borders/etc), very nice.
But.. I can't find a way to change the syntax colors for html files. It's really bad, occasionally I will want to open a html file in eclipse and standard text is black (same as my background). I've changed every background-related color setting I could find but the html editor's colors don't change. Am I missing something? Does anyone know how to change this?
You need to install the WTP plugin to add all that HTML/JS/CSS support.
I would also recommend using the PDT plugin for all your PHP needs.
After installing these plugins.. you should be able to access their properties in Window>Preferences...
Hope this helps :)
For others who may not be as familiar with the Preferences for Eclipse you can find most of these color settings (once you have the plugins mentioned here installed) at:
Preferences > Text editors > Appearance color options
Preferences > Appearance > Colors and Fonts
Don't forget to use the search features built into the Eclipse preference panes to find the exact element you are trying to modify.