RowFilter including [ character in search string -

I fill a DataSet and allow the user to enter a search string. Instead of hitting the database again, I set the RowFilter to display the selected data. When the user enters a square bracket ( "[" ) I get an error "Error in Like Operator". I know there is a list of characters that need prefixed with "\" when they are used in a field name, but how do I prevent RowFilter from interpreting "[" as the beginning of a column name?
Note: I am using a dataset from SQL Server.

So, you are trying to filter using the LIKE clause, where you want the "[" or "]" characters to be interpreted as text to be searched ?
From Visual Studio help on the DataColumn.Expression Property :
"If a bracket is in the clause, the bracket characters should be escaped in brackets (for example [[] or []])."
So, you could use code like this :
DataTable dt = new DataTable("t1");
dt.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(int));
dt.Columns.Add("Description", typeof(string));
dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { 1, "pie"});
dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { 2, "cake [mud]" });
string part = "[mud]";
part = part.Replace("[", "\x01");
part = part.Replace("]", "[]]");
part = part.Replace("\x01", "[[]");
string filter = "Description LIKE '*" + part + "*'";
DataView dv = new DataView(dt, filter, null, DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);
MessageBox.Show("Num Rows selected : " + dv.Count.ToString());
Note that a HACK is used. The character \x01 (which I'm assuming won't be in the "part" variable initially), is used to temporarily replace left brackets. After the right brackets are escaped, the temporary "\x01" characters are replaced with the required escape sequence for the left bracket.


iText PDFSweep RegexBasedCleanupStrategy not work in some case

I'm trying to use iText PDFSweep RegexBasedCleanupStrategy to redact some words from pdf, however I only want to redact the word but not appear in other word, eg.
I want to redact "al" as single word, but I don't want to redact the "al" in "mineral".
So I add the word boundary("\b") in the Regex as parameter to RegexBasedCleanupStrategy,
new RegexBasedCleanupStrategy("\\bal\\b")
however the pdfAutoSweep.cleanUp not work if the word is at the end of line.
In short
The cause of this issue is that the routine that flattens the extracted text chunks into a single String for applying the regular expression does not insert any indicator for a line break. Thus, in that String the last letter from one line is immediately followed by the first letter of the next which hides the word boundary. One can fix the behavior by adding an appropriate character to the String in case of a line break.
The problematic code
The routine that flattens the extracted text chunks into a single String is CharacterRenderInfo.mapString(List<CharacterRenderInfo>) in the package com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.canvas.parser.listener. In case of a merely horizontal gap this routine inserts a space character but in case of a vertical offset, i.e. a line break, it adds nothing extra to the StringBuilder in which the String representation is generated:
if (chunk.sameLine(lastChunk)) {
// we only insert a blank space if the trailing character of the previous string wasn't a space, and the leading character of the current string isn't a space
if (chunk.getLocation().isAtWordBoundary(lastChunk.getLocation()) && !chunk.getText().startsWith(" ") && !chunk.getText().endsWith(" ")) {
sb.append(' ');
indexMap.put(sb.length(), i);
} else {
indexMap.put(sb.length(), i);
A possible fix
One can extend the code above to insert a newline character in case of a line break:
if (chunk.sameLine(lastChunk)) {
// we only insert a blank space if the trailing character of the previous string wasn't a space, and the leading character of the current string isn't a space
if (chunk.getLocation().isAtWordBoundary(lastChunk.getLocation()) && !chunk.getText().startsWith(" ") && !chunk.getText().endsWith(" ")) {
sb.append(' ');
indexMap.put(sb.length(), i);
} else {
indexMap.put(sb.length(), i);
This CharacterRenderInfo.mapString method is only called from the RegexBasedLocationExtractionStrategy method getResultantLocations() (package com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.canvas.parser.listener), and only for the task mentioned, i.e. applying the regular expression in question. Thus, enabling it to properly allow recognition of word boundaries should not break anything but indeed should be considered a fix.
One merely might consider adding a different character for a line break, e.g. a plain space ' ' if one does not want to treat vertical gaps any different than horizontal ones. For a general fix one might, therefore, consider making this character a settable property of the strategy.
I tested with iText 7.1.4-SNAPSHOT and PDFSweep 2.0.3-SNAPSHOT.

Issue with eval_in_page - Trying to interpolate an array

my #para_text = $mech->xpath('/html/body/form/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[3]/table/tbody/tr[2]/td/table/tbody/tr[3]/td/div/div/div', type => $mech->xpathResult('STRING_TYPE'));
print "Look here: #para_text";
$mech->click_button( id => "lnkHdrreplyall");
$mech->eval_in_page('document.getElementsByName("txtbdy")[0].value = "#para_text"');
In the last line of my code I need to put the contents of the #para_text array as the text to output into a text box on a website however from the "document" till the end of the line it needs to be surrounded by ' ' to work. Obviously this doesnt allow interpolation as that would require " " Any ideas on what to do?
To define a string that itself contains double quotes as well as interpolating variable values, you may use the alternative form of the double quote qq/ ... /, where you can choose the delimiter yourself and prevent the double quote " from being special
So you can write
$mech->eval_in_page(qq/document.getElementsByName("txtbdy")[0].value = "#para_text"/)

Access, How can I change lowercase letter of first letter in last name to uppercase

I would like to change lowercase letter of first letter in last name to uppercase by using code
my code from form is :
Option Compare Database
Private Sub Text19_Click()
Text19 = UCase(Text19)
End Sub
but there is no change to my table!
Furthermore, how can I find last name with a space, comma or period and make it without a space, comma and period.
such as
[space] Moon
change them to just
If there is no change to your table, maybe your field is not bound to the recordset? Maybe you need to 'Refresh' your form.
Also, it looks like you are trying to use this code on a TextBox?
Code would be as follows:
Private Sub Text19_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Text19 = Trim(Text19) ' Get rid of leading and trailing spaces.
If right(Text19, 1) = "." Or right(Text19, 1) = "," Then ' Remove comma, period
Text19 = left(Text19, Len(Text19) - 1)
End If
Text19 = UCase(left(Text19, 1)) & Mid(Text19, 2)
End Sub

Is it possible to match any character that is not ']' in PATINDEX?

I need to find the index of the first character that is not ]. Normally to match any character except X, you use the pattern [^X]. The problem is that [^]] simply closes the first bracket too early. The first part, [^], will match any character.
In the documentation for the LIKE operator, if you scroll down to the section "Using Wildcard Characters As Literals" it shows a table of methods to indicated literal characters like [ and ] inside a pattern. It makes no mention of using [ or ] inside double brackets. If the pattern is being used with the LIKE operator, you would use the ESCAPE clause. LIKE doesn't return an index and PATINDEX doesn't seem to have a parameter for an escape clause.
Is there no way to do this?
(This may seem arbitrary. To put some context around it, I need to match ] immediately followed by a character that is not ] in order to locate the end of a quoted identifier. ]] is the only character escape inside a quoted identifier.)
This isn't possible. The Connect item PATINDEX Missing ESCAPE Clause is closed as won't fix.
I'd probably use CLR and regular expressions.
A simple implementation might be
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
public partial class UserDefinedFunctions
public static SqlInt32 PatIndexCLR(SqlString pattern, SqlString expression)
if (pattern.IsNull || expression.IsNull)
return new SqlInt32();
Match match = Regex.Match(expression.ToString(), pattern.ToString());
if (match.Success)
return new SqlInt32(match.Index + 1);
return new SqlInt32(0);
With example usage
SELECT [dbo].[PatIndexCLR] ( N'[^]]', N']]]]]]]]ABC[DEF');
If that is not an option a possible flaky workaround might be to substitute a character unlikely to be in the data without this special significance in the grammar.
WITH T(Value) AS
SELECT ']]]]]]]]ABC[DEF'
SELECT PATINDEX('%[^' + char(7) + ']%', REPLACE(Value,']', char(7)))
(Returns 9)

Removing Brackets and Text in Crystal

I am using this following text to delete brackets and text inside the brackets; I need to go threw the entire memo field and it stops after it finds and deletes the first set of brackets and text.
if right({table.col},1) = "]" then
Any suggestions...
This tested well with Crystal2008, not sure what version you are using, it also would need some error checking to handle mismatched bracket pairs, but it may offer some food for thought:
Dim workString as String
Dim bracketedText as string
if (InStr({table.col},"[") > 0) then
workString = {table.col}
while(InStr(workString,"[") > 0 )
bracketedText = "[" + ExtractString(workString,"[","]") + "]"
workString = replace(workString,bracketedText,"")
Formula = workString
Formula = {table.col}
End If