Access, How can I change lowercase letter of first letter in last name to uppercase - forms

I would like to change lowercase letter of first letter in last name to uppercase by using code
my code from form is :
Option Compare Database
Private Sub Text19_Click()
Text19 = UCase(Text19)
End Sub
but there is no change to my table!
Furthermore, how can I find last name with a space, comma or period and make it without a space, comma and period.
such as
[space] Moon
change them to just

If there is no change to your table, maybe your field is not bound to the recordset? Maybe you need to 'Refresh' your form.
Also, it looks like you are trying to use this code on a TextBox?
Code would be as follows:
Private Sub Text19_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Text19 = Trim(Text19) ' Get rid of leading and trailing spaces.
If right(Text19, 1) = "." Or right(Text19, 1) = "," Then ' Remove comma, period
Text19 = left(Text19, Len(Text19) - 1)
End If
Text19 = UCase(left(Text19, 1)) & Mid(Text19, 2)
End Sub


How to match exact string in perl

I am trying to parse all the files and verify if any of the file content has strings TESTDIR or TEST_DIR
Files contents might look something like:-
include $(TESTDIR)/
TEST_DIR := goldimage
MAKE_TESTDIR = var_make
NEW_TEST_DIR = tesing_var
Actually I am only interested in TESTDIR ,$(TESTDIR),TEST_DIR but in my case last two lines should be ignored. I am new to perl , Can anyone help me out with re-rex.
\b means a "word boundary", i.e. the place between a word character and a non-word character. "Word" here has the Perl meaning: it contains characters, numbers, and underscores.
_? means "nothing or an underscore"
Look at "characterset".
Only (space) surrounding allowed:
/^(.* )?TEST_?DIR /
^ beginning of the line
(.* )? There may be some content .* but if, its must be followed by a space
at the and says that a whitespace must be there. Otherwise use ( .*)?$ at the end.
One of a given characterset is allowed:
Should the be other characters then a space be possible you can use a character class []:
/^(.*[ \t(])?TEST_?DIR[) :=]/
(.*[ \t(])? in front of TEST_?DIR may be a (space) or a \t (tab) or ( or nothing if the line starts with itself.
afterwards there must be one of (space) or : or = or ). Followd by anything (to "anything" belongs the "=" of ":=" ...).
One of a given group is allowed:
So you need groups within () each possible group in there devided by a |:
/^(.*( |\t))?TEST_?DIR( | := | = )/
In this case, at the beginning is no change to [ \t] because each group holds only one character and \t.
At the end, there must be (single space) or := (':=' surrounded by spaces) or = ('=' surrounded by spaces), following by anything...
You can use any combination...
/^(.*[ \t(])?TEST_?DIR([) =:]| :=| =|)/
Test it on (Use 'PCRE')

Converting numbers into timestamps (inserting colons at specific places)

I'm using AutoHotkey for this as the code is the most understandable to me. So I have a document with numbers and text, for example like this
120344 text text text
234000 text text
and the desired output is
12:03:44 text text text
23:40:00 text text
I'm sure StrReplace can be used to insert the colons in, but I'm not sure how to specify the position of the colons or ask AHK to 'find' specific strings of 6 digit numbers. Before, I would have highlighted the text I want to apply StrReplace to and then press a hotkey, but I was wondering if there is a more efficient way to do this that doesn't need my interaction. Even just pointing to the relevant functions I would need to look into to do this would be helpful! Thanks so much, I'm still very new to programming.
hfontanez's answer was very helpful in figuring out that for this problem, I had to use a loop and substring function. I'm sure there are much less messy ways to write this code, but this is the final version of what worked for my purposes:
Loop, read, C:\[location of input file]
{ If A_LoopReadLine = ;
Continue ; this part is to ignore the blank lines in the file
one := A_LoopReadLine
x := SubStr(one, 1, 2)
y := SubStr(one, 3, 2)
z := SubStr(one, 5)
two := x . ":" . y . ":" . z
FileAppend, %two%`r`n, C:\[location of output file]
Assuming that the "timestamp" component is always 6 characters long and always at the beginning of the string, this solution should work just fine.
String test = "012345 test test test";
test = test.substring(0, 2) + ":" + test.substring(2, 4) + ":" + test.substring(4, test.length());
This outputs 01:23:45 test test test
Why? Because you are temporarily creating a String object that it's two characters long and then you insert the colon before taking the next pair. Lastly, you append the rest of the String and assign it to whichever String variable you want. Remember, the substring method doesn't modify the String object you are calling the method on. This method returns a "new" String object. Therefore, the variable test is unmodified until the assignment operation kicks in at the end.
Alternatively, you can use a StringBuilder and append each component like this:
StringBuilder sbuff = new StringBuilder();
test = sbuff.toString();
You could also use a "fancy" loop to do this, but I think for something this simple, looping is just overkill. Oh, I almost forgot, this should work with both of your test strings because after the last colon insert, the code takes the substring from index position 4 all the way to the end of the string indiscriminately.

How do I extract only numbers from a string in Dart?

I was trying to sort the string using -
for (var t in creditcards) {
print(t['firstyear'].toString().replaceAll('/[^0-9]/', ''));
Its output -
Rs.499 + applicable taxes
Rs.495 + taxes
I want to remove ' + applicable taxes' from this and parse it as integer.
Without an example of how your String is it's hard to say what or how can we avoid certain patterns. This works as long as your Strings is always in the format Letters.numbers (any amount of letters, then a dot, then any amount of numbers)
String x = 'Rs.499 + applicable taxes';
String y = ' asdhui Euro.3243 + applicable taxes';
final RegExp firstRegExp = RegExp('[a-zA-Z]+(\.[0-9]+)');
final RegExp example = RegExp(r'\w+(\.\d+)'); //this is basically the same that the one above, but also check for numbers before the dot
//consider static final RegExp to avoid creating a new instance every time a value is checked
for (var t in creditcards) {
RegExp check for the pattern [a-zA-Z] which means any letter, + match the previous one or more times (the prvious means it will match a one or more letters, but not space, tabs or any special character), (.[0-9]+) the . checks for a dot (\ is used because . is a special character in regExp and you want to search explicitly for the dot), [0-9]+ checks for one or more numbers after the dot
RegExp is used to check for patterns, check more about it in
regExp Dart and some examples about special characters in RegExp

insert and delete text after an Range-position in Word

I have a SET-field in Word 2007. After the set-field there could be everything (text,bookmark, SET field,...). I want to add a text (e.g. "exampletext") in between.
After this I want to delete this inserted text (but I don't want to search through the whole document).
Is there a method?
Trial 1 (it inserts it in the field - and not after the field):
' xStartReturn is a field
Dim myExampletext As WordApp.Range = objDoc.Range(xStartReturn.Code.End, xStartReturn.Code.End )
myExampletext.Text = "exampletext"
Trial 2 (leads to the problem that I don't get the Range-field to delete the exampletext afterwards):
Trial 3:
'xStartReturn.Code.End + 1 doesn't work.. but I found out that the "}"-Sign in the setField is +20 after xStartReturn.Code.End. Theoretical this should work - but there could be e.g. also paragraph afterwards.
'-> I can automatically check that there is a paragraph - but why is the exampletext added **after** the paragraph?
Dim example As WordApp.Range = objDoc.Range(xStartReturn.Code.End + 20, xStartReturn.Code.End + 20)
example.Text = "exampletext"
Dim later As WordApp.Range = objBasisvorlage_.Range(objXStartReturn.Code.End + 20, objXStartReturn.Code.End + 20 + "SDFSD".Length) 'this is wrong?!
The following works for me. Since you didn't give us a minimum code with which to reproduce the problem I don't know how relevant the framework is that I used. But you should be able to follow the steps.
Watch what I do with r_f_Code (field code range). You can ignore/remove r_f_Result as I had that in for reference and debugging purposes.
Collapsing the field code range to its end-point leaves the range just within the field braces. Moving the starting point one character to the right puts it just outside the braces, but before anything else. (Note: I tested with two immediately adjacent SET fields.)
My code then enters some text and bookmarks it. That's the only way you do what you ask if what follows the SET field can be "anything". Although I suppose you could insert a Content Control - that would be uniquely identifiable if you go about it correctly...
Sub PositionAfterFieldCode()
Dim f As word.Field
Dim r_f_Code As word.Range, r_f_Result As word.Range
For Each f In ActiveDocument.Fields
If f.Type = wdFieldSet Then
Set r_f_Code = f.code
Set r_f_Result = f.result
'Debug.Print Len(r_f_Code), r_f_Code.Text, Len(r_f_Result), r_f_Result.Text
r_f_Code.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
r_f_Code.MoveStart wdCharacter, 1
r_f_Code.Text = "abc"
r_f_Code.Bookmarks.Add "AfterSet", r_f_Code
Exit For
End If
End Sub

Issue with eval_in_page - Trying to interpolate an array

my #para_text = $mech->xpath('/html/body/form/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[3]/table/tbody/tr[2]/td/table/tbody/tr[3]/td/div/div/div', type => $mech->xpathResult('STRING_TYPE'));
print "Look here: #para_text";
$mech->click_button( id => "lnkHdrreplyall");
$mech->eval_in_page('document.getElementsByName("txtbdy")[0].value = "#para_text"');
In the last line of my code I need to put the contents of the #para_text array as the text to output into a text box on a website however from the "document" till the end of the line it needs to be surrounded by ' ' to work. Obviously this doesnt allow interpolation as that would require " " Any ideas on what to do?
To define a string that itself contains double quotes as well as interpolating variable values, you may use the alternative form of the double quote qq/ ... /, where you can choose the delimiter yourself and prevent the double quote " from being special
So you can write
$mech->eval_in_page(qq/document.getElementsByName("txtbdy")[0].value = "#para_text"/)