Stable Scala 2.8 plugin - eclipse

Does anyone know if there exists a stable version of the Scala plugin for eclipse, running with Scala 2.8 (any version of scala 2.8...RC or beta or whatever).
I like the fact that it compiles 10 times faster than the netbeans plugin, but it is very unstable, and auto-imports doesnt work. Also, sometimes it cant find classes when I hit "run", then I have to clean it again. This is with some random nightly build of the 2.8 eclipse scala plugin.
Is there a stable version? If so, can you link me to it?
Thanks in advance :)

The main web site for Scala Eclipse plugin is now at
You can try the plugin for 2.8.0 RC2 with this update p2 site
(not browsable: copy
As for a truly stable version, that plugin is not there yet, but as Miles Sabin once told me (Sept. 2009): "Looking forward to receiving your contributions."
And he was quite snappy about it too ;) But that was enough to convince my hierarchy that is was too early to invest in Scala at the time: too large eclipse user-base in our department, and no real Scala support/documentation at the time on Eclipse.
In all fairness, the contribution and developer documentation is now much richer than it once was.

I have been using it since release, and found 2.8.0 RC2 (link given by VonC) to be quite stable (certainly a lot more than 2.7.7).

I was using eclipse 3.5.2 with the 2.8.0 RC2 plugin which created a lot of problems with compiling. I had to unistall the plugin and still the problems would remain. Only after a numbers of attempts to clean/build/delete/re-import the project and restart eclipse solved the problems...


CodePro: where to find the plugin for Intellij Idea?

I have Codepro analytics plugin installed on my eclipse which I am using since may days. However I don't see any new version coming up for this. I am now shifting to Intellij Idea for my development. However does anybody know that is there any Codepro available for Intellij or how can I use this eclipse plugin in Intellij?
There's no IntelliJ plugin for CodePro and you can't use Eclipse plugins in IDEA.
However, there's a feature in IntelliJ IDEA called 'Inspections': built-in static code analysis tools that help you find probable bugs, locate dead code, detect performance issues, and improve the overall code structure. Its functionality should match that of CodePro's and maybe even exceed it.
Check this IntelliJ documentation page as well.

possibility of scala-virtualized in Eclipse with Scala >=2.11

I followed this guide:
in order to use the virtualized (-Yvirtualize ) plugin inside the eclipse compiler. This works for a nightly build of Scala 2.10 which is old and lacks features like implicit classes. Does anyone know of a way to work with newer versions of Scala with the virtualize plugin AND eclipse?
Sorry to be bringing bad news:
The Eclipse IDE for Scala-virtualized has not been updated in the last 2 years, so it's not expected to be usable (Source: I maintained the EclipseIDE for scala-virtualized) -- I updated the wiki.
Regarding 2.11, please see Alexey's comment (and answer) below.
Scala-virtualized has been updated to 2.11.2 now. You can definitely use it in IDEA, at least (just make sure the Scala-virtualized scala-{library,reflect,compiler}.jar are above the non-virtualized versions in Dependencies tab under Project Settings -> Modules). I don't know if you can use it in Eclipse, but it might be possible using Scala installations support (see under BYOS (Bring Your Own Scala)).

STS vs. Eclipse for Grails?

I understand that SpringSource Tool Suite is based on Eclipse.
I am coding Grails. STS is often pissing me off. I was thinking of installing Eclipse instead with a Grails plugin - will it just be the same?
What's better? STS or Eclipse?
Have you considered IntelliJ, it has excellent Grails and Groovy support. I had been a eclipse guy for years but I am loving IntelliJ now.
IntelliJ Grails Features
I believe STS incorporated the original Groovy plugin so you're honestly better off with STS than you are trying to hack together Eclipse with the old plugin.
That said, other IDEs with good Groovy/Grails support are:
IntelliJ IDEA:
NetBeans: (but development on Grails support appears to have stopped since 6.8.0)
I've personally tried IntelliJ and I liked it for Grails. I have not tried NetBeans but I've heard it is good.
STS has better Groovy n Grails support. The latest version i.e. 2.5.0 has better features and bug fixes. I would suggest you stick to STS rather than Eclipse. I have been using it for last couple of months and it is very stable. The latest version has much better features and is more stable than previous versions.
I found Eclipse with the Grails plugin easier to configure than STS, so I started out down that route. STS seems overly clunky and too specialized - if your app is anything over than a very vanilla grails app I'd say Eclipse is better.
Having said all of that, I tried IntelliJ IDEA and fell in love with it. I even forked out the $200 for a personal licence when my company said no to buying a license!
STS is an Eclipse distribution packaged by SpringSource, who also own Grails project. You should bring your specific issue to the vendor or at least describe them in your question.
I think you should definitely opt for STS - the integration of the Groovy resp. the Grails plugin is much better than in Eclipse.
On the other hand, the question is hard to answer without getting religious subjective; what are the issues you encoutered in STS and what makes you think they won't occur or even be more annoying in the main Eclipse distribution with no native Groovy/Grails support?
I have been unsuccessful trying to use the Grails plugin on Eclipse. After a lot of work finding the right repositories for missing dependencies, the Grails plugin practically took over Eclipse, it became a quasi STS Eclipse. Even the home window became the STS window!
I guess the producers of STS are basically trying to convince you to switch to STS, instead of using their almost worthless plugin, and going through the pain of getting the plugin working, and getting at the end a STS clone.
You are better off just using STS, but it angers me that people who like Eclipse or MyEclipse have to be forced to use STS' specific version of Eclipse.

How to make Scala Power Pack for IntelliJ Idea to work?

I've installed Scala, SBT and Scala Power Pack plugins for IntelliJ Idea 9. And it says
"Plugin scala power pack failed to initialize and will be disabled:
Please restart IntelliJ IDEA"
I've found this with Google but with no solution. Do you know one?
Scala Power Pack has been in a development haitus, but I hope to have an update available by the end of the year to work with Scala 2.8 and IDEA 9.0. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Use the "Scala" plugin and the "SBT" plugin - they work great.
There is a nice writeup on how to set up projects with IDEA and SBT:
It's a plugin which hasn't been updated since a long time and before IntelliJ 9 was out. You can still try to contact the developer.

Using scala-2.8.0.RC1 with Maven and Intellij 9.0.1

I am trying to build a project using the newest release candidate of Scala (scala-2.8.0.RC1) and Maven in Intellij CE (9.0.1) -- I cannot upgrade to 9.0.2 because it breaks the La Clojure plugin.
If I change my pom.xml to use the scala-2.8.0.RC1, Intellij tells me that Array is not defined (highlights in red). If I change to scala-2.8.0.Beta1, everything is fine.
Is there a (known) problem with scala-2.8.0.RC1 and Intellij?
Thanks, Ralph
I think IDEA 9.0.1 just does not work with RC1. I may be wrong but my guess is that this is due to changes in the pickling format between the Beta1 and RC1 scala releases.
I have found few issues with 9.0.2 and RC1 but obviously if this breaks a vital plugin for you then you have learned an important lesson: there are costs associated with being at the bleeding edge