possibility of scala-virtualized in Eclipse with Scala >=2.11 - scala

I followed this guide: http://lamplmscore.epfl.ch/mediawiki/index.php/Eclipse_IDE_with_Scala-virtualized
in order to use the virtualized (-Yvirtualize ) plugin inside the eclipse compiler. This works for a nightly build of Scala 2.10 which is old and lacks features like implicit classes. Does anyone know of a way to work with newer versions of Scala with the virtualize plugin AND eclipse?

Sorry to be bringing bad news:
The Eclipse IDE for Scala-virtualized has not been updated in the last 2 years, so it's not expected to be usable (Source: I maintained the EclipseIDE for scala-virtualized) -- I updated the wiki.
Regarding 2.11, please see Alexey's comment (and answer) below.

Scala-virtualized has been updated to 2.11.2 now. You can definitely use it in IDEA, at least (just make sure the Scala-virtualized scala-{library,reflect,compiler}.jar are above the non-virtualized versions in Dependencies tab under Project Settings -> Modules). I don't know if you can use it in Eclipse, but it might be possible using Scala installations support (see under BYOS (Bring Your Own Scala)).


Intellij IDEA - Cannot add framework support for Scala

I have sbt 0.13.16 and Scala 2.10.6 running with Intellij 2018.2.1, working with those recommended sbt and Scala settings for Odersky's coursera course on Scala (I'm guessing their automated submission grader depended on old SBT?).
When creating new sbt + scala projects, I choose the above sbt and Scala versions, then after all the dependencies have downloaded, when I right-click New -> ... I see options for Java class but nothing for Scala. I have the Scala plugin already there according to the plugin settings.
So I try to Add Framework Support after right-clicking on the project, I select Scala, but then everything is disabled except Cancel.
I looked through previous forums, found one but that seemed relevant only for git projects.
Anyone else run into this issue? Do I need to update to more recent Scala and SBT? Any help would be very appreciated.
Please check https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/1347-scala/versions for a compatibility table.
You can manage plugins in IntelliJ Preferences. Your versions seem to be too old to still be supported, already. It may help to upgrade IntelliJ and then go to preferences and get the latest Scala and SBT plugins.

Different version of scala lib in build path and scala-ide

I have two versions of scala (2.11.4 and 2.10.4). Currently I work on project based on scala 2.10. I've changed version in project properties but ide still complains about it:
The version of scala library found in the build path (2.10.4.) is different from the one provided by scala IDE (2.11.4.). Make sure you know what you are doing.
I am using
Scala IDE build of Eclipse SDK
Build id: 4.0.0-vfinal-20141216-1226-Typesafe
Project config:
Any idea how fix that?
That complaint is a warning, not an error; all is fine. I suspect the message is mostly left over from when scala-ide used to only support working with a single version of scala in a single install (which was only fixed in 4.0)
Yes, you can use the multiple scala version support, as described in this blog post.
Once correctly configured, as you showed in the image, this is just a warning and therefore safe to ignore.

Scala IDE 3.0.4 editor support for html and sbt

I recently installed the Scala IDE Eclipse Kepler, and I have trouble with scala.html template files and sbt files.
The other references online say that I can use "Template Editor" to edit the scala template. However, such template is not found in the IDE.
I also don't see any mentioning of the editor for .sbt files.
IntelliJ Idea has them all, but requires a fee.
Is there anything that I should install to edit all files related to scala and play framework?
The Play plugin for 2.11 (it seems you are using 2.11) is only available together with the 4.0 milestone 3 release, available here:
Unfortunately, the changes we needed to make in order to adapt to 2.11 made it too difficult to re-release it on 3.0.4. I hope the milestone release is good for you. We should have the next major release soon, though.

Can I write scala code in netbeans6.9.1?

Is it possible to write and compile Scala code in netbeans6.9.1? I am a beginner to Scala programming, and am very much confused about this.
I've never actually tried to write Scala in Netbeans personally but according to Dick Wall the support for Scala in Netbeans is pretty much the best of breed among the main 3 IDEs (IntelliJ, Eclipse, and Netbeans). I know that's just anecdotal but it's from a pretty trusted source who literally inserted a whole new section into his Java Posse podcast just so he can geek out over Scala.
This looks like a fantastic place to get you started. http://wiki.netbeans.org/Scala
Yes, check out the Netbeans wiki; Scala modules are experimental and under active development, so check the nightly builds. Also check out ErlyBird; it's an Erlang/Scala IDE based on NetBeans.
I have successfully used Scala with Netbeans 6.8. I tried using 6.9, but could not get it to work.
If you can manage with NB 6.8, then you are in luck.
Note that even with 6.8, refactoring is not available. However, code completion works very nicely and that is sufficient for me. I hope that there is a more usable Netbeans plugin for Scala in the near future.
Of course, you need to install the Scala plugin after installing NB 6.8 to get anything to work. Instructions here: http://wiki.netbeans.org/Scala68v1

Stable Scala 2.8 plugin

Does anyone know if there exists a stable version of the Scala plugin for eclipse, running with Scala 2.8 (any version of scala 2.8...RC or beta or whatever).
I like the fact that it compiles 10 times faster than the netbeans plugin, but it is very unstable, and auto-imports doesnt work. Also, sometimes it cant find classes when I hit "run", then I have to clean it again. This is with some random nightly build of the 2.8 eclipse scala plugin.
Is there a stable version? If so, can you link me to it?
Thanks in advance :)
The main web site for Scala Eclipse plugin is now at www.scala-ide.org
You can try the plugin for 2.8.0 RC2 with this update p2 site
(not browsable: copy http://www.scala-lang.org/archives/downloads/distrib/files/scala-plugin-rc/)
As for a truly stable version, that plugin is not there yet, but as Miles Sabin once told me (Sept. 2009): "Looking forward to receiving your contributions."
And he was quite snappy about it too ;) But that was enough to convince my hierarchy that is was too early to invest in Scala at the time: too large eclipse user-base in our department, and no real Scala support/documentation at the time on Eclipse.
In all fairness, the contribution and developer documentation is now much richer than it once was.
I have been using it since release, and found 2.8.0 RC2 (link given by VonC) to be quite stable (certainly a lot more than 2.7.7).
I was using eclipse 3.5.2 with the 2.8.0 RC2 plugin which created a lot of problems with compiling. I had to unistall the plugin and still the problems would remain. Only after a numbers of attempts to clean/build/delete/re-import the project and restart eclipse solved the problems...