How can I tar multiple files in Perl? - perl

How can I tar multiple directories and also append files with some pattern like '.txt' and exclude some directories and exclude some patterns like '.exe' all into a single tar file. The main point is the number of directories are unknown(dynamic), so I need to loop through I guess?

I'd use Archive::Tar and populate #filelist with Class::Path (specifically Class::Path::Dir's recurse method)

Assuming you have worked out what files you want using File::Find then something like
my #dir = qw/a b/ ;
system "tar -cvf mytar #dir" ;
might work. But you might find that the command line is too long.
In which case maybe write the list of files to a file and use the option
(and please don't tell me you are not allowed to write to files)

If for some reason you cannot, or are not permitted to, install additional modules beyond the base system you could use File::Find instead of Class::Path.
It sounds like you already know how to call out to the system tar command so I'll leave it at that.


Delete files in a folder using Perl

I want to delete all files in a folder, which contain he word TRAR in their filename.. I hav etried the following :
system ("cd /appl/virtuo/gways/config/ericsson-msc/v1/spool/input_d; rm-rf *TRAR");
remove all your config lines ( are they even perl? )
system ("cd /appl/virtuo/gways/config/ericsson-msc/v1/spool/input_d; rm -rf *TRAR")
should work but you should really be using perl code (unlink, etc)
I suspect you are confusing the usage of perl with how you will use awk in bash scripts.
As #Steffen Ullrich said, that isn't Perl or Shell. But I'll try to make it a little more Perlish for you:
First, note that
variables in Perl start with a $
strings need "quotes around them"
statements end with a ;
spaces around = are ok and make it all easier to read
$CONFIG_DIR = `pwd`;
$VENDOR = "ericsson-msc";
$RELEASE = "v1";
$BASE_DIR = "/appl/virtuo/gways";
Next, see how you can combine these into a single string like this (I'm guessing that's what you want to do)
$DIR_FOR_CLEANING = "$BASE_DIR/config/$VENDOR/$RELEASE/spool/input_d";
Lastly, you should be really careful whenever using the -r command to rm along with a wildcard like *. Look up the man page for rm and see if -r is something you want to do. I don't think you need it here, unless you have directories named *TRAR that you want to recurse into to remove. I'll bet you only have files named *TRAR in that input_d directory.
Also, the command the way you wrote it could fail the cd if that directory doesn't exist, and would then proceed to recursively remove *TRAR from whatever directory you're running the script from. But you don't need to change directories at all. Try something like this
system ("echo rm -f $DIR_FOR_CLEANING/*TRAR");
If the echo command lists the files you do in fact want it to remove, then remove the "echo" and the rm will start deleting stuff.

Copy multiple files to different directories in Makefile

I have a Makefile where I currently have two files that should be copied to different directories. Currently, I've tested
echo ${dirs} | xargs -n 1 cp ${sources}
So I understand that this will not work since it will try to copy both source files to one of the directory every time. But is there a way that I can execute the copy command for every source file and directory each?
Best regards,
I think it is possible to deduce what you want from what you wrote, but as others pointed out, you should be more clear, so we don't have to spend time deducing it.
Anyway, since you want to not copy all files to all directories, you must somehow tell Make where you want to copy which files. The easiest way is to list the full paths of the copies you want in a variable such as $(COPIES), and not just ${dirs}. In this answer I am going to assume the destination directories already exist.
.PHONY: all
all: $(COPIES)
$(COPIES): %: $$(filter $$(PERCENT)/$$(notdir $$*), $(sources)) Makefile
cp $< $#

How to use Archive::Extract safely - againist zip bomb or similar?

Problem outline:
need allow upload ZIP files (and tgz and more compressed directory trees) via web-from
the zip files should be extracted for their content handling
planning to use Archive::Extract for the extracting
here are things like ZIP BOMBS and like...
From the manual
Archive::Extract can use either pure perl modules or command line
programs under the hood. Some of the pure perl modules (like
Archive::Tar and Compress::unLZMA) take the entire contents of the
archive into memory, which may not be feasible on your system.
Consider setting the global variable $Archive::Extract::PREFER_BIN to
1 , which will prefer the use of command line programs and won't
consume so much memory.
The questions are:
When I set the $Archive::Extract::PREFER_BIN = 1 - i'm enough protected againist ZIP-BOMB like things?
$Archive::Extract::PREFER_BIN protect me againist much memory usage - but, the standard unzip, tar -z unrar binaries are safe againist zip bomb like attacks?
If not - how to handle safely uploaded compressed directory tree? (so here is not only one file inside the e.g zip archive).
$Archive::Extract::PREFER_BIN = 1 doesn't protect you against zip bombs, you are passing the problem to the binary unzip tool of your system.
This SO question may helps you. I like the idea of running a second process with ulimit.

Shell Script to update the contents of a folder

I'm a beginner in Unix Shell Scripting and Perl Scripting.
I would like to have an example program that teaches me how to update a file contents on a directory.
The scenario is, there is a directory which has some n number of files.
Among those n number of files, m number of files have been modified.
I need to update the contents of the modified files in the directory.
Give me a simple shell script to do this.
Thanks and Regards,
I would do it with find like this:
find your_directory -newermt time_of_last_check -exec {} \;
your_directory is the directory where you have the files.
time_of_last_check is when you last ran this command is the program that you will run to modify the files, it should take one argument, and that is the filename to modify.
In Perl
To Update a File content see perlfaq5, you will find lot of information regarding File manipulation.You will get a lot of examples of file manipulations.
Getting File or Dir Statistics see perl built in function stat.
For Traverse a directory tree, see

How can I copy a directory but ignore some files in Perl?

In my Perl code, I need to copy a directory from one location to another on the same host excluding some files/patterns (e.g. *.log, ./myDir/
What would be the optimum way of doing this in Perl across all the platforms?
On Windows, xcopy is one such solution. On unix platforms, is there a way to do this in Perl?
I think you're looking for rsync. It's not Perl, but it's going to work a lot better than anything you make in Perl:
% rsync --exclude='*.log' --exclude='./myDir/' SOURCE DEST
If you have a bunch of patterns, you can put those all in a file:
Now ignore all the patterns in a file:
% rsync --exclude-from=do_not_sync.txt SOURCE DEST
I'd use File::Find, and step over each file, but instead of calling File::Copy's copy() on each file, first test to see if it matches the pattern, and then next if it does.
On *nix, you can use native tar command, with -exclude options. Then after creating the tar file, you can bring it over to your destination to untar it.