Delete files in a folder using Perl - perl

I want to delete all files in a folder, which contain he word TRAR in their filename.. I hav etried the following :
system ("cd /appl/virtuo/gways/config/ericsson-msc/v1/spool/input_d; rm-rf *TRAR");

remove all your config lines ( are they even perl? )
system ("cd /appl/virtuo/gways/config/ericsson-msc/v1/spool/input_d; rm -rf *TRAR")
should work but you should really be using perl code (unlink, etc)
I suspect you are confusing the usage of perl with how you will use awk in bash scripts.

As #Steffen Ullrich said, that isn't Perl or Shell. But I'll try to make it a little more Perlish for you:
First, note that
variables in Perl start with a $
strings need "quotes around them"
statements end with a ;
spaces around = are ok and make it all easier to read
$CONFIG_DIR = `pwd`;
$VENDOR = "ericsson-msc";
$RELEASE = "v1";
$BASE_DIR = "/appl/virtuo/gways";
Next, see how you can combine these into a single string like this (I'm guessing that's what you want to do)
$DIR_FOR_CLEANING = "$BASE_DIR/config/$VENDOR/$RELEASE/spool/input_d";
Lastly, you should be really careful whenever using the -r command to rm along with a wildcard like *. Look up the man page for rm and see if -r is something you want to do. I don't think you need it here, unless you have directories named *TRAR that you want to recurse into to remove. I'll bet you only have files named *TRAR in that input_d directory.
Also, the command the way you wrote it could fail the cd if that directory doesn't exist, and would then proceed to recursively remove *TRAR from whatever directory you're running the script from. But you don't need to change directories at all. Try something like this
system ("echo rm -f $DIR_FOR_CLEANING/*TRAR");
If the echo command lists the files you do in fact want it to remove, then remove the "echo" and the rm will start deleting stuff.


Using "rm" to remove files remotely from another directory?

I'm unable to use the rm command to remove files remotely from another directory. I'm a beginner so I apologise for my inability to elaborate properly.
Here's what I'm trying to do:
I'm trying to delete all .srt files from a sub directory. It works when I cd into the specific directory like so:
Command 1:
cd /users/jakubdonovan/library/cloudstorage/iCloud\ drive/the-modern-python3-bootcamp/target_folder
Command 2:
rm *.srt
However, let's say I want to quickly delete a specific file type from a folder without first using the "cd" command, like so:
rm *.srt /users/jakubdonovan/library/cloudstorage/iCloud\ drive/the-modern-python3-bootcamp/target_folder
It returns with "No matches for wildcard '*.srt'. See help expand."
Which is strange because I can use the touch, cp and and all the other commands remotely without a problem.
Is there a way to make the command "rm *.filetype" remove all the files with that specific filetype from a folder and all its subfolders in one swoop?
If you would like to rm in a sub-directory you just have to specify that sub-directory in the command.
rm /path/to/folder/*.filetype
or if you know that the folder is inside your current directory you can try...
rm ./folder/*.filetype

Can we wget with file list and renaming destination files?

I have this wget command:
sudo wget --user-agent='some-agent' --referer=http://some-referrer.html -N -r -nH --cut-dirs=x --timeout=xxx --directory-prefix=/directory/for/downloaded/files -i list-of-files-to-download.txt
-N will check if there is actually a newer file to download.
-r will turn the recursive retrieving on.
-nH will disable the generation of host-prefixed directories.
--cut-dirs=X will avoid the generation of the host's subdirectories.
--timeout=xxx will, well, timeout :)
--directory-prefix will store files in the desired directorty.
This works nice, no problem.
Now, to the issue:
Let's say my files-to-download.txt has these kind of files:
You can see the problem: on the second download, wget will see we already have a picture-same-name.jpg, so it won't download the second or any of the following ones with the same name. I cannot mirror the directory structure because I need all the downloaded files to be in the same directory. I can't use the -O option because it clashes with --N, and I need that. I've tried to use -nd, but doesn't seem to work for me.
So, ideally, I need to be able to:
a.- wget from a list of url's the way I do now, keeping my parameters.
b.- get all files at the same directory and being able to rename each file.
Does anybody have any solution to this?
Thanks in advance.
I would suggest 2 approaches -
Use the "-nc" or the "--no-clobber" option. From the man page -
If a file is downloaded more than once in the same directory, >Wget's behavior depends on a few options, including -nc. In certain >cases, the local file will be
clobbered, or overwritten, upon repeated download. In other >cases it will be preserved.
When running Wget without -N, -nc, -r, or -p, downloading the >same file in the same directory will result in the original copy of file >being preserved and the second copy
being named file.1. If that file is downloaded yet again, the >third copy will be named file.2, and so on. (This is also the behavior >with -nd, even if -r or -p are in
effect.) When -nc is specified, this behavior is suppressed, >and Wget will refuse to download newer copies of file. Therefore, ""no->clobber"" is actually a misnomer in
this mode---it's not clobbering that's prevented (as the >numeric suffixes were already preventing clobbering), but rather the >multiple version saving that's prevented.
When running Wget with -r or -p, but without -N, -nd, or -nc, >re-downloading a file will result in the new copy simply overwriting the >old. Adding -nc will prevent this
behavior, instead causing the original version to be preserved >and any newer copies on the server to be ignored.
When running Wget with -N, with or without -r or -p, the >decision as to whether or not to download a newer copy of a file depends >on the local and remote timestamp and
size of the file. -nc may not be specified at the same time as >-N.
A combination with -O/--output-document is only accepted if the >given output file does not exist.
Note that when -nc is specified, files with the suffixes .html >or .htm will be loaded from the local disk and parsed as if they had been >retrieved from the Web.
As you can see from this man page entry, the behavior might be unpredictable/unexpected. You will need to see if it works for you.
Another approach would be to use a bash script. I am most comfortable using bash on *nix, so forgive the platform dependency. However the logic is sound, and with a bit of modifications, you can get it to work on other platforms/scripts as well.
Sample pseudocode bash script -
for i in `cat list-of-files-to-download.txt`;
wget <all your flags except the -i flag> $i -O /path/to/custom/directory/filename ;
done ;
You can modify the script to download each file to a temporary file, parse $i to get the filename from the URL, check if the file exists on the disk, and then take a decision to rename the temp file to the name that you want.
This offers much more control over your downloads.

I can't make the mv command work on a Mac terminal

I am trying to move a file from Downloads to a folder on my desktop.
I keep getting this:
Why does the usage message appear afterwards?
It looks like your file has a space in it, so it needs to be escaped. Otherwise, mv tries to find a file named "Tres", one named "Beijos_C.pdf" and move them into that directory.
# Either...
mv Tres\ Beijos_C.pdf ~/Desktop/choro/
# ...or...
mv "Tres Beijos_C.pdf" ~/Desktop/choro/
If your file name contains spaces, you should surround it with " like this:
mv "my file name.txt" /home/user/Desktop

Using grep in eshell on NTemacs

I have been trying to do a recursive grep command on files in sub folders using grep in NTemacs and Cygwin. So far the "best" results have been using grep in eshell. When I use this:
grep "t" -r *
I get a list of all file names containing the letter t, in all sub folders one layer down but notthing else. In Cygwin i get nothing. I'm working on a directroy that is not in the Cygwin install. Don't know if that mather or not.
What I want is to match the content of a more complex string in all files (and not just the file names, but the content). And in all sub directories.
I would like to use eshell from emacs but I'm open to suggestions, apart form using LINUX. This is a work PC and I don't want to do all the setup of a LINUX install.
i just wrote a very similar answer to another question, but i suspect it's the same root problem:
my first thought is that your files have windows line endings (CRLF) as opposed to unix/linux line endings (LF), and that is messing with grep's ability to parse the file. try running this:
dos2unix filename
on each file you need to search then try your grep statement again.
if you need to convert many files across several directories, i suggest using dos2unix with the -exec action of find:
find . -exec dos2unix {} \;
(add whatever other options you need to find before running that, of course)

How can I tar multiple files in Perl?

How can I tar multiple directories and also append files with some pattern like '.txt' and exclude some directories and exclude some patterns like '.exe' all into a single tar file. The main point is the number of directories are unknown(dynamic), so I need to loop through I guess?
I'd use Archive::Tar and populate #filelist with Class::Path (specifically Class::Path::Dir's recurse method)
Assuming you have worked out what files you want using File::Find then something like
my #dir = qw/a b/ ;
system "tar -cvf mytar #dir" ;
might work. But you might find that the command line is too long.
In which case maybe write the list of files to a file and use the option
(and please don't tell me you are not allowed to write to files)
If for some reason you cannot, or are not permitted to, install additional modules beyond the base system you could use File::Find instead of Class::Path.
It sounds like you already know how to call out to the system tar command so I'll leave it at that.