How can I copy a directory but ignore some files in Perl? - perl

In my Perl code, I need to copy a directory from one location to another on the same host excluding some files/patterns (e.g. *.log, ./myDir/
What would be the optimum way of doing this in Perl across all the platforms?
On Windows, xcopy is one such solution. On unix platforms, is there a way to do this in Perl?

I think you're looking for rsync. It's not Perl, but it's going to work a lot better than anything you make in Perl:
% rsync --exclude='*.log' --exclude='./myDir/' SOURCE DEST
If you have a bunch of patterns, you can put those all in a file:
Now ignore all the patterns in a file:
% rsync --exclude-from=do_not_sync.txt SOURCE DEST

I'd use File::Find, and step over each file, but instead of calling File::Copy's copy() on each file, first test to see if it matches the pattern, and then next if it does.

On *nix, you can use native tar command, with -exclude options. Then after creating the tar file, you can bring it over to your destination to untar it.


Copy multiple files to different directories in Makefile

I have a Makefile where I currently have two files that should be copied to different directories. Currently, I've tested
echo ${dirs} | xargs -n 1 cp ${sources}
So I understand that this will not work since it will try to copy both source files to one of the directory every time. But is there a way that I can execute the copy command for every source file and directory each?
Best regards,
I think it is possible to deduce what you want from what you wrote, but as others pointed out, you should be more clear, so we don't have to spend time deducing it.
Anyway, since you want to not copy all files to all directories, you must somehow tell Make where you want to copy which files. The easiest way is to list the full paths of the copies you want in a variable such as $(COPIES), and not just ${dirs}. In this answer I am going to assume the destination directories already exist.
.PHONY: all
all: $(COPIES)
$(COPIES): %: $$(filter $$(PERCENT)/$$(notdir $$*), $(sources)) Makefile
cp $< $#

how to check for activity or lack thereof on a unix file directory using perl or unix commands

I have a process where many files are being copied (scp'd) to a DestinationServer by Host1, Host2, Host3, Host4 for example. Going to the same common directory: DestinationServer:/home/target. All the files are unique so no files will be overwritten. Host1-Host4 will have a cronjob that will launch their scp script to DestinationServer. The caveat is the Hosts are in different time zones, locations. So, they will finish at different times.
Since the files are being scp'd to Destination:/home/target, what is the best way to programmatically check when those scp's from the other Hosts are done??
My options are to programmatically do this either in perl or shell if possible.
What do I look for, what unix commands or perl modules could I use to help determine when the processes would finish? Any ideas, examples would be great! Thanks.
Use a Maildir kind of approach: copy all files to a temporary directory, then after the transfer is complete have the originating host perform a rename into the target directory via ssh. That way when a file appears in the target directory, you know that it is complete.
I suggest this because if you just scp files into the target directory and monitor the directory in whatever way, you cannot distinguish a complete transfer from an interrupted scp command or a network failure.
SGI::FAM, Sys::Gamin
Similar but alternative way to Jouni is to use semaphore files. Before scp-ing files originating host puts up semaphore-file and when finished, remove it. So you know, it's time.

Shell Script to update the contents of a folder

I'm a beginner in Unix Shell Scripting and Perl Scripting.
I would like to have an example program that teaches me how to update a file contents on a directory.
The scenario is, there is a directory which has some n number of files.
Among those n number of files, m number of files have been modified.
I need to update the contents of the modified files in the directory.
Give me a simple shell script to do this.
Thanks and Regards,
I would do it with find like this:
find your_directory -newermt time_of_last_check -exec {} \;
your_directory is the directory where you have the files.
time_of_last_check is when you last ran this command is the program that you will run to modify the files, it should take one argument, and that is the filename to modify.
In Perl
To Update a File content see perlfaq5, you will find lot of information regarding File manipulation.You will get a lot of examples of file manipulations.
Getting File or Dir Statistics see perl built in function stat.
For Traverse a directory tree, see

How can I tar multiple files in Perl?

How can I tar multiple directories and also append files with some pattern like '.txt' and exclude some directories and exclude some patterns like '.exe' all into a single tar file. The main point is the number of directories are unknown(dynamic), so I need to loop through I guess?
I'd use Archive::Tar and populate #filelist with Class::Path (specifically Class::Path::Dir's recurse method)
Assuming you have worked out what files you want using File::Find then something like
my #dir = qw/a b/ ;
system "tar -cvf mytar #dir" ;
might work. But you might find that the command line is too long.
In which case maybe write the list of files to a file and use the option
(and please don't tell me you are not allowed to write to files)
If for some reason you cannot, or are not permitted to, install additional modules beyond the base system you could use File::Find instead of Class::Path.
It sounds like you already know how to call out to the system tar command so I'll leave it at that.

How do I copy from numerous release directories to a single folder

Okay this is and isn't programming related I guess...
I've got a whole bunch of little useful console utilities scattered across a suite of projects that I wrote and I want to dump them all to a single directory to make using them simpler. The only issue is that I have them all compiled in both Debug and Release mode.
Given that I only want the release mode versions in my utilities directory, what switch would allow me to specify that I want all executables from my tree structure but only from within Release folders:
etc etc...
etc etc...
I figured this would be a cinch with XCopy - but it doesn't seem to allow me to exclude the Debug directories - or rather - only include items in my Release directories.
Any ideas?
You can restrict it to only release executables with the following. However, I do not believe the other requirement of flattening is possible using xcopy alone. To do the restriction:
First create a file such as exclude.txt and put this inside:
Then use the following command:
xcopy /e /EXCLUDE:exclude.txt *.exe C:\target
You can, however, accomplish what you want using xxcopy (free for non-commercial use). Read technical bulletin #16 for an explanation of the flattening features.
If the claim in that technical bulletin is correct, then it confirms that flattening cannot be accomplished with xcopy alone.
The following command will do exactly what you want using xxcopy:
xxcopy /sgfo /X:*\Debug\* .\Projects\*.exe .\Utilities
I recommend reading the technical bulletin, however, as it gives more sophisticated options for the flattening. I chose one of the most basic above.
Sorry, I haven't tried it yet, but shouldn't you be using:
xcopy release*.exe d:\destination /s
I am currently on my Mac so, I cant really check to be for sure.
This might not help you with assembling them all in one place now, but going forward have you considered adding a post-build event to the projects in Visual Studio (I'm assuming you are using it based on the directory names)
xcopy /Y /I /E "$(TargetDir)\$(TargetFileName)" "c:\somedirectory\$(TargetFileName)"
Ok, this is probably not going to work for you since you seem to be on a windows machine.
Here goes anyway, for the logic.
# From the base directory
mkdir Utilities
find . -type f | grep -w Release > utils.txt
for f in $(<utils.txt); do cp $f Utilities/; done
You can combine the find and cp lines into one, I split them for readability.
To do this on a windows machine you'll need Cygwin or some such Unix Utilities handy.
Maybe there are tools in the Windows shell to do this...
This may help get you started:
C:\>for %i in (*) do dir "%~dpi\*.exe"
Used in the dir command as a modifier to i, ~dp uses the drive and path of everything found in (*). If I run the above in a folder that has several subfolders containing executables, I get a dir list of all of the executables in each folder.
You should be able to modify that to add '\bin\release\' following the ~dpi portion and change dir to xcopy. A little experimentation should make it pretty easy.
To use the for statement above in a batch file, change '%' to '%%' in both places.