Submit iPhone App for limited Devices - iphone

I am on the edge of submitting my first iPhone Application.
So, now I have little confusion in the submitting process..
My application is only for iPhone and ipod touch users only, not for the ipad (yet). So, i don't know where I need to specify this option while submitting app to the apple. If anybody can help me then it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance...
EDIT: While submitting app to the app store I got one radio button option which is asking like "
Do you want to limit your app to only run on devices with specific capabilities?" Yes | No. (this question can be found just below the description field)
I don't know what to select and why..

It doesn't matter if your app isn't an "iPad app". If you submit it, it'll be submitted as an iPhone/iPod Touch app.
The iPad will be able to run it using it's scaling mode, and there's no way you can prevent this.
Unless you create your app to be universal for iPhone and iPad, this is how it will work.

If you are using features that are specific to updates like iPhone OS 3.0 then you would want to limit it to anything after that build. Otherwise users of say, the iPod Touch, who haven't upgraded would not be able to use all the features. If your app doesn't have any device or software specific capabilities then you can just check "NO".


Change compatibility of submitted app from universal to iPhone only

My app that I submitted yesterday to the App Store had to be compatible only for iPhones because that is how I already set it to like this.
Now I saw that on iTunes on my app it says that is compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod and it really should be only iPhone.
I tried to solve the problem with adding the element telephony to the array Required device capabilities in info.plist like this.
Will that make in iTunes to say Compatible with iPhone only and not allow installs on iPads and iPods ? If not how can I solve the problem ?
Yes, that should do it according to this other stack overflow post:
How to Restrict the iOS app only for iPhone excluding iPad?
Essentially there's no way to restrict apps by device unless the device doesn't have a feature you need, in this case, the ability to make calls (telephony).

Distribution of monotouch application for iphone only

I'm trying to get a ios monotouch project distributed for iphone only. But whenever i have uploaded to itunes connect the binary details keep telling me it is also available for ipad.
I did specify the targetdevice in the info.plist
Anyone had the same problem with monotouch?? or better, knows how to solve this!
You can't target iPhone only. The iPad is 100% iPhone-compatible, and will run all iPhone apps (and there is nothing you can do about it).
Maybe you can explain why you want to restrict your app to iPhone only?

Force universal app to run iPhone version on iPad

I've had an iPhone product on iTunes for a while and have superseded it with a universal app which has been met with approval except from one customer who wants to run the iPhone version on his iPad as he preferred the larger inputs and working of the iPhone.
Is there any way to configure the app to run either as native iPad app or iPhone app on iPad at runtime? Seems an odd request but customer is quite insistant.
No way to do that, except making separates versions for iPhone and iPad.
Theoretically, you could have some setting that would load the iPhone storyboard on the iPad, but it would still display full screen, and not in compatibility mode, which is probably the way this particular user wants it
Assuming you are running some sort of source control, you could change the project to be "iPhone Only" and then test on the iPad, then later revert the changes made to make it a Universal app again

Is there a way to determine if an iPhone / iPad app is installed?

Looking for code that would run in a browser (Safari) to determine if a certain iphone app was installed on a users device (iphone, ipad or ipod touch). The end goal is dynamically display messaging on a site to instruct the user to go install the app.
No way Apple will ever open up such functionality :) (and it does not exist right now)
This would be a significant privacy issue, Apple would not permit it.

How can I test my own application in ipod touch and iphone?

I have some iphone application that I created. I want to test my application in ipod touch. How can I test my application in ipod touch? Now I have no Apple id my own. If I open an id then how many applications can be tested with that id?
If you have an available solution then please give me the answer and help me.
If you want to test iPhone applications on a device, you'll need to be apply for the iPhone Developer Program. It costs $99 and will also let you submit applications to the App Store.
Once you are accepted, you can develop an unlimited number of applications (and submit them to the App Store) with your one identity.
Get an apple id and download the dev kit. It has all you need, including an emulator and a method for installing on local devices.