How can I test my own application in ipod touch and iphone? - iphone

I have some iphone application that I created. I want to test my application in ipod touch. How can I test my application in ipod touch? Now I have no Apple id my own. If I open an id then how many applications can be tested with that id?
If you have an available solution then please give me the answer and help me.

If you want to test iPhone applications on a device, you'll need to be apply for the iPhone Developer Program. It costs $99 and will also let you submit applications to the App Store.

Once you are accepted, you can develop an unlimited number of applications (and submit them to the App Store) with your one identity.

Get an apple id and download the dev kit. It has all you need, including an emulator and a method for installing on local devices.


How to run an iOS Application on a real device

I had developed an iOS Application using PhoneGap Framework. It's working good and well in simulator. Now I would like to test it in real device i.e iPhone 5 with iOS 6.0. I Googled thoroughly. I have two ways: jailbreak the device (not acceptable to me) or bidding the account in Apple portal.
Is there any other way to test my device my application in real device? Is there anybody here to solve my issue?
The official way is to enter the iOS Developer Program (99$), so that you will get the possibility to create certificates and provisioning profiles required. You will also get the chance to distribute your apps through the App Store.
If you are not willing to do it, the other way is jailbreaking your device, which is basically a way to circumvent the need to use certificates for your apps. Your app would then be distributed through an alternative app store like Cydia (i.e, no Apple App Store).
A third option could be getting in touch with an iOS developer friend of yours, and ask him/her to build the app for your device, so you can install it through iTunes.
There are no other options.
You have to register for a developer certificate in Apple.Developer.Then create provisioning profiles and install it. Otherwise you cant install your app in a real device.
You can refer this link for more info

Need Help Regarding Submission of Iphone app without having an iphone but i have a ipod touch

I m very new to Iphone development and started making iPhone apps and not having an iPhone,
so I'm considering buying an iPod touch,
now the question is : 1. Can i test my iphone apps in ipod touch and Submit to itunes store ?
2.Can i Create a Developer Account without having an iphone(with ipod)?
I have no idea how to test the app on the device and/or get the app onto the app store. so kindle help me.
1) Yes you can test your app in iPod touch..but note that some features are available for only iPhone that are not available on iPod(call..etc..).so i will suggest you buy a phone rather than iPod
2)Can i Create a Developer Account without having an iphone(with iPod)? .-- Yes you can won't have any issue with that
Absolutely you can use iPod touch! Unless of course you are using features that are only available on the iPhone device. In xCode just instead of the simulator select the device. You might have to open the organizer and then set the device as the development device. All this is performed with a single click of a button in xCode 4.X.

deploy iphone app on ipod

i implemented an application for iPhone, i just wanted to know that can i deploy iPhone app on iPod device via Xcode?
is it good idea or not?
my application needs internet connection every time, because to perform any operation app have to make request to web-server and web-server will response.
thank you in advance
To install an app to an iOS device, (iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad) you will need to purchase a developer certificate from Apple. You will need to be a member, visit iOS Dev Center to join. The membership cost $99 for a year and you can deploy/test your app on 100 devices. After your testing, you can submit your app to "App Store."
It makes no difference if you use an iPhone or an iPod, so long as your app doesn't use any features that only the iPhone has (vibrate, making calls, etc). They run the same OS, and so any app that you can install on an iPhone you can also install on an iPod.
Edit I'm assuming you mean iPod Touch...

How can I test Xcode Project on iPhone?

I have developed a view based project in Xcode. It is successfully running in iPhone Simulator. But I want to test this project on real iPhone device to check the behavior of application.
Is there any way I can test my application on iPhone device without buying Apple Developer's License?
Thanks in advance.
No, there is not. You pay the $99, and you get the ability to load software onto (a few, I believe) real iPhone/iPods. See for details.
No, Dear you can't install any app onto the iphone without their(Apple) permission. YOu have to buy the Apple's Developer License. That's the bad news for you..
I would say you can borrow devices to test your app project developed using Xcode, it is also easy and simple you can also link as many devices to test your app. I did this for one of my game app.
check the link below for reliable discussion
Install iPhone application in my device

iPhone development

I have an iPod touch.
I have a Mac.
I want to put an iPod touch app I write with my Mac on my iPod touch.
I don't plan to sell it on the Apple store.
I don't plan to distribute it to other people.
Is there anyway to do this without paying apple $99?
Short answer NO.
To download an app to a device you need to sign it, and the only way to sign is to sign up for the dev programme
No if you do not jailbreak your phone.
Not without jailbreaking the iPod Touch which would violate all sorts of agreements :)
You'll need the apple developer account (for $99) to code sign your application. Without this you will not be able to install it on a physical device, only on the simulator.
You could ask a fellow registered iPhone developer to help you out by signing it then sending it back to you so you can install it like a typical ad-hoc distributed app.
No, I'll need to buy a development license and you can put your app in your iPod!
Get a guy who has paid $99. Tell him to hook you up with a provisioned profile for your app, registering your device with the app name.
Install the provisioned profile file, and the app from xcode and you still have your clean phone.