How to cache text entered in the UITextField? - iphone

I have a requirement where i need to enter a text in the text field and when i come out of the view and again open the same view where text field is present, i need the text entered earlier need to appear on the textfield(caching) before the user enters the text for the second time.. Please help me..

Does the ViewController of the view containing the textfield get released if you leave the view? Maybe you should hold a reference to this ViewController that it won't be released and therefore your text is still present in the textfield.


is there any possibility to change fields dynamically

Is there any possibility to change the fields like textfield to textview when user click the edit button to change fields.... pls tell me any possibilities
Off the top of my head - dynamically swap to a textview when editing, and when done editing put the text into a textfield and put it back in the view.
Try that and then come back if you have any trouble with coding it.

How to make a contact field entry like this on iOS?

I have an application in which when tapping a button it will show a view to the user to enter the contact number of the user, like in the image below. Can anybody help me achieve this? I need my users to chose their country within the flags and corresponding stdcodes needs to be there
What I see in the example: a UIImageView for the country flag, a UILabel for the country code and a UITextField with a placeholder for the phone number. You can set de value for placeholder in IB or programmatically.
You will have to create a custom view for that.
Steps to do it:
Derive a class from UIView.
Add UIImageView, UILabel and UITextField into it.
Layout it properly.
On button click, show this view with proper frames/bounds.
Create a view like whatever you have shown and initially make it hidden, when user click on the button make the view visible.
ON action event add this sub view into your view
In Xib file,click the label and see the right side properties,In that properties you will find the placeholder option.In that placeholder,type the text you want.That text will be appeared as a hint for the user when he taps it.Or otherwise,directly in your code where you declare the label,in that label code
label.placeholder=#"Enter Contact here";

Reset UITextField's original placeholder text

I'm adding some user feedback mechanism into my app. The user types some comments into a text field and when that editing is done it updates a UITextView. Then when the user hits the submit button and moves on in the app the user may have need to send more feedback from the same form for a different item. I can reset the other fields and labels in the app to their default values when I hide the view, but not the textField (?). How can I reestablish the placeholder text next time the user accesses this view?
Your suggestions are humbly appreciated.
Thanks to Dwaine. Apparently I had the [textField setText:nil]; in the wrong place. Placing it in my textFieldDidEndEditing worked fine. Also, I was using the Did End on Exit rather than Editing Did End in Interface Builder which screwed things up.
In either the ViewWillAppear or ViewDidAppear (I'd suggest ViewWillAppear) function, set the text value of the UITextField to...nil I think...or just an empty string...
That should make the Placeholder Text show up again I think ^^

Detect what's being inputed in a UITextField

I have a UITable View with a textfield that is editable right on the view (like Phone in contacts, etc.). I want to enable/disable my save button conditional up text being present in this field. So, I want the button to start out as disabled (for a new record) and then, as soon as I type the first letter into my text field, I want the button enabled. If I delete again back to zero, I would like the button disabled. You get the point.
Now, for doing this I need some way to detect the text being inputed while the user writes it (and when he finishes editing).
Does anybody know how to do this?
Thanks a lot. Still noob...
Try this: (from the Apple documentation for UITextInputTraits)
A Boolean value indicating whether the return key is automatically enabled when text is entered by the user.
#property(nonatomic) BOOL enablesReturnKeyAutomatically
The default value for this property is NO. If you set it to YES, the keyboard disables the return key when the text entry area contains no text. As soon as the user enters any text, the return key is automatically enabled.
Have your view controller adopt the UITextFieldDelegate protocol, and then implement a couple of the protocol's methods:
– textFieldDidBeginEditing:
– textFieldDidEndEditing:
Also, be sure to set the text field's delegate property to point to your view controller. The text field will then automatically send these messages to the controller when editing session begins and ends.

UItextfield auto labelling

i'm having one text field, normally when touch the text field, keyboard will appear, is it any possibilities where when text field is touch one drop down list will appear to recommend value to be enter and value is selected it will appear in texr field
There's no automatic way of doing it but it is possible.
You would use the textFieldDidBeginEditing: delegate method of the UITextField to display a UIPickerView to your view. (You could also use textFieldShouldBeginEditing: depending on what you wanted to do.) When a user selected an item in the picker, you would add code to copy the appropriate text to the text field and, presumably, hide or delete the picker. You'd also need to hide or delete the picker when the text field lost focus.