UItextfield auto labelling - iphone

i'm having one text field, normally when touch the text field, keyboard will appear, is it any possibilities where when text field is touch one drop down list will appear to recommend value to be enter and value is selected it will appear in texr field

There's no automatic way of doing it but it is possible.
You would use the textFieldDidBeginEditing: delegate method of the UITextField to display a UIPickerView to your view. (You could also use textFieldShouldBeginEditing: depending on what you wanted to do.) When a user selected an item in the picker, you would add code to copy the appropriate text to the text field and, presumably, hide or delete the picker. You'd also need to hide or delete the picker when the text field lost focus.


Restrict the TAB key on accessory keyboards

I have a UIScrollView with 2 views, side by side, each of which covers the entire screen.
They are moved to visible bounds on user's action, only one covering the screen at a time. Both of these views have multiple UITextFields. Working with the simulator, I fill in a textField in the first view and when I press the Tab key, the firstResponder is assigned to a textField in the other view. I understand that on using the device, the user will not be able to do that. But what if the user uses a bluetooth keyboard, or similar accessory? I do not want a textField, that is currently not visible to become firstResponder. Can this be done?
EDIT: I just remembered the canBecomeFirstResponder method. But how do I determine which textField is about to becomeFirstResponder?
It sounds like the problem isn't that they shouldn't be able to tab between the two text fields, but instead that they shouldn't be able to edit a text field that isn't visible, and they should be able to tab between them if they are both visible at the same time.
Instead of restricting tab, I would implement the UITextField delegate method -textFieldShouldBeginEditing:, which allows you to return a boolean whether or not that text field should become the first responder.
Something such as:
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField
// Only edit if the text field is visible
return !textField.isHidden;
You may need to adjust this code to fit your 'is visible' status of the text field.

how to get the cursor in UITextView without keyboard?

I am developing a program in which I have UITextView in that I need a cursor without the key board.In this cursor is show only with the keyboard if I hide the keyboard cursor will also get hide.How can I get the cursor without the key board ?
The cursor is displayed as long as you UITextView is being edited.
Thus, you can change its inputView view to some other view if you need to, and it will be displayed instead of the keyboard.
See http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#DOCUMENTATION/UIKit/Reference/UIResponder_Class/Reference/Reference.html
With this method you can add your custom inputView, a UIPickerView for example, or as you say you want you can add a minimalist hidden UIView.
If you want to restrict UITextField content, you still need to implement UITextFieldDelegate, as the user can still paste content to your text field!

How to cache text entered in the UITextField?

I have a requirement where i need to enter a text in the text field and when i come out of the view and again open the same view where text field is present, i need the text entered earlier need to appear on the textfield(caching) before the user enters the text for the second time.. Please help me..
Does the ViewController of the view containing the textfield get released if you leave the view? Maybe you should hold a reference to this ViewController that it won't be released and therefore your text is still present in the textfield.

Detect what's being inputed in a UITextField

I have a UITable View with a textfield that is editable right on the view (like Phone in contacts, etc.). I want to enable/disable my save button conditional up text being present in this field. So, I want the button to start out as disabled (for a new record) and then, as soon as I type the first letter into my text field, I want the button enabled. If I delete again back to zero, I would like the button disabled. You get the point.
Now, for doing this I need some way to detect the text being inputed while the user writes it (and when he finishes editing).
Does anybody know how to do this?
Thanks a lot. Still noob...
Try this: (from the Apple documentation for UITextInputTraits)
A Boolean value indicating whether the return key is automatically enabled when text is entered by the user.
#property(nonatomic) BOOL enablesReturnKeyAutomatically
The default value for this property is NO. If you set it to YES, the keyboard disables the return key when the text entry area contains no text. As soon as the user enters any text, the return key is automatically enabled.
Have your view controller adopt the UITextFieldDelegate protocol, and then implement a couple of the protocol's methods:
– textFieldDidBeginEditing:
– textFieldDidEndEditing:
Also, be sure to set the text field's delegate property to point to your view controller. The text field will then automatically send these messages to the controller when editing session begins and ends.

UITextField and UITableViews... Am I doing this correctly? If not, what is the best way?

I have an array of folders. Each folder is listed as a table view row.
When I display my table, I populate it with a set of textfields on the left hand side of the row (i want the user to be able to edit them) and a set of switches (on/off) on the right hand side of the row.
All is working well, you can touch the textfield and the keyboard appears. You can changed the values of the switch each time also.
The problem I'm having is knowing which text field has been changed so that I can update my array ready to save the values.
I'm using..
[textField addTarget:self action:#selector(textFieldDone:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventEditingDidEndOnExit];
-(void)textFieldDone:(UITextField *)textField
The problem is that the textField object does not contain any unique information about it in the textFieldDone selector. I've tried setting
[textField setTag:rowNumber];
But it doesn't show as tag is not part of the textField object.
Anyone any ideas on the best way of doing this? Surely there must be lots of applications that have have textfields in table rows that you can switch between?
Or maybe I'm missing something here....
Actually 'tag' is part of the UITextField as it is inherited from UIView.
Maybe I can suggest a different approach. Use your table view to display the data with a checkmark in the accessory view if the boolean value you are representing with a switch currently is set to YES. When the user taps that row, push a new view controller that contains a text field and a switch that the user can edit.
Is there an application you've seen that uses the UI method your attempting with the text field and switch in a table cell?
Keep in mind that you are probably reusing table cells, which is what you're supposed to do, however you may not be setting the tag on subsequent uses of that cell. Just guessing here.