is there any possibility to change fields dynamically - ios5

Is there any possibility to change the fields like textfield to textview when user click the edit button to change fields.... pls tell me any possibilities

Off the top of my head - dynamically swap to a textview when editing, and when done editing put the text into a textfield and put it back in the view.
Try that and then come back if you have any trouble with coding it.


iOS - Using TPKeyboardAvoiding on two scroll views, they affect each other

It is so lucky to find the michaeltyson/TPKeyboardAvoiding to solve the Keyboard blocking text field problem. The TPKeyboardAvoiding is very nice. User just needs defining custom class as TPKeyboardAvoiding to make it happen.
My Question and Problem is:
In my condition, I have two views include scroll view. In each scroll view, there are sevral text fields. One view segue to other view. After segued view's last text field been edited, the previous view can't scroll to the last text filed.
All in all, after user editing one scroll view, the other view's content insets -> bottom value changed! Anyone has similar experience with me?
Correct one
Wrong one
My unsuccessful try: I have tried copy another paire of TPKeyboardAvoidingScrollView.h & .m file into project, and renamed them.It doesn't work.
BTW, even the segued view can't raise last textfield up entirely.
I have not used TPKeyboardAvoid with two Scroll views but sometime using alternate framework might solve your problem :
You can give try to following frameworks -

How to display keyboard for editing of 'right detail' style UITableViewCell? (iPhone/iPad)

I'm using storyboard to create a grouped UITableView. Within the table I have several different cells setup with the 'right detail' style. I have also added IBOutlets to the UILabels on the right of these cells, however when someone presses the cell there's no way of editing them.
Here is what the cells look like:
I need a way of allowing the user to edit the value on the right when they press the row in the table (similar to that of the 'Contacts' application on iPhone when you edit phone numbers etc.).
Please can someone help me?
A UILabel object does not support user editing. If you need a text field that the user can edit using the keyboard, you need to use a UITextField or a UITextView.

How to keep UIKeyboard when textfield is regisned first responder?

I'm writing an app that has a view similar to the SMS app's text editing view. It has a textview on the top and a textfield on the bottom. I want to allow users to copy and paste texts in the textview while keeping the keyboard appear. But if I try to copy the text, the UITextField will resign first responder and the keyboard will missing. Any ideas about how can the SMS app keep the keyboard while user is copying texts in another view?
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldEndEditing:(UITextField *)textField
return NO;
I've tried to return NO for -(BOOL)textFieldShouldEndEditing: , but the textview to the upper cannot copy text then.
Related Option:
Just Give a button on Topbar or anywhere else that have option to copy the text then its more user friendly..
Second Option:
If you have much good know programming concepts then just create the new view above the keyboard and animate when keyboard is show and don't resignfirstresponder, and following options are their, copy text, done, in the done action you have resign first responder
Those are only option which u have done if you want more userfriendly app because in appStore and appReview Department have verify the User Convenience UI Integrations and you must full fill that and from the other side user's whom purchase or download the app also give the awesome comments on the app who is more reliable and cashless functionalities ....
I've tried to return NO for -(BOOL)textFieldShouldEndEditing: , but the textview to the upper cannot copy text then.
add a textfield so it can scroll and set the dimentions or just add the scrollbar to scroll it to .. it will solve your problem

Reset UITextField's original placeholder text

I'm adding some user feedback mechanism into my app. The user types some comments into a text field and when that editing is done it updates a UITextView. Then when the user hits the submit button and moves on in the app the user may have need to send more feedback from the same form for a different item. I can reset the other fields and labels in the app to their default values when I hide the view, but not the textField (?). How can I reestablish the placeholder text next time the user accesses this view?
Your suggestions are humbly appreciated.
Thanks to Dwaine. Apparently I had the [textField setText:nil]; in the wrong place. Placing it in my textFieldDidEndEditing worked fine. Also, I was using the Did End on Exit rather than Editing Did End in Interface Builder which screwed things up.
In either the ViewWillAppear or ViewDidAppear (I'd suggest ViewWillAppear) function, set the text value of the UITextField to...nil I think...or just an empty string...
That should make the Placeholder Text show up again I think ^^

How to cache text entered in the UITextField?

I have a requirement where i need to enter a text in the text field and when i come out of the view and again open the same view where text field is present, i need the text entered earlier need to appear on the textfield(caching) before the user enters the text for the second time.. Please help me..
Does the ViewController of the view containing the textfield get released if you leave the view? Maybe you should hold a reference to this ViewController that it won't be released and therefore your text is still present in the textfield.